ともり~TOMORI~ 船橋店

2.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ともり~TOMORI~ 船橋店

住所 :

Honcho, Funabashi, 〒273-0005 Chiba,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Opening hours :
Saturday 12PM–12AM
Sunday 12PM–12AM
Monday 12PM–12AM
Tuesday 12PM–12AM
Wednesday 12PM–12AM
Thursday 12PM–12AM
Friday 12PM–12AM
街 : 〒1F Chiba

Honcho, Funabashi, 〒273-0005 Chiba,Japan
うえだまこと on Google

船橋にこんなおしゃれな居酒屋さんがあるとは思いませんでした! 内装ももちろんお料理もとても美味しかったです。 スタッフの方もイキイキしていてとてもよかったです!
I didn't think there was such a stylish izakaya in Funabashi! The interior and of course the food was very good. The staff were very excited and very happy!
Daiki Yashiro on Google

I used it with her. Looking at the internet, it felt like a luxury, so I decided to go. My brother at the store told me that it could be cheaper, so I was able to enter for 980 yen for all-you-can-drink. I thought that there was a common rip-off and service fee, and it was quite conscientious and cheap. I decided to go again with the delicious food that was worth the price!
モロゾフ on Google

The food is delicious, the atmosphere is good, and the clerk is kind and very satisfied!
KAZ UYA on Google

Visited on weekday nights. The inside of the store has a private room atmosphere, but it smells like cigarettes because it is not a complete private room. It is undeniable that the inside of the store and the menu table are cheap. The food is not delicious and normal. There is no particular attraction, and I wonder if there will be a revisit.
佐藤秀樹 on Google

キャッチに20%オフと言われて連れて来られた居酒屋です。 鳥のマリネというものを頼んだが周りだけ茹でてあり中は完全生。 鳥の生にはカンピロバクターがいて食中毒になるということもわからない調理人が調理してるのかバイトが適当に調理しているのか。食品衛生責任者は何をしているのか分からない店である。 少し食べてしまったがネットを見て再確認。犠牲者を出さないために書き込んでおきます。 ずさんな調理は食品の管理もずさんです。体調を壊したくないのであれば行かないことをお勧めします。 キチンとした居酒屋はキャッチなど使わない。自分のように甘い言葉に惑わされないように。
Izakaya was brought 20% off for catch. I asked for a marinade of birds, but only the surroundings were crabs and the inside was completely raw. Is it a cook who doesn't know that there is a Campylobacter in the bird's life and it becomes food poisoning, or is the bite cooking properly? Food hygiene managers don't know what they are doing. I ate a little, but reconfirmed by looking at the net. Write in order not to give victims. Sloppy cooking is also sloppy food management. If you do not want to break your physical condition, we recommend that you do not go. Don't use a tavern like a catch. Don't be fooled by sweet words like yourself.
香川みつき on Google

お料理は栗豚やイクラ丼が美味しく、お酒は少し薄めですが個室の雰囲気も良かったです。店員さんはスタイリッシュでさわやかな感じがしました。お手洗いの場所を教えてくださったり、親切でした。 しかし、入店する前の店の外にいるキャッチの若い兄ちゃん達の対応に気分が良くありませんでした、、。 竹庭さんに行くことは食べログ評価などを見て決めていたので、キャッチ組に話しかけられて竹庭さんに入ることを言うと、そこでキャッチの兄ちゃん同士で「俺のカモだ!」というかのように客取りの争いが、、。客引きの人数で報酬が上がるのでしょうが、「(客引きしたのは誰か)じゃんけんで決めろ!」など言っていて露骨すぎ。。学生バイトでも今時こんな客の前で小学生のようなノリをかますスタッフは見たことがありません、、笑 その後も、キャッチ兄ちゃんに案内される時に予約なしで使えると書いてある食べログのクーポンについて聞いたら「あー、予約なしじゃつかえませんねw」の一言。 分からないなら分からないで、店内のスタッフに聞いてくださいとか言えるだろうに、、、笑 びっくりです。あんな態度の仕事でお金貰ってるんですね。さすがに悲しくなります。 怪しく感じたので、クーポンは、店内の店員さんに再度聞いて無事使わせていただきました。 キャッチさんがいなければ、気持ちよくいい食事ができたのにな。残念です( ; ; )
As for the dishes, chestnut pork and salmon roe bowl were delicious, and the sake was a little thin, but the atmosphere in the private room was also good. The clerk felt stylish and refreshing. I was kind enough to tell me where to wash the toilet. However, I didn't feel good about the catching younger brothers outside the store before I entered the store. I decided to go to Takeba-san by looking at the eating log evaluation etc., so when I was told by the catch group to enter Takeba-san, the catching brothers said "My duck!" There is a battle for customers, like. It seems that the reward increases with the number of customers, but it is too explicit to say "(Who attracted customers) Decide with rock-paper-scissors!". . Even in the student part-time job, I've never seen a staff member like an elementary school student in front of such a customer. After that, when I asked about the coupon of Tabelog that said that it can be used without reservation when being guided by Catch brother, "Ah, I can not use without reservation w" one word. If you don't understand, you can say that you don't know and ask the staff in the store... You earn money for that kind of work. I'm really sad. I felt suspicious, so I asked the store clerk in the store again to use the coupon safely. Without Catch, I could have a good meal. I'm sorry( ; ; )
遠藤康史 on Google

Drinks are slow to serve as you write. And they bring drinks you didn't ask to remind. Even if there is still beer in the mug, he tries to offer it. The cassette stove does not light. Most of the rooms are not completely private rooms, but only the side seats and curtains. Although it is rattled, she is seated in a seat next to someone. I learned a lot.
フルーツみ on Google

とりあえずビールで乾杯させてもらい、フードの注文。 肉寿司や肉焚き鍋なんかを頼みました。 どちらも黒毛和牛を使っているだけあり美味しく頂ました
For the time being, let me toast with beer and order the food. I ordered meat sushi and meat hot pot. Both of them are delicious because they use Japanese black beef.

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