串や きらぼし 蕨店

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 串や きらぼし 蕨店

住所 :

Tsukagoshi, Warabi, 〒335-0002 Saitama,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88797
街 : Saitama

Tsukagoshi, Warabi, 〒335-0002 Saitama,Japan
star mime on Google

素朴な良い居酒屋さんです お近くの方は行ってみては いかがでしょうか? 焼き鳥が売りのようですが 日替わりのお魚も美味しかったです
It ’s a simple and good izakaya. If you are near you, please go What do you think? Yakitori seems to be on sale The daily fish was also delicious
ジェーソン on Google

Yakitori is expensive at 180 yen, but it was delicious with a little salt.
いろはにほへと on Google

アルバイトの女性陣の対応が◎‼︎ 愛想の良い方ばかりでした。また、カウンターに座った際は料理人の方もお話してくれますし、料理の説明も丁寧にしてくださりとても良いお店だと感じました。お料理はチェーン店に比べると少しお値段張りますが、美味しいですし満足度が高いです!
Responses from part-time female staff ◎ Only those who were amiable. Also, when I sat at the counter, the chefs talked to me, and the food was carefully explained, and I felt it was a very good restaurant. The food is a bit more expensive than chain restaurants, but it's delicious and highly satisfying!
T M on Google

緊急事態宣言中も自粛せずお酒を提供してました カード支払いする為カードを渡したのに カードを返さず また支払いをするように言われました 生まれてはじめてでした 味は普通です 可もなく不可もなし
I served alcohol without refraining from doing so even during the state of emergency. I handed over the card to pay for the card, but I was told not to return the card and to pay again. It was the first time I was born. The taste is normal. Neither nor impossible
S Y on Google

It's a delicious and clean restaurant with excellent staff support. it's recommended.
関山恵子 on Google

It is good to drink slowly by one person at the counter seat, and I often see females and people coming alone ♬ The knobs are abundant and quite delicious. I think the atmosphere of the shop is also very good.
Walker Press on Google

焼き鳥もつまみも予想を超えて美味かった。 麦芽の珍しいサワーもあり、酒の種類も豊富。 焼き鳥もメニューにこだわりを感じる。 酒の値段がもうちょい安いと嬉しい。 良い場所に良い店ができてくれた。
The yakitori snacks were also better than expected. There is also a rare sour of malt, and there is a wide variety of sake. Yakitori also feels particular about the menu. I'm glad if the price of sake is cheap. A good store was opened in a good place.
む。。 on Google

店長の対応が草。 常連?の対応にはニコニコ。酔ってるのか覚えてない客には髭やろーは冷遇。 正直態度悪すぎて気分悪い。隣のセブンでお酒買って家で飲んだ方がまし。料理もまずい。二度と行かない。 女の子のお客さん(若くて可愛い)にはサービスが良い。
The store manager's response is grass. Regular? Nico Nico for the correspondence. Beards and roars are treated coldly for customers who do not remember whether they are drunk. Honest attitude is too bad and I feel sick. It's better to buy sake at the next Seven and drink it at home. The food is also bad. I will never go again. Good service for girl customers (young and cute).

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