
4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 幾の家

住所 :

Toyo, Koto City, 〒135-0016 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Opening hours :
Saturday 11AM–8:30PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 11AM–8:30PM
Tuesday 11AM–8:30PM
Wednesday 11AM–8:30PM
Thursday 11AM–8:30PM
Friday 11AM–8:30PM
街 : Tokyo

Toyo, Koto City, 〒135-0016 Tokyo,Japan
ティグレ(ティグレ) on Google

安くてボリューム満点の天丼。期待して食べてみたが・・・・・。 衣が分厚くてしつこい。穴子の大きな骨が残り、食い辛い。私も、妻も、大食漢の息子でさえ完食できず。 期待が大きかった分、残念です。
Cheap and hearty tendon. I expected it and tried it ... The batter is thick and persistent. The large bones of the conger eel remain and it is hard to eat. Neither I, my wife, nor even my son, a big eater, could finish eating. It's a shame because I had high expectations.
G CROSS on Google

魚屋さんの安いお弁当が兎に角安い!味はまぁまぁ美味しいしボリューミーだ! ただ、、、 見ていて衛生面がとても不安だ。 全て手掴みで作られる。 お金も天ぷらも手掴み盛り付け。 菜箸くらい使えば良いのに...ね。 海老天丼400円&イカリング50円
Cheap lunches for fishmen are cheap for rabbits! The taste is pretty tasty and Boryumi! However,,, I am worried about hygiene and I am worried. All made by hand grasping. Both money and tempura are grabbed hand-held. I wish I could use china chop around it. Shrimp bowl 400 yen and Ikaring 50 yen
米田真樹(曳尾庵) on Google

鉄火丼350円、三点天丼海老天、鱚天、穴子天550円を購入。 味もよくコスパ最高。
Purchased iron fire bowl 350 yen, three-point tempura bowl Ebiten, sillaginidae, and conger eel tempura 550 yen. The taste is good and the cost performance is the best.
アサガオ on Google

中トロ丼を買いましたがとっても美味しくて感動しました!! 6切れと少なめですが上手に食べれば中トロが余ります!普段中トロを買うととても高くつくので550円であのクオリティはとても高いと思いました! また来たいです!!
I bought a medium fatty tuna bowl, but it was very delicious and impressed! !! It's a little 6 slices, but if you eat it well, you'll have a lot of fatty tuna! It's very expensive to buy a fatty tuna, so I thought the quality was very high for 550 yen! I would like to come again! !!
ななちゃん on Google

I ate a bowl of tendon. Mainly conger eel, 4 vegetables, 400 yen. Volume and price are perfect. However, I don't know if it's always the case, but the rice was soft. The sauce is also light. I thought it would be better to eat tempura alone. When it gets a little cooler, I would like to challenge the seafood system.
田中佳子 on Google

テレビを見てぜひ行ってみたいと思い行ってみました。お店は焼き魚のいい香りで食欲をそそられます。お店の方の対応も親切で、お弁当を購入しましたが、たまたま酢飯があるということで酢飯にして頂きました。あったかいご飯と海鮮丼、中トロ丼の具も別々に袋に入れてくださいました。ご飯は普通盛りということでしたが目一杯入っていました。 びっくりなのは、私が食べたのは海鮮丼でしたがどのネタも新鮮でぷりっぷり!たいもホタテも海老も暫く食べていない甘みと弾力です!ほんとに美味しくて、大盛りに感じたご飯もぺろっといけてしまいました。私も家族もまた行きたいお店です!
I watched TV and decided to go there. The shop is appetizing with the nice aroma of grilled fish. The shop staff was kind and I bought a lunch box, but I happened to have vinegared rice, so I chose vinegared rice. Warm rice, seafood bowl, and fatty tuna bowl ingredients were also put in the bag separately. It was said that the rice was usually served, but it was full. What surprised me was that I ate a seafood bowl, but all the ingredients were fresh and plentiful! The sweetness and elasticity that neither scallops nor shrimp have eaten for a while! The rice that was really delicious and felt large was also smashed. This is a shop that I and my family want to visit too!
南砂一丁目 on Google

今日のお昼ご飯は、東陽町「鮮魚仕出し 幾の家」の「穴子天丼(400円)」普通盛。巨大穴子天は全長25cm(ちゃんと測った)が2本。ご飯は365gも入ってた(ちゃんと量った)。お刺身欲しかったけど、いつも通り店内が殺気立ってたので大人しく単品注文。次は「中トロ丼(550円)」にしてみよう。
Today's lunch is "Anako Tendon (400 yen)" from Toyo-cho "Fresh Fish Catered Iku no Ie". There are two giant conger eels with a total length of 25 cm (measured properly). The rice contained 365g (weighed properly). I wanted sashimi, but as usual, the inside of the store was sick, so I ordered a single item quietly. Next, let's try "Medium Toro Don (550 yen)".
ねこじろう on Google

焼き魚 さば・ホッケもとても美味しいです‼️ 鉄火丼¥350(込み) + 下足天100円(込み) とても美味しく、コスパも最高また 伺わせて頂きます??
grilled fish Mackerel and atka mackerel are also very delicious! ️ Tekkadon ¥ 350 (included) + Lower foot heaven 100 yen (included) Very delicious and the cospa is also the best I will visit you ??

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