Tokai University Bosei Senior High School - Shibuya City

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Tokai University Bosei Senior High School

住所 :

2 Chome-10-7 Tomigaya, Shibuya City, Tokyo 151-0063, Japan

電話 : 📞 +878
Postal code : 151-0063
Webサイト :

2 Chome-10-7 Tomigaya, Shibuya City, Tokyo 151-0063, Japan
林和美 on Google

This is Koichi Domoto's (Hikari-chan) mother school.
石塚康人 on Google

Good school
Nobuko Yashiki on Google

I was able to redo my life.
こるぽんぬ on Google

A new school building is under construction until 2021, so the second building at Tokai University, 200 meters away, is the school building. Please be careful when visiting at school briefings.
dragon Black on Google

半世紀近く前までは東海大学附属高等学校と言う普通科の高校でした。 浦安に移転と言う形で閉校した後、しばらくは使用されていなかったと思います。 その後、通信制の望星高校となりました。 自分が附属高等学校当時に通っていた時と建物は変わっておらず、懐かしく思います。 向いのお肉屋さんも当時からあり、揚げたてのコロッケは人気でした。
Until nearly half a century ago, it was an ordinary high school called Tokai University High School. I think it wasn't used for a while after the school was closed in the form of relocation to Urayasu. After that, it became Bosei High School, which is a communication system. The building hasn't changed since I was attending high school, and I miss it. There was a butcher shop across the street from that time, and freshly fried croquettes were popular.
布蘭健 on Google

平日コースがなくなってから静かな学校になった。 大野くん、榮倉奈々、夏帆、えなりくん、神田沙也加等有名人の卒業生が多い学校。また、普通の学生は少なく、ヤンキーかイジメを受けていたようなキャラのどちらかしかいない印象。
It became a quiet school after the weekday course disappeared. A school with many celebrity graduates such as Ohno-kun, Nana Eikura, Kaho, Enari-kun, and Sayaka Kanda. Also, there are few ordinary students, and the impression is that there are only Yankees or characters who seem to have been bullied.
Tomokazu Nomura on Google

歴史が古く日本初の通信制高校の一つを標榜しています。学校生活は大学に近い形態でかなり自由な校風。授業も比較的平易ですが、その分自己管理や計画性が重視され、在籍しているだけでは単位認定が難しい仕組みなので、自律の意識を持つことには先生方も口うるさいです。ただ、生徒一人一人にはきちんと向き合ってくれると思います。 お互い干渉し合わない生徒が多いので、一人でいる方が好きな人には気楽で良いと思います。逆に友だちをたくさん作って、学園ドラマのような高校生活をエンジョイしたい人は、期待を裏切られるかもしれません。校舎も新しくなりましたが、スクーリング日以外はとても静かです。
It has a long history and advocates one of Japan's first correspondence high schools. School life is similar to that of a university, and the school spirit is quite free. Classes are relatively easy, but self-management and planning are emphasized, and it is difficult to earn credits just by being enrolled, so it is noisy for teachers to have an awareness of autonomy. However, I think that each student will be treated properly. There are many students who do not interfere with each other, so I think it's easy for people who like to be alone. On the other hand, those who want to make a lot of friends and enjoy high school life like a school drama may be disappointed. The school building has also been renewed, but it is very quiet except on schooling days.
高級オニオンドレッシング on Google

転入学または転校を考えてる人たちあまりおすすめはしません。自分から話しかけないと友達はできにくいです。以前ようきゃでも人見知りや友達を作るタイミングを逃し長引かせると1人が楽という考えに行き着いてそれを正当化します。入学は別にいいと思いますよ。それにクラスで過ごすというのが大半 ホームルームです。学年関係なく授業をうけるので友達がさらにできにくいです。ですので転入学や転校はまじでおすすめしません。 2年越しの後付けですが、 この学校を卒業してみてのメリットもここで述べようと思います。大学の附属校と言うこともあり、高校を名乗る時、東海大学附属の高校ですと言えることができて全く通信と思われず、むしろ頭がいい高校と思われます。 それに1人で行動すると言う意識が芽生えて、 なおかつ大学と同じ制度なので、大学に入っても変化に対応できると思います。 結果的にいいと思えるのは、たぶん思い出補正だと思いますけど笑 もう一度ここで生活したいかと言われたら イエスとは言わないです笑 都合がいいかもしれませんが、このレビューを久しぶりに見て思ったのは、人の意見で左右されないでほしいということです。 僕のこのレビューでこの学校を入学や編入する候補から外した人がいるかもしれないので、まずは学校を訪れてみるなどして自分に合う合わないを決めてもらいたい。 そして、1人の時間を大事にしたい、やりたいことがあって学校をメインにしてない人はここでいいと思います。そう思ってる人は友達できたり学校が楽しかったりするとおまけ感覚になると思うので。 ですが、みんなが描いてる理想の青春したいなどいう人はこの学校は向いてないかもしれません。入学から入る人はまだ友達などを比較的作りやすいですが、編入学の人はいわば途中から入ってくるのでアウェーの中に飛び込む感じです。 なのでそういう青春を描いてる人は、週何回かほぼ毎日いくコースの通信制の方が断然おすすめします! 自分は前の学校の楽しさや期待しすぎた反面、自滅したのがダメでしたので、みなさんはぜひ楽しんでください
I don't recommend it to people who are thinking of transferring or transferring to another school. It's hard to make friends unless you talk to yourself. Even if it was before, if you miss the timing to make shyness and make friends and prolong it, one person will come up with the idea that it will be easier and justify it. I think it's okay to enroll. And most of the time I spend in class This is the home room. It's even harder to make friends because I take classes regardless of grade. Therefore, we do not really recommend transferring or transferring to another school. It's been retrofitted for over two years, I would like to mention here the merits of graduating from this school. Sometimes it is called a university affiliated school, and when you call yourself a high school, you can say that it is a high school attached to Tokai University, so it does not seem to be a communication at all, but rather a smart high school. In addition, the consciousness of acting alone grew, Moreover, since it is the same system as the university, I think that even if you enter the university, you can respond to changes. I think the one that seems to be good as a result is probably the memory correction, but lol If you want to live here again I don't say yes lol It may be convenient, but what I thought after seeing this review for the first time in a while is that I don't want it to be influenced by people's opinions. Some people may have excluded this school from the candidates for admission or transfer in this review of mine, so please visit the school first and decide which one is not suitable for you. And if you want to cherish one person's time, have something you want to do and don't focus on school, I think it's good here. People who think so will feel like a bonus if they can make friends or have fun at school. However, this school may not be suitable for those who want to have the ideal youth that everyone is drawing. People who enter from admission are still relatively easy to make friends, but transfer students come in from the middle, so it feels like jumping into the away. So, for those who draw such youth, I definitely recommend the communication system of the course that goes almost every day several times a week! I had the fun of the previous school and I expected too much, but I didn't want to self-destruct, so please enjoy it.

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