TSUJI -お茶とかき氷-

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Contact TSUJI -お茶とかき氷-

住所 :

Senju, Adachi City, 〒120-0034 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +897
Webサイト : https://www.instagram.com/cafe_tsuji/
街 : Tokyo

Senju, Adachi City, 〒120-0034 Tokyo,Japan
JESSE K on Google

ぶらり途中下車の旅をたまたま見ていた時に出てたので訪問。 放送後4-5日後くらいだったので、混んでいるかなと思ったのですが、 平日だったためか、それとも、北千住駅から歩いたら10分程度あるためか、 それほど混んでおらず、待たずに注文できました。 店員さんは大学生とかアルバイトさんでしょうか? 接客の対応はとても良かったです。 欲を言えば、お店のテイストに合わせて、落ち着きのある大人の女性が よいのではと思いました。 和食板垣の隣に増築されたようです。 コロナの影響で、新しいことを始めないと厳しいのでしょうか。 頑張ってほしいです。 TSUJIさんの中は満席だったため、テラス席に案内されたのですが、和テイストを 感じられてとても良いです。とても暑い日だったのですが、風通しもよく 気持ちよかったです。水のセルフサービスもあり、水をがぶ飲みして 生き返りました。 ピスタチオショコラを注文。一口食べると、ピスタチオの香ばしい風味がお口いっぱいに 広がり、素材がきちんと活きています。 食べ進めていくと、なかにブルーベリーが入っており、今度は甘酸っぱいお味が氷と 一緒に火照った体に溶けていきます。 かき氷の器が小さくて、お盆にこぼれてしまうのですが、これもできるだけ残さず 食べて完食。 高級かき氷店を、数年前から巡ってますが、このお店は確実に上位ですね。 谷根千の有名なお店より、TSUJIさんのほうが、お店の雰囲気、味、接客、落ち着き度 どれを取ってみても、はるかに良いです。 穴場的な感じで、おすすめのお店です。
I visited when I happened to be watching the trip to get off on the way. It was about 4-5 days after the broadcast, so I thought it was crowded. Maybe it was a weekday, or maybe it was about 10 minutes walk from Kitasenju station. It wasn't too crowded and I could order without waiting. Is the clerk a college student or a part-time job? The customer service was very good. Speaking of greed, a calm adult woman matches the taste of the shop I thought it was good. It seems that it was added next to the Japanese Itagaki. Is it tough if you don't start something new because of the influence of Corona? I want to do my best. Since the inside of Mr. TSUJI was full, I was guided to the terrace seat, but I had a Japanese taste. It is very good to feel. It was a very hot day, but it was well ventilated It was comfortable. There is also water self-service, so gulp down the water I came back to life. I ordered pistachio chocolate. When you eat a bite, the fragrant flavor of pistachio fills your mouth It spreads and the material is working properly. As I continued to eat, there were blueberries inside, and this time the sweet and sour taste was ice. It will melt into the lit body together. The shaved ice bowl is so small that it spills into the tray, but I don't leave this as much as possible. Eat and finish. I've been to high-end shaved ice shops for several years, and this shop is definitely the top. TSUJI has a better atmosphere, taste, customer service, and calmness than Yanesen's famous shop. Whichever you take, it's much better. It's a little-known place, and it's a recommended shop.
モカ on Google

I came to the store on Saturday at 9:30. We were already waiting for about 5 groups of 10 people. When I ordered a double melon ? and ate a bite, the refreshing flavor of the melon spread in my mouth and I forgot about the heat. Not only the syrup was double, but also two kinds of flesh were included, which made me happy.
はる on Google

8月13日平日金曜日でしたが、お盆休みの期間かと思います。 11時オープンですか10時40分には2人1組並んでて、そのあとが私、5分後にまた1人と開店前に人が少しずつ来ていました。 北千住駅から少し歩きますが商店街通り?なので場所はすごく分かりやすいです。 メニューは事前にインスタで見ましたがお店に着くと新しいメニューも加わってました。 その後はオープンまでに10人弱は並んでましたが 店内は2人席× 4の8人席… 4人で来てる方もいたのでその場合入れないという感じです。 メニューは店外のカウンターで選んで支払いを済ませてから店内に入る仕組み。 店員さんの人柄もよくお店も清潔感があってとても素敵でした。 ただ空調がききすぎててホットドリンクを頼んだにも関わらずかき氷半分くらい食べたところですごく寒すぎて隣の人も寒いと震えてました。 外の気温は27℃の日でしたが雨も降ってて関係なかったです。 かき氷はピスタチオを食べました。メニュー通り中にはベリーソースとチョコレートソースが隠れてて美味しかったです。かき氷もふわふわ系なので好きな人にはいいかも。 オープンして30分経過した時には待ちは13組になってました。 これはホント個人的な意見ですが周囲に加齢臭や腋臭の方がいますと狭い店内臭いが漂ってきてかき氷所ではありませんでした…
It was Friday, August 13th, but I think it was during the Obon holidays. Is it open at 11 o'clock? At 10:40, a pair of people lined up, then I, and another person 5 minutes later, and a few people came before the store opened. It's a short walk from Kitasenju station, but is it a shopping street? So the location is very easy to understand. I saw the menu on Instagram in advance, but when I arrived at the store, a new menu was added. After that, a little less than 10 people lined up by the time it opened. There are 8 seats in the store, 2 seats x 4 ... Some people came with four people, so I feel like I can't enter in that case. The menu is selected at the counter outside the store, and after payment is completed, you enter the store. The clerk's personality was good and the shop was clean and very nice. However, even though the air conditioner was too tight and I ordered a hot drink, when I ate about half of the shaved ice, it was too cold and the neighbors were trembling as cold. The outside temperature was 27 degrees Celsius, but it didn't matter because it was raining. Shaved ice ate pistachios. Berry sauce and chocolate sauce were hidden in the menu and it was delicious. The shaved ice is also fluffy, so it may be good for people who like it. When 30 minutes passed after opening, there were 13 groups waiting. This is my personal opinion, but if there were odors of aging or axillary odors around me, the smell of the store was small and it wasn't a shaved ice place ...
さくらい.まさゆき on Google

【2021.05.14訪問】 北千住にあるかき氷専門店のTSUJI(辻)さん。北千住の駅から10分ほどの距離にあって、たしか商店街の突き当たりにお店があったと思います。カウンターで先にオーダーしてから店内に入るシステムですね。 こちらのお店はお値段がリーズナブルでビックリしましたね。安いのは500円から食べることができるんですよ。店内も清潔感があって居心地が良いし、窓からの眺めもいいんですよね。ひとりで来たらボーッと眺めたくなる景色なんです。夏の時期は人気が出そうなカフェだなって思いました。 ◆ キウイ&パイン ¥1200 シンプルかき氷とスペシャルかき氷の2種類があります。これはスペシャルかき氷のキウイ&パインです。氷たっぷりシロップたっぷりで贅沢ですね。 上にはキウイとパイナップルのソースが半分ずつかかっています。さらにグラノーラやヨーグルトソース、ミルクソースやキャラメルソースも入っているんですよ。いろんな味があるから最後まで飽きずに楽しめますね。 なによりこのフルーツシロップが美味しいから好きですね。氷にほんのり甘味があるので練乳か何かで甘味をつけていると思います。ちなみにかき氷の中には蜂蜜漬けのキウイとパインが入っているので果肉の食感も味わえますよ。
[Visit 2021.05.14] Mr. TSUJI, a shaved ice specialty store in Kitasenju. It's about 10 minutes from Kitasenju station, and I think there was a shop at the end of the shopping street. It's a system where you order first at the counter and then enter the store. I was surprised that the price of this shop was reasonable. The cheapest ones can be eaten from 500 yen. The inside of the store is clean and cozy, and the view from the window is nice, isn't it? It's a scenery that makes you want to look at it when you come alone. I thought it would be a popular cafe in the summer. ◆ Kiwi & Pine ¥ 1200 There are two types, simple shaved ice and special shaved ice. This is a special shaved ice kiwi & pine. It's luxurious with plenty of ice and syrup. Half of the kiwi and half of the pineapple sauce are on top. It also contains granola, yogurt sauce, milk sauce and caramel sauce. There are various flavors so you can enjoy it till the end without getting tired. Above all, I like this fruit syrup because it's delicious. The ice has a slight sweetness, so I think it is sweetened with condensed milk or something. By the way, the shaved ice contains kiwi and pineapple pickled in honey, so you can enjoy the texture of the flesh.
Shupa Shupa on Google

土曜の昼時にお邪魔しました。タイミング良かったか、まだ寒い時期ですので並ばずに座ることが出来ました。 シンプルかき氷の抹茶をいただきました。シンプルといいながらも表面は苦めの抹茶から、抹茶シロップ、下段はミルクと食べ進むごとに異なる味わいを堪能することが出来ました。勿論、氷もフワフワです。
I visited you at noon on Saturday. The timing was good, or it was still cold so I was able to sit without lining up. I had a simple shaved ice matcha. Although it is simple, the surface is bitter matcha, matcha syrup, and the lower part is milk. I was able to enjoy different flavors as I ate. Of course, the ice is also fluffy.
doc ichigo on Google

一年中かき氷が楽しめるお店。 店内は座席数が少ないので、混雑時はテイクアウトした方が早いかも? かき氷は、今時のエスプーマ乗せや変わり種が比較的多め?かな? 個人的にはかき氷はシンプルな方が好みです。 隣の板垣さんでランチしてからの流れが良いかもですね。
A shop where you can enjoy shaved ice all year round. Since the number of seats in the store is small, it may be faster to take out when it is crowded. Is there a relatively large amount of shaved ice with the current espuma and unusual varieties? Wonder? Personally, I prefer simple shaved ice. It may be good to have lunch at Mr. Itagaki next door.
Shamik Kundu on Google

Small, cozy cafe serving kakigori in a very residential area of kitasenju. The ice could be a little more fine grained but overall a positive experience. I tried pistachio - chocolate and pine-kiwi kakigori. Both of them were really good. They only have about 3 tables. So could get crowded pretty quickly. Take out is also possible. Price ranges from 1000-1500yen.
星野浩 on Google

Avery small Shaved Ice shop. You can eat in or outside. Regular shaved ice is very reasonable. I ate one with my friend because it was so big. Try and enjoy.

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