Tonkichi - Inzai

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Tonkichi

住所 :

399 Taki, Inzai, Chiba 270-2328, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87979
Postal code : 270-2328
Opening hours :
Saturday 11AM–3PM
Sunday 11AM–3PM
Monday 11AM–3PM
Tuesday Closed
Wednesday 11AM–3PM
Thursday 11AM–3PM
Friday 11AM–3PM

399 Taki, Inzai, Chiba 270-2328, Japan
Daiki -ng on Google

本日はホルモン炒め定食(800円)を。 テレビの影響なのか開店30分で満席に。開店前は2組待ち。 いつも通り定食のご飯をチャーハンに変更して、ゆっくりいただきました。周りは鶏の照り焼き定食が多かった中、フライミックス定食を頼んでいたカップルからは奇声が。 ホルモンの甘さがしっかりしていて野菜もシャキシャキ。程よくニンニクも効いてて美味しかったです。
Today we have a set meal (800 yen) with stir-fried hormones. It was full in 30 minutes after opening, probably due to the influence of TV. Waiting for 2 groups before opening. As usual, I changed the set meal to fried rice and had it slowly. While there were many chicken teriyaki set meals around, a strange voice was heard from a couple who was asking for a fried mix set meal. The sweetness of the hormone is strong and the vegetables are crispy. The garlic worked reasonably well and it was delicious.
ああ on Google

If you order Funamori, even if you enter the store first, customers such as ramen may be served first, but please wait for the price at that prime. I eat a lot of ramen ?, but it's usually delicious, and I'd be happy if I had mayonnaise for a side salad.
ゆうこ on Google

20分まえから並び始めて1番に入れました カレーラーメンはニンニクの効いたカレー麺が二玉あるかもきょのチャーハンはシンプルに塩胡椒あじの卵チャーハン フライはラードで揚げてるのか風味があって美味しかった白米もモチッとしていて甘かった あんかけ焼きそばは生麺を焼いて醤油ベースの餡美味しかった しかしどれもボリュームがあってご飯のおかわりは夢に終わりました 無料コーヒーなどはセルフでのめました
I started lining up 20 minutes ago and put it in the first place Curry ramen may have two curry noodles with garlic. The fried rice is simply salt and pepper fried rice. The fried rice was fried in lard, it had a flavor and it was delicious. The white rice was also chewy and sweet. Ankake fried noodles were delicious with soy sauce-based bean paste baked with raw noodles However, all of them had a lot of volume and the refill of rice ended in a dream. I ate free coffee etc. by myself
Hiromichi Hayashi on Google

テレビで紹介されたミックスフライ定食を注文しました。 店内が混んでいたためか30分ほどかかるとのことでしたが、せっかく足を運んだので注文してみました。 店内では先客が同じミックスフライを注文されており、なかには食べきれなかった方は持ち帰り用のパックに入れてお持ち帰りされておりました。 見た目はかなりボリュームがありますが、とりあえず完食しました。 これで800円はたしかに安い! 定食のライスにチャーハンはお替わり自由なので、お腹いっばい食べたい方はぜひどうぞ。
I ordered a mixed fried set meal that was introduced on TV. It took about 30 minutes probably because the store was crowded, but I went there so I ordered it. In the store, the previous customer ordered the same mixed fry, and those who could not eat it were put in a take-out pack and taken home. It looks quite voluminous, but I ate it for the time being. With this, 800 yen is certainly cheap! Fried rice is free to replace with rice as a set meal, so if you want to eat full, please do.
ono shuukou on Google

仕事で印西市に行く事になり、TVで観たこともあり訪店。待ち時間からトータルで食べ終わるまで 2時間❗️揚げものは50分待ちとの事で頂きましたが油ギトギトでキツかったです。炒飯お代わり無料との事でしたが味は薄くおかわりする事もなく残念な気持ちで帰りました。 印西市民のソールフードかもしれないのであまり悪く言えませんが私の中ではもう来る事はないと思いました。質より量って事でしょうか。ちなみに塩ラーメンも注文しましたが味はサッポロ一番です。
I decided to go to Inzai City for work, and I visited the store because I saw it on TV. From waiting time to total eating 2 hours ❗️ I was told that I had to wait 50 minutes for the fried food, but it was hard with oil. It was said that the fried rice was free of charge, but the taste was light and I returned with disappointment. It may be the sole food of Inzai citizens, so I can't say it badly, but I thought it wouldn't come anymore. Is it quantity rather than quality? By the way, I also ordered salt ramen, but the taste is the best in Sapporo.
kite tsk on Google

量を求める方にはおすすめのお店です。 昼時に伺うと入店の列が出来るくらい混んでいますので、開店時間に合わせていくか、時間に余裕があるときに行くことをお勧めします。 駐車場はひろいですが、駐車場の広さ程、店内の席がたくさんはありません。 お店に入ると、適当に空いた席に着席して、注文時はボタンを押して店員さんを呼びます。 お水は各席にピッチャーとグラスがあります。 最初は案内もなく、わからなかったですので、店員さんに丁寧に接客してほしい方はいかない方がいいかもしれない。
It is a recommended shop for those who want the quantity. When you visit at noon, the line for entering the store is crowded, so it is recommended that you go according to the opening time or when you have time to spare. The parking lot is large, but there are not as many seats in the store as the size of the parking lot. When you enter the store, you will be seated in an appropriately vacant seat, and when ordering, press the button to call the clerk. Water has a pitcher and a glass in each seat. At first, I didn't know because there was no guidance, so it may be better not to ask the clerk to serve customers carefully.
鈴木和美 on Google

オモうまいお店で紹介されていたので行ってみました! ミックスフライ定食は面白いほどのボリュームww 舟盛りも今度試してみたいです! チャーハンおかわり自由はすごいですww
It was introduced at a delicious restaurant, so I went there! The mixed fried set meal is an interesting volume ww I would like to try Funamori next time! Freedom to refill fried rice is amazing ww
Mori Shinichiro on Google

午前10時30分に到着しましたが、私の順番は6番目でした。 開店の11時までに10組以上の行列になっていました。 ミックスフライ定食のごはんをチャーハンに変えて大盛りを頼みました。 先客が同じ定食を4つ頼まれていましたので、私の注文した定食が出てくるまでに45分かかりました。 私の後のお客さんも何人かミックスフライ定食を頼まれていましたが、一時間待ちになりますと言われていました。 それでも待ちますと言われていたので、やはり人気メニューなのだと思いました。 完食を目指しましたが、半分を超えた辺りでギブアップとなり、お持ち帰りパックを頂きました。 次回、他のメニューも挑戦してみたいと思います。
I arrived at 10:30 am, but my turn was sixth. By 11 o'clock when the store opened, there were more than 10 groups in line. I changed the mixed fried set meal to fried rice and asked for a large serving. It took 45 minutes for the set meal I ordered to come out because my previous customer had asked me for the same set meal. Some of the customers after me were asked for a mixed fried set meal, but they were told that they would wait for an hour. Even so, I was told to wait, so I thought it was a popular menu. I aimed to finish the meal, but I gave up around more than half and received a takeaway pack. Next time, I would like to try other menus.

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