京成タクシー成田(株) 成田営業所

3.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 京成タクシー成田(株) 成田営業所

住所 :

Tsuchiya, Narita, 〒286-0021 Chiba,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Webサイト : https://www.keiseitaxi-narita.com/
街 : 〒1F Chiba

Tsuchiya, Narita, 〒286-0021 Chiba,Japan
sa o on Google

I do not want to wear even one. A customer service attitude that clearly makes a fool of a person. shit. I will not use it again.
熊野古道 on Google

良い人ばかりではなかったですょ。 年配の方荷物をトラックへ手を貸してくれませんでした。最悪
You were not just good people. Elderly luggage did not lend a hand to the truck. worst
datsun on Google

It was used at night, but I was happy to respond. Thank you very much.
queen on Google

The phone call of the dispatched woman was healed by God support, and the driver who came was a healing person like Buddha (laugh), and I can not get on any other than the taxi here の
池田まゆ on Google

電話先を間違えたこちらも悪いですが行先を伝えたら笑いながらそこは対応していないと言われ、電話を切る直前も笑われました。とても不愉快です。 二度とこちらは利用しません。
I made a mistake in the phone address, which is also bad, but when I told him the destination, he laughed and was told that there was no response, and he was laughed just before he hung up. It's very unpleasant. I will never use this again.
Sa me on Google

とても、早く来てくれました。電話対応も 素晴らしかったです。
He came very early. Telephone support It was great.
相澤利喜夫 on Google

電話の対応がよくありませんでした。 利用したくありません。
The telephone response was not good. I don't want to use it.
toshi on Google

右折しようと対向車すぎるの待っていたら、後ろビタ付けでくるのやめてもらえます? 以前も土屋の交差点で突っ込んできたし年配?ドライバーの質が悪すぎる!
If you're waiting for an oncoming car to turn right, can you stop coming with a back bite? Elderly who rushed into the intersection of Tsuchiya before? The quality of the driver is too bad!

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