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Contact 立喰そば吾妻屋

住所 :

Tsukagoshi, Warabi, 〒335-0002 Saitama,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
街 : Saitama

Tsukagoshi, Warabi, 〒335-0002 Saitama,Japan
眞咲仁 on Google

緊急事態宣言が解除され後、飲食店の営業時間制限も解除されたので平日の21時くらいに行って来ました。 隣の席とはパーティションが設けられてました。 やっぱりここのつゆは甘辛くて美味い! 久々に食べれて満足でした。
After the state of emergency was lifted, the restaurant business hours restrictions were lifted, so I went there around 21:00 on weekdays. There was a partition with the next seat. After all, the soup here is sweet and delicious! I was happy to eat it after a long time.
Rambo J on Google

全て既製品。安かろう、不味かろう。 つゆ最悪。真っ黒で味がしない。 めん。箸でつかんだだけでちぎれるブヨブヨ。 いかゲソ。駄菓子屋の竹串より不味い。 安くても早くても食べたくない。空腹だったが半分も食べれませんでした。
All ready-made products. It's cheap, it's not good. The worst soup. It is pitch black and has no taste. noodle. Buyobuyo that can be torn off just by grabbing it with chopsticks. Squid geso. It tastes worse than the bamboo skewers of a candy store. I don't want to eat cheap or fast. I was hungry but couldn't eat half.
tetsuya takahashi on Google

I always eat Tentama soba. The soup stock is soaked and delicious. I'm glad that the kakiage has a little lower leg.
まりおっとぼんぶぉい on Google

かけそば大盛生たまごをいただく あっという間に満席に 鰹出汁が取れていて美味しくなる ネギは多め 七味あり
Kake soba Omori raw egg is served in a blink of an eye. The bonito broth is taken and it becomes delicious. There are a lot of green onions and there are seven flavors.
鈴木弘 on Google

Anyway, the juice is salty. But there are always quite a few customers. I also go there once in a while. It seems to be bad for your body, but it's a habit ... By the way, it seems that this kind of juice is called dark. It seems that it is steadily decreasing due to health consciousness.
徳嶺昴 on Google

安くて美味しかった。やや太めのソバ麺も値段の割に美味しかったけど、特に汁が美味しかった。見た目はかなり濃く、見た目ほどではないけど味も濃い目。 かき揚げも美味しかった。 イカ天は大きめで、しっかり切り込みが入っていた。 揚げ置きの天ぷらを厨房のアツアツの汁に浸してから丼に載せるのがこの店の特徴で、汁が染み込んで美味しい一方、崩れやすく、好みが分かれるところかもしれない。 カレーはレトルトっぽい味でイマイチだったけど、ソバ&うどん屋だし、まあ仕方ない。
It was cheap and delicious. The slightly thick buckwheat noodles were delicious for the price, but the juice was especially delicious. The appearance is quite dark, and the taste is not as strong as it looks. The kakiage was also delicious. The squid heaven was large and had a solid notch. The characteristic of this restaurant is that the deep-fried tempura is soaked in the hot soup of the kitchen and then placed on the bowl. While the soup is soaked in and delicious, it easily crumbles and may have different tastes. The curry tasted like retort and wasn't good, but it's a buckwheat and udon restaurant, so it can't be helped.
nerpon nerpon on Google

good old days! The chewy noodles, the black soba noodles that were often found in soba restaurants at old stations. The soba noodles at the station these days have become too decent, and there are no more soba noodles like this. It's not very delicious, but it's a mysterious taste that makes me go out to eat for some reason. Isn't it even a drug? ^ _ ^
oy tr on Google

醤油っ気を主張する、カラくて真っ黒いつゆ。 醤油が勝ってしまって、出汁感が弱いような。。 ここへヤワヤワでコシの弱い蕎麦。。 特にざるそばは、完食に苦労します。 酷評ですが、なぜ★4つなのかと言うと、それでも不思議と食べたくなって通ってしまうのです。 マズウマ…?…何故なんだ…うまく説明が付かない…ウゴゴ… 微妙に我慢しつつ完食後に店を出ると、不思議な満足感。 呑んだ次の日はまた行きたくなるんだよなぁ。。
A black soy sauce that insists on soy sauce. It seems that the soy sauce has won and the soup stock is weak. .. Here is a soba noodle that is Yawayawa and has a weak body. .. Especially for Zaru soba, it is difficult to finish the meal. It's criticized, but the reason why there are four ★ is that I still wonder why I want to eat it. Mazuuma ...? ... why ... I can't explain it well ... When I leave the restaurant after finishing the meal with a slight patience, I feel a mysterious feeling of satisfaction. The next day I swallowed, I want to go again. ..

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