あおぞら整骨院 綱島院

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Contact あおぞら整骨院 綱島院

住所 :

Tsunashimahigashi, Kohoku Ward, Yokohama, 〒223-0052 Kanagawa,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Webサイト : http://www.aozoras.com/p01/tunashima.html
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–5PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 9AM–8PM
Tuesday 9AM–8PM
Wednesday 9AM–8PM
Thursday 9AM–8PM
Friday 9AM–8PM
街 : 〒1590 Kanagawa

Tsunashimahigashi, Kohoku Ward, Yokohama, 〒223-0052 Kanagawa,Japan
はっちゃん on Google

高校生の時に腰を痛めてかれこれ8年間お世話になっております。 最近は行く頻度が減りましたが、久しぶりに行ってもいつもと変わらぬ笑顔で対応してくれるとても患者思いの接骨院です! 自分は腰の鍼治療で通わせていただいてますがとても楽になります。鍼治療が痛いのでは?って声を多々聞く事ありますが「あおぞら接骨院綱島店」の鍼治療は痛くもなく電気も流してくれるのでオススメです!先日母親もあおぞら接骨院綱島店デビューいたしました!これからもよろしくお願いします!
I hurt my back when I was in high school and have been taking care of it for the last eight years. Recently, I went less frequently, but it is a very patient-oriented bone-care center that will respond with a smile that is always the same even if I go after a long absence! I have been going through my waist acupuncture, but it is very easy. Does acupuncture hurt? I heard a lot of voices, but it is recommended that acupuncture treatment at "Aozora Kashiin Tsunashima Store" does not hurt and it also gives electricity! The other day my mother also debuted at Aozora Tsunashima Store! I look forward to working with you!
M H on Google

I'm allowed to go because my back pain got worse. The receptionist is also amiable and the treatment is polite and comfortable. It is easy to be convenient in time and is saved. Thank you for your continued support.
ゆう on Google

I hesitated to go by corona, but I decided to go because it was painful and painful, but here the corona measures were thoroughly implemented, and ventilation and disinfection were also thoroughly implemented. .. The pain in my lower back, which is essential, has improved completely, and now I can carry heavy luggage.
小幡洋平 on Google

3年前に長引く腰痛と肩こりに耐えかねて、来院しました。今まで、いくつかの整骨院に行きましたが、予算が合わず、長続きしませんでした。しかし、あおぞら接骨院はとてもリーズナブルな価格で満足の出来る施術を受けられます。定期的にきちんと通える理由は、そのリーズナブルさだけではありません。行くと必ず、「こんにちは○○さん」と声をかけてくれたり、前話したことを覚えてくれていたり…そのアットホームな雰囲気も魅力のひとつです。 また、施術中の会話の中で、体の不調を相談すると、いろいろ具体的なアドバイスをくれたり、自宅でできるストレッチも教えて頂いたり、紙にまとめてくださったこともあります。日々の生活にも役立ちます。
Three years ago I came to the hospital to endure prolonged back pain and stiff shoulders. Until now, I went to some osteopaths, but my budget was not right and it didn't last long. However, Aozora Osteopath can receive satisfactory treatment at a very reasonable price. It's not just the reason that you can go on a regular basis. Go and always, is "Hello ○○'s" and or me over the voice, one of the pre-talk was also me not or ... its homely atmosphere remember that charm. Also, during the conversation during the treatment, when I consulted about physical problems, I gave me various specific advice, I was taught about stretching that I can do at home, and I have also collected it on paper. It is useful for everyday life.
小林 on Google

別の場所で治療時間を長くしてもらっても治らなかった痛みが、短時間で嘘のように改善しました。 やはり短い時間で効果が実感できると嬉しいですね。
The pain that did not heal even if I had the treatment time extended in another place improved like a lie in a short time. It would be great if you could feel the effect in a short time.
tsuyoshi ushijima on Google

I went to the hospital because the numbness in my legs that started from driving a car for a long time became worse because of my back. It's different from healing massage, but I'd like to go there for a while because I want to fundamentally repair my body. The explanation was also polite and easy to understand.
もかふ on Google

家族が坐骨神経痛と診断され痛み止を飲み続けるのは...とネットで探し「あおぞら整骨院さん」にお世話になることにしました。 まず電話で相談させてもらった時からとても丁寧で安心感のある対応をして頂き、その後も毎回じっくり症状などの確認をしながら分かりやすくきちんと説明をしてくださり信頼して施術を受けることができています。 痛みがあり座っていることも辛い状態だったのですが、2回目で早くも楽になっている様でした。 コロナ対策もしっかりされていたので良かったです。 こちらでお世話になれて本当に良かったです。
My family was diagnosed with sciatica and continued to take painkillers ... I searched online and decided to take care of "Aozora Osteopathic Institute". First of all, from the time I consulted on the phone, I received a very polite and reassuring response, and after that, I explained the symptoms in an easy-to-understand manner while carefully checking the symptoms, etc., and received the treatment with confidence. Is done. I had a pain and it was hard to sit down, but it seemed to be easier for me the second time. It was good because the measures against corona were well taken. I'm really glad that I was taken care of here.
Hana Tsuno on Google

I went the clinic because I was injured during exercise. I was able to feel that the treatment alleviated the pain and made my leg lighter. And I recovered until I was able to exercise as before. Judo therapists were also easy to talk to, and each time they listened carefully to the injured condition and the pain. Even after the treatment, he explained what he adjusted and strongly saids "It's OK!", which was reassured me. It is a better osteopathic clinic where you can go with assure. I am very grateful to his God's Hands! Best regards from now on.

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