Tokiwa Dango Main store - Saitama

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Tokiwa Dango Main store

住所 :

1 Chome-12-1 Takasago, Urawa Ward, Saitama, 330-0063, Japan

電話 : 📞 +888
Postal code : 330-0063
Webサイト :

1 Chome-12-1 Takasago, Urawa Ward, Saitama, 330-0063, Japan
S Blue on Google

御膳志るこ! 美味しかったです
Nagon Shiruko! It was delicious
壬琴 on Google

浦和に住んで80年の大先輩から教えていただきました。 きな粉とあんこのセットを買いました。いろんな数のパターンがあるのも嬉しいですね。モチモチで美味しかったです❤️
I lived in Urawa and taught from 80 years of seniors. I bought this set of flour and bean paste. It is also nice to have various numbers of patterns. It was delicious with mochi mochi
Ayana Shimamura on Google

昔ながらのお餅のお団子です? 少し硬めのもきゅもきゅっとした食感のお団子がお好きな方にはおすすめです。 一番小さいサイズのお団子は500円で、きなことこしあんの2種類が入ってます。(お団子は全部で10粒くらいかな?) さらに、こしあんは、草餅と、白餅の2種類が混ざっていて、飽きずに食べれます。 ちょっと割高感はありますが、注文してからお団子を準備してくださったり、包装代も含まれているので、たまの贅沢としてはいいかなぁという感じです。 賞味期限は当日中、決済は現金のみです。
It's an old-fashioned rice cake dumpling ? It is recommended for those who like dumplings with a slightly stiff and crispy texture. The smallest size dumpling is 500 yen and contains two types of kinako and red bean paste. (Is there about 10 dumplings in all?) In addition, Koshian is a mixture of two types, kusa mochi and white mochi, so you can eat it without getting tired. It's a little expensive, but it's a good idea as an occasional luxury because the dumplings are prepared after ordering and the packaging fee is included. The expiration date is the same day, and payment is only in cash.
T K on Google

Japanese sweets shop in front of the station. It seems that you are dealing with Japanese sweets in general at eat-in. The number of such shops is decreasing, so when you see them, you will want to enter.
sabai ecco on Google

【持ち帰りで】 ときわだんご12こ入り、500円を購入。 購入した夜に食べました。 わりかしかためのお団子。 あんこときな粉の甘さがいい塩梅。 他のクチコミで見たように、やわらかいモチモチのお団子とはちょいと違う。かたさがあってのお団子だそう。 それを知らずに食べたのと、やわらかめのお団子好きなので、このかたさはあまりタイプではありませんでした… でも家族には大好評! 浦和銘菓のひとつとして気に入ってもらえたのでまた買おうと思います。 お支払い:現金のみ
[Take it home] I bought 12 Tokiwa Dango for 500 yen. I ate it the night I bought it. A dumpling for a substitute. Shioume with good sweetness of red bean paste and soybean flour. As we saw in other reviews, it's a little different from the soft, chewy dumplings. It seems to be a dumpling with hardness. I ate it without knowing it, and I like soft dumplings, so this hardness wasn't very typed ... But it is very popular with my family! I think I will buy it again because it was liked as one of Urawa's famous confectionery. Payment: cash only
Todoちゃん on Google

ときわだんごは家族三世代みんな大好き。風格を感じさせる手の込んだ包装が嬉しい。爪楊枝もとても和風を漂わせています。 但しタイミング悪く何人も先客がいると、少し待たされます。 注文受けてからすぐに作るだんご、だんごの上にこし餡、きな粉の2タイプ詰めてくれるので2種類の味が楽しめる。 きな粉はタップリ掛けてくれるのが嬉しい。あんこも甘過ぎずさっぱり頂ける。 団子も白玉団子だけでなく、草餅団子も入っていて、要望を伝えれば、白玉と草餅の割合を変えてくれるそうです。 賞味期限当日中かな?美味しく食べるには、買ってすぐが一番です。なるべく早い方が良いと思う。
Tokiwa Dango is loved by all three generations of the family. I am happy with the elaborate packaging that makes you feel the style. Toothpicks are also very Japanese. However, if there are many customers at the wrong time, you will have to wait for a while. You can enjoy two kinds of flavors because the dumplings that are made immediately after receiving the order, the dumplings, and the soybean flour are packed on top of the dumplings. I'm glad that the soybean flour is tapped. Anko is not too sweet and you can enjoy it refreshingly. Not only Shiratama dumplings but also Kusa mochi dumplings are included, and if you tell us your request, they will change the ratio of Shiratama and Kusa mochi. Is it on the day of the expiration date? The best way to eat deliciously is to buy it immediately. I think it's better to be as early as possible.
青春 on Google

浦和の銘菓 餅が硬くなってしまうので当日消費期限のお団子?私はあんこの方が好きです。
Urawa's famous confectionery The rice cake becomes hard, so the dumpling that expires on the day ? I like red bean paste.
Sayaka on Google

ひな祭りの日に桜餅を求めて初来店。 時間は午後3時。 私の考えが甘かったようです。見事に桜餅は売り切れ、、、。 迷いましたが、今回のひな祭り用に、唯一残っていた「うぐいす餅」を購入して帰りました。 実はあまり期待していなかったのですが、なかなか美味しかったです♪ お餅は柔らかく、中の餡も甘さが上品。外にかかかっている、うぐいすきな粉も優しいお味で、全てがまとまっていました。 次回は、店名にもなっている「ときわだんご」を是非とも購入せねば!なんと、購入してから5時間以内に食べなければいけないそうですよ^ ^
First visit to the store in search of Sakuramochi on the day of the Doll's Festival. The time is 3:00 pm. It seems that my thoughts were sweet. Sakuramochi is sold out brilliantly ... I was at a loss, but I bought the only remaining "Uguisu Mochi" for this Hinamatsuri and went home. Actually, I didn't expect much, but it was delicious ♪ The mochi is soft and the bean paste inside is also sweet. The warbler soybean flour on the outside had a gentle taste, and everything was organized. Next time, I definitely have to buy "Tokiwa Dango," which is also the name of the store! It seems that you have to eat it within 5 hours after you buy it ^ ^

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