Tokoji Temple - Azumino

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Tokoji Temple

住所 :

等々力-2721 Hotaka, Azumino, Nagano 399-8303, Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Postal code : 399-8303

等々力-2721 Hotaka, Azumino, Nagano 399-8303, Japan
篠原勝太 on Google

If you put on Nio's clogs and make a request to Nio, your wish will come true ?
Mike SONEHARA on Google

It is a temple where big clogs are enshrined. It's in a quiet place and in a good way not many people. Calm appearance. Wasabi fields are scattered nearby.
kuro hanpen on Google

ここにも大きな下駄がありました、 願い事が叶うとあるので欲の深い自分は・・・ 穂高神社の近くで静かなお寺さまです。
There was also a big geta here, I have a deep desire because my wish will come true ... It is a quiet temple near Hotaka Shrine.
さぁねえちゃん on Google

安曇野に宿泊をして,早朝に伺いました。 朝の庭掃除が終わって間もなくだったのか,清々しい感じがしました。 又 御朱印をお願いすると,若奥様らしい方が出てこられて… 優しい綺麗な文字で書いて下さいました? 山門の前に 大きな…と言うより巨大な朱色ろの下駄が❗️ 事前に調べてはありましたが,あまりの大きさに?‼️
I stayed in Azumino and visited early in the morning. I felt refreshed soon after the morning garden cleaning was over. If you ask for the red stamp, a young wife appears ... 下 さ い which was written in gentle beautiful characters A huge vermilion clog is rather than big ... Although it was examined in advance, it was too big. ️
くまごろー on Google

2021/6/19 御朱印をもらおうと思いましたが、どうもそんな雰囲気でもなさそうなので諦めて、赤い大きな下駄の写真だけ撮って帰りました。
2021/6/19 I thought I'd get a red stamp, but I didn't seem to have that kind of atmosphere, so I gave up and took only a picture of the big red clogs and went home.
moogle hana on Google

お寺ですので、静寂で敷地も広く解放された神社とは異なります。 赤下駄は、いつまでも元気に歩いて長生きする意味。 コロナウイルスにて、観光ではなく、お参りでしたので、厳かな気持ちで、お写真を投稿です。
Since it is a temple, it is different from a shrine that is quiet and the site is widely open. Red clogs mean to walk forever and live longer. Since I was visiting the coronavirus instead of sightseeing, I am posting photos with a solemn feeling.
佐藤康廣 on Google

門前に立って、びっくりしたなぁ?だって、仁王門の前に、大きなそして赤い下駄が、三組も置いているんだもんね?なんだこれは!!と思ったねぇ。仁王様の下駄なんだってねぇ。大きな足だねぇ?そして、仁王門の後ろに行くと、仁王様が立っていて、後ろから顔を出して、写真を撮ることができるんだよ。ユニークで楽しいね?仁王様の下駄を履くと、願いが叶うということだよ? 仏様にお参りをした後、庫裏に行き御朱印を賜わりました。御住職の奥様が、親切に対応して下さいました。また、玄関には吊し雛が飾ってありました。奥様の趣味だそうです?妻も、趣味で吊し雛作りをしていて、吊るし雛談議に花を咲かせていましたよ?
I was surprised when I stood in front of the gate ? Because there are three sets of big and red clogs in front of the Niomon ? I thought this was !! It's a geta of Nio-sama. It's a big leg ? And when you go behind the Niomon, you can see Nio-sama standing behind you and take a picture. It's unique and fun ? Wearing Nio-sama's clogs will make your wish come true ? After visiting the Buddha, I went to the back of the warehouse and received a red stamp. The wife of the priest kindly responded. In addition, hanging chicks were displayed at the entrance. It seems to be his wife's hobby ? My wife was also making hanging chicks as a hobby, and the flowers were blooming in the hanging chick discussion ?
Scott Combs on Google

Really neat temple. I loved the atmosphere and taking pictures wearing super big geta shoes. I was able to get a shrine stamp for my shrine stamp book.

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