Tokyo Gyozaken - Funabashi

3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Tokyo Gyozaken

住所 :

1 Chome-4-11 Honcho, Funabashi, Chiba 273-0005, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87989
Postal code : 273-0005
Opening hours :
Saturday 11AM–11PM
Sunday 11AM–11PM
Monday 11AM–11PM
Tuesday 11AM–11PM
Wednesday 11AM–11PM
Thursday 11AM–11PM
Friday 11AM–11PM

1 Chome-4-11 Honcho, Funabashi, Chiba 273-0005, Japan
Kentan on Google

Come to the store for a holiday dinner. It's a good price for a set meal, but it was a wonderful dumpling that was worth it. The point is also high that it has wings. Other than dumplings, it was very good. Crispy and chewy fried chicken, hot soup to the core. These are also my favorites.
Naoki Hasegawa Biz on Google

ランチセットがお得で食べ応えあります。 餃子は店名だけあって食べやすく美味しい。普通の餃子はニンニク入ってない感じで仕事中でも気にせず食べられます。 いつも餃子買って帰ります。 クラゲとキュウリの和物が歯応えが良くさっぱりで箸休めにgood 店内は清潔感があり居心地が良いです。 全席禁煙なのも嬉しい。 換気してるからなのか冷房はちょっと強めです。
The lunch set is a great deal and you can eat it. Gyoza is easy to eat and delicious because of the name of the restaurant. Ordinary dumplings do not contain garlic and can be eaten without worrying about it even at work. I always buy dumplings and go home. Japanese jellyfish and cucumber are crunchy and refreshing, good for resting chopsticks The inside of the store is clean and cozy. I'm glad that all seats are non-smoking. The air conditioner is a little stronger probably because it is ventilated.
黒鬼千葉 on Google

船橋駅南口にある東京餃子軒、子供2人を連れて3人で行きました! カウンター席とテーブル席があるので、一人でも家族連れでも行きやすい。 土曜日の夜ということもあり、店内は混雑していたがタイミング良く奥のテーブル席に待たずに座れた! コップと水のピッチャーが席に置いてある形のセルフ! 餃子¥300ーをはじめチーズ餃子とスタミナ餃子&白飯。醤油ラーメンと焦がし醤油炒飯を注文。 提供時間は予想していたよりも早めでグッド?️ 味も申し分なく美味い✨ 餃子は外側に羽根つき、中は肉汁たっぷり。まずは一口そのままで味を楽しみ、次に醤油とラー油と酢で頂き、続いて酢胡椒!どれも美味かった。そして、旨辛味噌が置いてあったので試したらこれも美味い。 ラーメンはあっさりしてて優しい味。そして子供たちも喜んだのは、焦がし醤油炒飯❗️ とても美味しいのでおかわりしようかと思った。(あくまでも個人の好みですが…) その後普通の餃子を2人前追加して食べました。これで1人単価、約¥1100ー とても満足できました。 強いて言うなら、注文時呼ぶ時、大きな声を出さないと中々気づいてもらえずだったので奥の席をホールの店員さんがもう少し見て気にして欲しかった。 それでも…味と金額で満足できたので星4、次回は今日は別の予定だった奥さんも連れて家族4人で行きたい。
Tokyo Shishiken located at the south exit of Funabashi Station, I went with three children with two children! Because there are counter and table seats, it is easy to go alone or with family. As it was a Saturday night, the store was crowded, but I could sit in the back table at a good time without waiting! Self in the form of a glass and a pitcher of water in the seat! Cheese dumplings and stamina dumplings & white rice, including dumplings ¥ 300. I ordered soy sauce ramen and burned soy sauce. The delivery time is earlier than expected and good taste and taste are also delicious. Dumplings have wings on the outside, and plenty of meat juice inside. First enjoy the taste as it is in a bite, then with soy sauce, chili oil and vinegar, then vinegar and pepper! All were delicious. And there was a savory miso, so try it and it's delicious. The ramen is light and tender. And the children were also delighted that they thought it would be better to burn them with soy soy sauce and rice bowl because it was so delicious. (It is personal preference but to the last ...) Then I added and eat two ordinary dumplings. I was very satisfied with the unit price per person, approximately ¥ 1100. As I was forced to say, when calling when ordering, I was not aware that I had to make a loud voice, so I wanted the store clerk in the hall to look a little more at the back seat. Still ... I was satisfied with the taste and the amount, so I would like to go with 4 family members next time with another wife scheduled for another star.
kou zoh on Google

豚の甘味を感じる餃子です。 タレが変わってます。 このタレ売ってほしい。。。
It is a dumpling that feels the sweetness of pork. The sauce has changed. I want you to sell this sauce. .. ..
朝結拓 on Google

客席はテーブル席とカウンター席があり、1人でも入りやすい。 炒飯と餃子のセットを注文。 炒飯はご飯がパラパラでしっかりとした味付け。餃子を看板としているが、炒飯もうまい。 餃子は羽根つき餃子で、餡の肉汁の旨味と皮の香ばしさでそのままでも美味しいが、特製豆板醤味噌がやみつきになるうまさ。 接客は真顔でアイコンタクトがないのが冷たい印象だか、注文を取りに来るタイミングや調理の提供、会計の案内等は適切だったので悪い感じはしない。
There are table seats and counter seats for the audience, and it is easy for even one person to enter. I ordered a set of fried rice and dumplings. Fried rice is seasoned with spicy rice. The signboard is dumplings, but fried rice is also good. Gyoza is a gyoza with feathers, and it is delicious as it is due to the taste of the bean paste gravy and the aroma of the skin, but the special soybean paste miso is addictive. The customer service is a cold impression that there is no eye contact, or the timing to get the order, the provision of cooking, the accounting guidance, etc. were appropriate, so I do not feel bad.
Rio Drunkard on Google

京成船橋駅と船橋駅の間くらいにある中華屋さんチェーン。東京で見たことがない…今度調べてみよう。 ドリンク半額セールを実施中。ありがたい。 餃子と揚げナス坦々ソースを注文。餃子はそのままでも美味い。「餃子専用豆板醤味噌」がカウンターにあって、豆板醤というほど辛くなく美味しいんだけど、わたしゃやっぱり酢辣油派かな。辣油はテツ入りの自家製でした。 坦々ソースは好みが分かれそう。ちなみに好みではない派。 店員さんも普通に対応してくれるし、ちょい呑みで使えそうな感じでした。 ホッピー無し。禁煙。
A Chinese restaurant chain located between Keisei Funabashi Station and Funabashi Station. I've never seen it in Tokyo ... Let's find out next time. Half-price drink sale is underway. appreciated. I ordered dumplings and fried eggplant sauce. The dumplings are delicious as they are. "Gyoza-only Doubanjiang Miso" is on the counter, and it's not as spicy as Doubanjiang, but it's delicious, but I think it's vinegar and chili oil. Chili oil was homemade with tetsu. The sauce seems to have different tastes. By the way, I don't like it. The clerk also responded normally, and I felt like I could use it with a little swallow. No hoppy. no smoking.
Jun Satake on Google

以前から気になっていた東京餃子軒ですが、 感染対策のためテイクアウトしました!! やや大きめで具の野菜もしっかり入っていて食べ応えありです!! ニンニクが入っていないのか、ニンニクが苦手な嫁様も 食べやすいとのこと。 今日はノンアルデーのため黒烏龍茶でしたが、 これが餃子とベストマッチ!! 今度は店内でもいただきます!!
I've always been interested in Tokyo dumplings, but I took out to prevent infection! !! It's a little big and contains vegetables, so it's very satisfying to eat! !! Maybe there is no garlic in it, some brides are not good at garlic It's easy to eat. Today was black oolong tea because it was non-alday, This is the best match with dumplings! !! This time, we will have it in the store! !!
Denis Menezes on Google


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