
2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 平和エステート㈱

住所 :

Tomizawa, Taihaku Ward, Sendai, 〒982-0032 Miyagi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Webサイト : https://www.heiwaes.co.jp/
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–5PM
Sunday 9AM–5PM
Monday 9AM–5PM
Tuesday 9AM–5PM
Wednesday Closed
Thursday 9AM–5PM
Friday 9AM–5PM
街 : Miyagi

Tomizawa, Taihaku Ward, Sendai, 〒982-0032 Miyagi,Japan
匿名希望 on Google

入居から退去まで一貫して最悪な対応でした。記憶に残ってる事柄の一部を書き記します。 ・駐車場を銀行引き落としで契約。翌月、夕方に突然「今月分がまだ振り込まれていない、明日までに振り込んでくれ」との電話がかかってくる。 ↓ ・引き落としのはずでは?と伝えると「今月分は引き落としの手続きが間に合わない、明日までに振り込んでくれ」と説明される。契約時にそんな説明も無く、いくらなんでも急すぎる ↓ ・しかも振込先、金額は電話口で伝えられるのみ。金銭に関わることなので書面で欲しいとお願いするも、書面は出せないの一点張り(最初詐欺電話かと勘違いしました)。 ・カーテン留め(タッセル)が外れかけていたので修理をお願いすると、左右の高さがバラバラで、しかも上下反対に取り付けられる ・退去日がこちらの会社の休業日とのことで、立会いできないので鍵は郵便受けに入れてくれと言われる ↓ ・言われた通りに郵便受けに鍵を入れる ↓ ・後日「鍵が返却がされていないがどうなっている?」とこちらに非があるかのような電話がかかってくる ↓ 郵便受けに入れるように言われたのでその通りにした旨を伝えると「確認する」と言われ切られる ↓ その後確認結果の連絡なし ・解約時に違約金がかかる契約だったのでいくら振り込めばいいか電話で確認の電話をする ↓ 電話口で金額を伝えられる。書面で欲しいとお願いするも、やはり書面は出せないの一点張り ↓ 言われた金額を振り込む ↓ 後日「お客様の方で本来の金額より多く振り込んでしまっている。返金するので事務所まで取りに来てくれ」とこちらに非があるかのように電話で言われる ↓ 既に他県に引っ越しているので事務所には行けないと伝えると「では振り込むが、振り込み手数料はお客様持ちになる」と言われ、こちらに落ち度が無いにも関わらず手数料分引かれて返金される ・事前に約束していた時間に事務所を訪ねるも20分以上待たされる、手が空いてそうな人と目が合うもの「少々お待ちください」も無し ・事務所で接客いただいた女性の方が初対面にも関わらず終始タメ口
It was the worst response from moving in to moving out. Write down some of the things that are memorable. ・ Contract the parking lot with a bank debit. The following month, in the evening, I suddenly received a phone call saying, "This month's amount has not been transferred yet, please transfer it by tomorrow." ↓ ・ Should it be withdrawn? "This month's withdrawal procedure is not in time, please transfer by tomorrow." There is no such explanation at the time of contract, anything is too urgent ↓ ・ Moreover, the transfer destination and amount can only be communicated by telephone. Since it is related to money, I asked for it in writing, but I could not give it in writing (I misunderstood that it was a fraudulent call at first). ・ The curtain clasp (tassell) was about to come off, so if you ask for repair, the left and right heights will be different, and it will be installed upside down. ・ Since the move-out date is a holiday of this company, I cannot attend, so I am asked to put the key in the mail box. ↓ ・ Put the key in the mail box as told ↓ ・ At a later date, you will receive a call as if there is something wrong with you, "What's happening when the key has not been returned?" ↓ I was told to put it in the mail box, so when I told him that I did so, I was told to "confirm" ↓ After that, no confirmation result was notified ・ Since it was a contract that requires a penalty at the time of cancellation, call to confirm how much you should transfer. ↓ You can tell the amount over the phone. I ask you to write it, but I can not give it in writing ↓ Transfer the said amount ↓ Later, I was told by phone as if there was something wrong with me, saying, "The customer has paid more than the original amount. Please come to the office for a refund." ↓ When I told him that I couldn't go to the office because I had already moved to another prefecture, I was told that "I will transfer the money, but the transfer fee will be owned by the customer", and even though there is no fault here, the fee will be deducted and refunded. Ru ・ Even if you visit the office at the time you promised in advance, you will have to wait for more than 20 minutes, and there is no such thing as "please wait a moment" to meet someone who seems to be free. ・ The woman who served the customer at the office was always tame despite the first meeting
新 トイレットペッパーマン on Google

障がい持ちなのだが、障がい者差別をしてきて腹が立った 不動産屋から質問をされたのを普通に答えたのに、女性社員は断りの要件を探してて最悪だった。(内容の中身はあまり言いたくないので察してください) 障がい者には貸さないで、健常者には貸す。これは明らかな差別である。 星も0とか−1以下にしたいくらいだ
I have a disability, but I got angry because I discriminated against people with disabilities. The female employee was the worst looking for a requirement to decline, even though she normally answered the question from the real estate agent. (I don't want to say much about the contents, so please guess) Do not lend to people with disabilities, but lend to healthy people. This is a clear discrimination. I want the stars to be 0 or -1 or less
katatake on Google

電話応対、対面対応、支払いの説明(特に向こうの事情により振込の必要性が生じた時等、お金に関すること)等、全てにおいて最低ランク。これほどお客さんを不快にさせる不動産屋もなかなかいない。 あと、店舗裏側(仙台市体育館側)でのタバコ休憩ですか...あれ、何とかなんないですかね。社員皆、男も女も関係なくスパスパスパスパ。 まあ、富沢周辺の物件は当該会社が独り占めしてるから、みんな我慢して借りていますが(苦笑)
The lowest rank in all of telephone response, face-to-face correspondence, explanation of payment (especially when the need for transfer arises due to other circumstances, matters related to money), etc. Few real estate agents make customers so uncomfortable. Also, is it a cigarette break on the back side of the store (Sendai City Gymnasium side)? All employees, regardless of whether they are men or women, Spa Spa Spa Spa. Well, the property around Tomizawa is monopolized by the company, so everyone put up with it and rented it (bitter smile).
zal on Google

In addition to repeated lies, lies again to deceive it. If you make a mistake once or twice, you may be a human being, but if it is repeated in a short period of time, you will not know which word to believe, and you will be tired of doubting everything. Whether you are borrowing from now on or have already borrowed it, I think you should check the support of the words.
BIG on Google

なんで悪く書かれるのか?電話の対応も良いし、客対応も丁寧だし、若い子達は頑張っている。 自分に都合の良い事だけを求めていれば悪く感じても致し方ない。同じ人間だしこちらもお願いベースで接したら気持ちが良い対応してくれると思うな。 借りてやるではなく貸して頂きますだ。
Why is it written badly? The telephone response is good, the customer response is polite, and the young children are doing their best. If you only want things that are convenient for you, you can't help feeling bad. I'm the same person, and I think that if you interact with them on a request basis, they will respond comfortably. You don't borrow it, you lend it.
古谷拓斗 on Google

急でも迅速に対応して頂きました。 一つ一つの業務も丁寧で何も言うことは ありません。 担当の方も気さくな方で話しやすく 初めての賃貸契約でも不安なく無事に 契約することができました。 評価以上なのは間違いなしです!!
We had you respond promptly even if it was sudden. Each business is polite and nothing to say There is none. The person in charge is also friendly and easy to talk to Even the first rental contract is safe without anxiety I was able to make a contract. There is no doubt that it is above the evaluation! !!
19760109yu0226 on Google

担当した人の説明不足が多く、約束の電話も掛かってこず、不信感が残りました。契約前に再度部屋を下見したら、部屋の不具合も3箇所ありました。また、返信郵便が料金受取人払になっていないのは、今までの不動産屋で始めてでした。 当然ながらいい事しか言わないので、きちんと確認して契約をオススメします。
There was a lot of lack of explanation by the person in charge, and the promised call did not come in, leaving a feeling of distrust. When I previewed the room again before the contract, there were 3 problems with the room. Also, it was the first time for a real estate agent to pay the reply mail to the payee. Of course, I only say good things, so I recommend you to check it properly and make a contract.
るるるるる on Google

さ○○○(ラーメン好きA型)の対応が最悪でした こちらが書類を悩みながら書いてるとペン回しをしたり物件の確認をしていたところ壊れるのでやめてくださいなど…こちらはそんなに強い力で扱ってるわけではありませんし、発言も上から目線なところが多く正直この人に担当してほしくないなぁと思いました。早く担当を変えて欲しいです。また、契約に悩んでれば急かす?ような態度を取られたり。。こっちが、契約してあなたの給料になってますけどと思いました。他の方は優しくあぁこの人に当たったのは運が悪かっただなぁと思いました。 お客様目線ではないような態度でした。
The correspondence of ○○○ (Ramen lover A type) was the worst If this is writing while worrying about the documents, it will break when I was spinning the pen or checking the property, so please stop it ... I am not handling this with such strong force, and there are many remarks from the top, honestly I didn't want this person to be in charge. I want you to change your responsibilities as soon as possible. Also, if you are worried about the contract, do you hurry? I have an attitude like that. .. I thought that this is your salary after making a contract. The other people were kind and I thought it was unlucky to hit this person. It was an attitude that was not from the customer's perspective.

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