trattoria Rana Luna(ラーナ・ルーナ)

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact trattoria Rana Luna(ラーナ・ルーナ)

住所 :

Koryo Nakamachi, Sakai Ward, Sakai, 〒590-0024 Osaka,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87889
街 : Osaka

Koryo Nakamachi, Sakai Ward, Sakai, 〒590-0024 Osaka,Japan
hiroko on Google

オードブル、パスタ、デザート、ドリンクで、Bランチ1,380円でした。ランチの金額としては少しお高めですが、とても美味しかったですし、お腹いっぱいになり、とても満足です。贅沢なランチを食べたいときにまた行きたいです(*^^*) 写真は残念ながらメインのパスタを撮り損ねました(>_<)
It was hors d'oeuvre, pasta, dessert, drink, and it was B lunch 1,380 yen. It is a little expensive for the amount of lunch, but it was very delicious, full of stomach and very satisfied. I want to go there again when I want to have a luxurious lunch (* ^^ *) The picture unfortunately failed to take the main pasta (> _ <)
King Slime on Google

I have lunch. I was very satisfied with the lunch course.
りか on Google

雰囲気も良く店員さんはとても親切で愛想良くお料理もとても美味しかったです? 土曜日でもランチやっていました(^^)v オープン10分前に並んで1番乗りでした(^^)v 前菜、パスタ?、パン、デザート盛りはケーキ?とアイス?とプリン?、ドリンク、全部付いて1380円とコスパもすごく良かったです? 私はBランチを頂きましたが、ランチ980円くらいからあったと思います? あと、パンめちゃめちゃ美味しかったです! パスタ?とパンの写真は食べるのに夢中になり撮り忘れました? 女子会にちょうど良いお店です?
The atmosphere was good and the clerk was very kind and lovable and the food was very tasty ? We had lunch on Saturday (^^) v It was the first ride side by side 10 minutes before the opening (^ ^) v Appetizer, pasta bowl, bread, dessert assortment is cake bowl, ice bowl, pudding bowl, drink, all with 1380 yen and cospa was also very good I had a B lunch, but I think it was about 980 yen. And the bread was so delicious! I forgot to take a picture of pasta rice cake and bread. It's a good shop for girls' associations?
チバユウスケ on Google

堺東の某有名イタリアンの姉妹店とのこと で年明けにお邪魔しました。 多分、装飾品に多用されているカエル?グッズが、もう一つの姉妹店のおたまじゃくしと関係あるみたいですね。 三国ヶ丘の駅からすぐですし、お車の方は駅近辺にコインパーキングが複数あるので困ることはないと思われます。 お昼のランチでしたが、予約されるのをお勧めします。 開店とほぼ同時にあっという間に使用可能なお席がなくなっていました。 赤ちゃん連れのママがバギーの置き場に困っていると、忙しいランチタイムにも関わらずとても親切に対応されているのを見て、テキパキしてるだけはないんだなぁ、とこちらまで嬉しくなりました。 お味は言うまでもなく美味しいし、ボリュームもありますが、パンのお代わりは出来ないのかアナウンスがなかったので分かりませんでした。 男性ならパンを1つ2つお代わりしたくなると思います。 ランチセットの前菜が盛り沢山で1番テンションが上がります!
Sakaihigashi's famous Italian sister restaurant I visited you at the beginning of the year. Perhaps the frog ? goods, which are often used in ornaments, have something to do with the tadpoles of another sister store. It's a short walk from Mikunigaoka station, and if you're driving, there are multiple coin parking lots near the station, so you shouldn't have any problems. It was lunch for lunch, but it is recommended to make a reservation. Almost at the same time as the store opened, there were no seats available. When a mom with a baby was having trouble with the buggy storage, I was so happy to see that she was treated very kindly despite her busy lunch time, and that she wasn't the only one who was flirting. .. Needless to say, the taste is delicious and there is a lot of volume, but I didn't know if I could replace the bread because there was no announcement. Men will want to replace one or two breads. There are plenty of lunch set appetizers and the most exciting!
りべこ on Google

ランチはお得ですが、行くなら是非ディナーで。 お昼とは全く違うパスタを使われます。 シェフが恐らくジビエを得意とされているようで兎とか猪とか鹿など。 時期によって色んなお肉も食べれます。
Lunch is a good deal, but if you go, be sure to have dinner. Pasta that is completely different from lunch is used. The chef is probably good at game, such as rabbits, wild boars, and deer. You can eat various meats depending on the season.
hiro on Google

The pancetta risotto that finishes right in front of you is very rich. The arrangement was beautiful and I especially liked the mustard sauce of lamb. I think it's a shop that has abundant wine and is worth visiting.
Nuria on Google

The real deal. Great Italian food at affordable prices.
Geta Chada on Google

Loved this place the first time I went, the second not so much and the third was terrible. Not because the food was bad BUT because the owner was an arrogant so and so. Wanted some wine with our meal but he had no wine list just a bunch of bottles in the wine fridge - sounds ok? EXCEPT no idea of the prices of the bottles so was forced to asked him for each one! And even then instead of just saying these ones are around this price he just kept saying one by one forcing me to ask... I don't mind spending money on good food and wine BUT if I'm about to order a 15000yen bottle of wine I'd like to know about it before getting the bill! It's not like this is a 5-star Michelin restaurant after all...

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