Toyamanaika Junkankinaika Clinics - Maebashi

3.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Toyamanaika Junkankinaika Clinics

住所 :

2 Chome-33-9 Aramakimachi, Maebashi, Gunma 371-0044, Japan

電話 : 📞 +878
Postal code : 371-0044
Webサイト :

2 Chome-33-9 Aramakimachi, Maebashi, Gunma 371-0044, Japan
たかじ on Google

Overall, looking at it from above, it's like having a small fool. I do not feel friendly at all and I do not feel at all to improve the symptoms.
Akira Aoki on Google

I go to the hospital every month. The teacher's explanation is easy to understand and polite. Thanks to you, I am in good physical condition.
KAO Y on Google

The receptionist's glasses talk like looking down from above. What do you think is so great? I thought it was embarrassing to have a good year.
桂小五郎 on Google

I used it for the first time today, but neither the receptionist nor the nurse was very kind and kind. The teacher was quick, but he was very kind.
ko ko on Google

クリニック内はきれいで、明るい印象でした。 色々検査もしていただき、安心しました。
The inside of the clinic was clean and bright. I was relieved to have various inspections.
松坂玲香 on Google

You can rest assured that you are a cardiovascular expert. The teacher has a professional atmosphere. I go here because I am a famous teacher in cardiology.
ゆうか on Google

20代でも真剣に診て頂ける数少ないとても親切な先生です。 医師会病院の先生が太鼓判を押す殆ど、内科や循環器にも詳しく、インフルのワクチンも受けられます。 受診は予約もできますが、待ち時間は日や時間帯によってとても違います。 ⭐を少なくされている方、先生も同じ人間ですので言葉遣いや言い方を考え見てください。 他の病院(特に大きな病院)は、20代30代を軽くしか診ませんが、年齢で区別することなく、しっかり検査もして頂けますので、子供〜お年寄りまでオススメできます。
He is one of the few very kind teachers who can be seen seriously even in his twenties. Most of the doctors at the Medical Association Hospital press the drum, and they are familiar with internal medicine and cardiovascular system, and can receive influenza vaccine. You can make an appointment for a consultation, but the waiting time varies greatly depending on the day and time of day. Those who have less ⭐ and teachers are the same people, so please think about the wording and wording. Other hospitals (especially large hospitals) only lightly examine people in their twenties and thirties, but they can be thoroughly examined without distinguishing by age, so we recommend it for children and the elderly.
さまてぃ on Google

感じ方はそれぞれですが、受付の方の印象があまりよろしくなかったように思います 初診の方には特別上から目線のような感じでしたので残念でした 先生はとても丁寧で印象が良いです! ですがやっぱり受付の方が第一印象なので...
I feel it differently, but I don't think the receptionist's impression was very good. It was a pity for the first visit because it felt like looking from above. The teacher is very polite and has a good impression! However, the receptionist is the first impression, so ...

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