陳麻家 神谷町店

3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 陳麻家 神谷町店

住所 :

Toranomon, Minato City, 〒105-0001 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Webサイト : http://www.chin-ma-ya.net/6000/6020/6020_10/6020_10_03/post_57.html
Opening hours :
Saturday 11:30AM–3PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 11:30AM–3PM
Tuesday 11:30AM–3PM
Wednesday 11:30AM–3PM
Thursday 11:30AM–3PM
Friday 11:30AM–3PM
街 : Tokyo

Toranomon, Minato City, 〒105-0001 Tokyo,Japan
Momo 1103 on Google

「おっ、これはお得な価格!」 担々麺とのセットで大きさの組み合わせがあるんだ~ルーロ-飯なんかもある~ 初めてなので、一番ノーマルの陳麻飯(並)を。 この安さだから仕方ないのか…スープがない(涙) ランチ時で仕込んであるからでしょうか、注文して1分で運ばれてきた‼️ 卓上に甜麺醤とか豆板醤とか置いてあって味変が楽しめる~ 味はなかなか美味しい ただ、ひたすらご飯と麻婆豆腐をかっ込むのは 途中で飽きるな…やっぱりスープとか、ちょこっと搾菜とかあると尚GOODかな~?
"Oh, this is a great price!" There is a combination of size in a set with Dantan noodles ~ Ruro-There is also rice ~ It's my first time, so the most normal Chen Mahan (normal). Because it's so cheap, can't it be helped ... There's no soup (tears) Perhaps because it was prepared at lunch, it was delivered in 1 minute after ordering! ️ You can enjoy the different flavors by putting some soy sauce or soy sauce on the table. The taste is pretty good However, the only thing that you put in rice and mapo tofu is Don't get tired on the way ... After all, if you have soup or squeezed vegetables, it's still GOOD ~ ?
Ota Makoto on Google

ランチタイムに入店、陳婆さんのデザートセット(ハーフ陳麻丼、ハーフ担々麺、杏仁豆腐)を注文しました。 陳麻丼は麻婆豆腐丼です。 辛さは指定できると書いてありましたが特に指定ませんでした。 陳麻丼は食べてるときはそれ程辛さを感じませんでしたが食べ続けていると汗が結構出てきます。 担々麺も同じで結構汗が出てきます。 担々麺はスープに胡麻の味を強く感じました。 ミニ丼2つでボリュームとして適切な感じです。 他のランチセットなら、杏仁豆腐が付かない分陳麻丼か担々麺のどちらかが通常サイズになりますので結構なボリュームになると思います。 杏仁豆腐は、料理が辛いこともあり、汗が落ち着くまでに食べてれ、いい感じです。 お値段も比較的安価で美味しいものを食べれました。
I entered the restaurant at lunch time and ordered Chen's dessert set (half Chen Ma-don, half-tantan noodles, almond tofu). Chen Ma-don is Mapo tofu bowl. It was written that the spiciness can be specified, but I did not specify it in particular. I didn't feel that spicy when I was eating Chen Ma-don, but when I continued to eat it, I sweated a lot. Dandan noodles are the same, and you will sweat a lot. Dandan noodles strongly felt the taste of sesame in the soup. Two mini bowls are suitable as a volume. For other lunch sets, either Chen Ma-don or Dandan noodles without almond tofu will be the normal size, so I think it will be quite a volume. The almond tofu is nice to eat until the sweat calms down because the food is spicy. The price was relatively cheap and I was able to eat delicious food.
Carたっちー(たっちーCar) on Google

陳麻家は、以前は五反田3軒を頻繁に利用。 現在は目黒1軒をたまに利用。 痺れ系の麻婆豆腐が食べたいときには、丁度いい。 目黒には、龍門という、さらに本格的四川麻婆豆腐の店があるけど、まあ、いつも愛想悪いし、かなりな激辛。 陳麻家は安定の、食べやすい辛さと痺れ。 味は特段他の店舗と変わりないと思いますが、ちょっとだけ、良く感じます。 あとは、店自体が、他の店舗よりちょっと綺麗。 五反田、目黒の店舗は、呑み仲間と行くならいいけど、って感じ。 この神谷町の店舗は、わりと普通に中華屋さんな感じです。
The Chen Ma family used to frequently use three Gotanda houses. Currently, I use one Meguro house occasionally. If you want to eat numb mapo tofu, it's just right. In Meguro, there is a more authentic Sichuan Mapo tofu shop called Ryumon, but it's always unfriendly and quite spicy. The Chen Ma family is stable, easy to eat, spicy and numb. I don't think the taste is different from other stores, but it feels a little better. Also, the store itself is a little cleaner than other stores. At the Gotanda and Meguro stores, it would be nice to go with a drinking companion. This Kamiyacho store is rather like a Chinese restaurant.
Yasuki Mori on Google

担々セット、辛さレベル2でいただきました。 陳麻飯(=麻婆丼)が絶品かと。辛さ痺れ具合とも辛党の自分にはレベル2くらいが丁度良い味でした。山椒の風味が効いてますかね。 担々麺はもう一段階くらい辛さ度を上げても良いかと思いました。 ご馳走さまでした。
I had it with a dandan set, spiciness level 2. I wonder if Chen Mahan (= Mapo tofu) is excellent. Level 2 was just the right taste for me as a spicy party. Does the flavor of Japanese pepper work? I thought it would be okay to increase the spiciness of dandan noodles by another level. It was a feast.
sunfish_ akira on Google

Stephen Shao Chi-Ching on Google

Mapo dofu and dumpling are quite nice. Reasonable price as well.
Herman The on Google

The Best chinmaya compare to other chinmaya.
Boss on Google

Came for lunch on a Saturday around 12:30 and it was empty. It's mainly mapo tofu and dan dan men. I had the set with large mapo and half Dan dan men for 1100 yen - it was ok nothing special. As most dishes were spicy for my kids they made a shoyu Ramen which was great of them. It's OK but can be skipped.

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