Tsuchiura City Office South Branch - Tsuchiura

3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Tsuchiura City Office South Branch

住所 :

2 Chome-11-28 Arakawaokinishi, Tsuchiura, Ibaraki 300-0874, Japan

電話 : 📞 +898
Postal code : 300-0874
Webサイト : http://www.city.tsuchiura.lg.jp/page/page000586.html

2 Chome-11-28 Arakawaokinishi, Tsuchiura, Ibaraki 300-0874, Japan
K haruka on Google

用事があって行ったけど対応した人達無愛想…。 妊婦何分も立たせて時間結構かかった( ̄▽ ̄)
I went out after an errand but the people who responded were unfriendly. It took a long time for a pregnant woman to stand for several minutes ( ̄▽ ̄)
根本成美 on Google

Although it is a small branch office, most of the things are appreciated here. The staff at the counter is friendly. The waiting time is short. The cherry blossoms on the site are beautiful.
古澤深尋 on Google

Correspondence is polite. The small space is a good space that does not make you feel like a government office. It's a secluded place, so I sometimes get lost. Only there ☆ -1.
エルモア on Google

空いているので利用しています。毎回思いますが小さくてぽっちゃり型の女性の対応がとても悪いです。質問をすると面倒なようでだんだんと大きな声で早口で話してきます。 男性職員、所長さん?も簡単な手続き以外はとても面倒なご様子。 住民票を取りに行くなど、複雑な手続き以外なら空いているのでいいと思います。
I am using it because it is vacant. I think every time, but the correspondence of small and chubby women is very bad. When I ask a question, it seems to be troublesome, and I gradually speak loudly and quickly. Male staff, director? It seems to be very troublesome except for simple procedures. I think it's okay because it's free except for complicated procedures such as going to get a resident's card.
聡(サイフォン) on Google

戸籍謄本、選挙、引っ越しの手続き等なんでもここを利用します。 職員さんも感じが良く、手続きをするうえで、ゆくゆく得する良い方法を教えてくれました。
You can use here for anything such as family register, election, and moving procedures. The staff was also very pleasant and taught me a good way to get a good deal.
mhkcsfam I on Google

空いてていいけど、すんっっっごい皆さんやる気なかった。 書類に対してほぼ説明なく、読んでくださいって渡されたし、後日に本庁から記入の抜け有りの指摘来たんだけど…それここに言ってよ。何の為に居る人たちなの?
It's okay to be free, but everyone was really unmotivated. I was told to read the document with almost no explanation, and at a later date, the main office pointed out that there was an omission in the entry ... Please say it here. What are the people for?
ハッピーエンド on Google

昭和50年ころまでは真向かいの荒川沖保育所が建ってる場所に有りました。保育所は今の南支所の所に建っていて、現在の南支所兼西区公民館前の広場は保育所の運動場でした。 どちらも市の所有する建物なので建てる際、敷地を移動させたのはかなり賢い先人の知恵関心します。 あと50年はどちらの施設も耐用できそうなので、次建て替えする際はまたチェンジになるのでしょう… 現在の南支所、利用の際窓口から左奥を見てみて下さい。かなり年季の入った金庫があります。昔の支所も子供の頃見てみていますが、物を大事に使っているそんな思いが伝わります。お宝鑑定団に出せるクラスですね。 後世へも残して欲しい支所の宝です。
Until around 1975, it was in the place where the Arakawa-oki nursery school was built directly opposite. The nursery school was built at the current South Branch, and the square in front of the current South Branch and Nishi Ward Public Hall was a playground for the nursery school. Both are city-owned buildings, so when building them, it is the wisdom of our wise ancestors who moved the site. Both facilities are likely to be usable for another 50 years, so it will be changed again when rebuilding next time ... Please look at the left back from the window when using the current South Branch. There is a very old safe. I also looked at the old branch offices when I was a kid, and I can feel that I use things carefully. It's a class that can be sent to the treasure appraisal team. It is a treasure of the branch that I want you to leave for posterity.
petite noir on Google

THE・公務員、THE・お役所の典型。大和町の本庁から離れているのでこの場所に支所があること自体は便利。ただ、限定的な業務しか受け付けてくれないくせに、無駄に人員が多く、みんな暇そうにしている。特に中高年のオジサン所員の無駄ぶりはすごい。彼らが働いてるところを見たことがない。ただ所在なさげに座っているだけ。 先日など、天井の蛍光灯を交換するだけなのに大人3人がかりでああでもないこうでもないとダラダラやってました。いやそれ一人で5分あれば終わる作業だろ!とツッコミたくなりました。 蛍光灯の箱を見ると無名ブランドの安物でしたので「コスト削減の努力しました!」と言いたいのだろうけど、あんたら3人がそこで浪費してる人件費のほうが何百倍も高額ですよと言いたい。 それと駐車場が絶望的に狭い&変な形で使いづらい。そこに至るまでの導線も辛い。保育所と支所の間の道がそもそも細すぎる。そこから駅方向に向かう道も細い。 要するに荒川沖駅前全体が終わっている。オワコン街。だからこんな寂れてしまった。セットバック規制を厳しくして、道路を太くしていかないと街全体がもっと沈没するでしょう。
Typical of THE / civil servants and THE / government offices. Since it is far from the main office of Taiwa Town, it is convenient to have a branch office in this place. However, even though they only accept limited work, there are a lot of people in vain, and everyone seems to be free. Especially, the waste of middle-aged and elderly Ojisan staff is amazing. I've never seen them working. I'm just sitting there. The other day, I was just exchanging the fluorescent lights on the ceiling, but it took three adults and I was messing around. No, it's a task that can be completed in 5 minutes alone! I wanted to get rid of it. Looking at the fluorescent light box, it was a cheap item from an unknown brand, so I would like to say, "I made an effort to reduce costs!", But the labor cost that three people are wasting there is hundreds of times higher. I want to say. Also, the parking lot is hopelessly narrow & strange and difficult to use. The conductor leading up to that is also painful. The road between the nursery center and the branch office is too narrow in the first place. The road from there to the station is also narrow. In short, the whole area in front of Arakawaoki station is over. Owakon Street. That's why I was so lonely. If you don't tighten the setback regulations and make the roads thicker, the whole city will sink more.

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