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Contact 株式会社スキルプラザ熊谷営業所

住所 :

Tonyacho, Kumagaya, 〒360-0024 Saitama,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
街 : Saitama

Tonyacho, Kumagaya, 〒360-0024 Saitama,Japan
稲葉真由子 on Google

こっちは期待してた仕事が相手の仕事場に断られてしまいは私にあった仕事を探してくれるとばかり思っていたのに自分があった仕事をまた投稿して下さいと言われたり担当者からはうちは人で不足だからと言われた。 仕事を一生懸命探しているのに何の派遣会社なのか分からないもうそこの派遣会社には一切仕事を探してもらわない❗ 酷い派遣会社だ。 仕事を探す気はないと思います。
I was just thinking that if the job I expected was refused by the other person's workplace, I would find a job that suits me, but I was asked to post the job I had, or the person in charge I was told that we were short of people. I'm looking for a job, but I don't know what kind of agency it is. I don't want the agency to look for a job anymore ❗ It's a terrible temporary agency. I don't think I'm looking for a job.
chocolate vanilla on Google

A person in charge who hasn't contacted me anymore since it was said that the day of the factory tour was fixed after talking with me and another person last Monday. If you call me from the person in charge of the call back, there is no call back from the office, so if I call from here, I can't wait to get in touch with the person in charge of the factory. Too silly. I do not want to add stars ?????????
Kz Κm on Google

本当は☆のひとつもつけたくないですが。 希望を伝えても全くマッチしていない仕事を紹介されました。 しかも仕事を紹介してもらうために初めて面談したときに,営業担当者が終始上から目線の物言いをされました。 まぁ仕事柄先方を優先せざるを得ないのは理解しているつもりですが,だからといって目の前の求職者を下に見るような言動をとるのは筋が違うと思いますね。 たまたま人間的に幼稚な担当者に当たってしまっただけだと思いますが,いま思い出しても不愉快です。 個人的には勧められない会社ですね。
I do not really want to put on one of ☆. He was introduced to a job that did not match at all even if he had expressed his hope. Moreover, when I first interviewed for a job introduction, the sales representative kept on telling from the beginning. Well, I understand that I have to give priority to work ahead, but I think that it makes a difference to take a statement or look like the job seeker below in front of that. I think that I just hit a humanly childish person in charge, but it is unpleasant to remember now. It is a company that is not recommended personally.
ころすけ(ころ) on Google

今まさに勝手に敷地に入ってきてUターンしていった人がいたんだけど。短髪で細身の男、車はシルバー系の軽。 まずは自社の社員に人間の基礎的なスキルを習得してもらいたいですね。会社は知りませんが、このひとつの行動でどんな会社なのか分かりますよね。
There was a person who just entered the site and made a U-turn. A man with a short hair and a slim body, the car is a silver-based light. First of all, I would like our employees to learn basic human skills. I don't know the company, but you can tell what kind of company this one action is.
NEX on Google

雇用契約書ももらえないうえに2週間で辞めさせられた。 さらに明らかに会社都合解雇なのに退職届を書かされる始末。 担当もゴミ以下。 ここでは仕事を探さないことを強くすすめます。 星1つすらつけたくない。
He did not get an employment contract and was forced to quit in two weeks. In addition, the dismissal notice is written even though it is obviously fired for company reasons. The charge is below garbage. I strongly recommend not looking for a job here. I don't want to even have one star.
ほっとあろま on Google

まず登録メールが来ない 催促してメールを送らせ 登録したがその後、全く連絡が来ない どうやって求人を見るのかも分からない為 違う派遣会社に登録しました 利用しない方がいいと思います
First of all, the registration email does not come Remind and send an email I registered, but I haven't heard from you at all I don't even know how to see a job I registered with a different agency I think you shouldn't use it
ちみお on Google

星1もつける価値のない派遣会社 某会社で働いたが、ノルマを達成していて、手が痛くなるまで頑張ったのに、口会わせのような契約満了。そのつぎから入った人達には、ノルマもなく甘かったらしい。その某会社が倒産して、派遣のほうにも金が払えないから、早期に撤退したて聞いたけど、ざまあねぇ。あんだけ、企業の担当におべっか使ってたのにねw 求人も、数少ないしオススメしません。
Dispatch company not worth star 1 I worked for a certain company, but I had achieved the quota and worked hard until my pain hurt, but the contract expired like a talk. It seems that those who came in after that were sweet without a quota. I heard that the company went bankrupt and couldn't pay the dispatch, so he withdrew earlier. I was using it for the company's charge w Recruitment is rare and not recommended.
ミュミュ on Google

担当者が変わったら若いせいか?力がなくていい加減過ぎる!前の担当者は凄く良くしてくれたけど〜。 会社が暇になってきたら契約更新して貰えなくなって更新日の1ヶ月前に言われず2週間前に担当者から言われ契約違反では? 次の仕事を紹介して欲しいって言ってるのに全く紹介してくれないし 他の派遣会社登録して仕事紹介して貰って下さいまで言われました。 他の派遣会社で登録したら直ぐに希望の仕事を紹介してくれて直ぐ入社出来きました。 担当者の力しだいって事が良く分かりました。
Is it younger if the person in charge changes? Too little power is too much! The previous person in charge did a great job ~. If the company is free, the contract will be renewed and you will not be able to get it. You will not be told one month before the renewal date. I told you to introduce my next job, I was asked to register for another company and introduce me to work. As soon as I registered at another dispatch company, I was introduced to my job and I was able to join the company. I understood the power of the person in charge well.

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