Tochigi Leather Pilot Store - Tochigi

4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Tochigi Leather Pilot Store

住所 :

1-68 Kawaicho, Tochigi, 328-0041, Japan

電話 : 📞 +887
Postal code : 328-0041
Webサイト :

1-68 Kawaicho, Tochigi, 328-0041, Japan
どなたどなた on Google

I always use the transfer service for online sales because I do not want to know my name and address, but when I ordered a bag of 100,000 yen at this store, it was canceled by Mr. Takasaki in charge because of the transfer the next day. it was done. To be honest, what is this store like? I thought it was.
あまがいゆうた on Google

中に入ると、高級感のある、ゴージャスなお店でした。店員さんも丁寧で、満足する楽しい買い物ができました。 因みに私はトートバッグを購入しました?
Once inside, it was a luxurious and gorgeous shop. The clerk was also polite and I was able to enjoy shopping with satisfaction. By the way, I bought a tote bag ?
石川義一 on Google

I first heard about Tochigi leather on TV. There are attractive leather goods in the store, and I was particularly interested in wallets and tote bags. I was thinking of buying a wallet at Sano's outlet, but I felt that this product was simpler and stronger (although not cheap) and more satisfying than the branded product. If you are interested, I highly recommend visiting the store! ️
宮澤ゴンザレス on Google

店内に充満する皮の香りが最高です。 店にかかってるのれんが皮で出来てる所を見てからテンションが上がります。 明るすぎない照明で落ち着いた雰囲気、静かな店内でゆっくり時間をかけて商品を吟味することが出来ます。 店員さんに相談したら商品の違いを比較し、説明をちゃんとしていただけたのでニーズにあった商品を選ぶことができました。 入り口にある端材コーナーはハギレとは思えない質の革を買えます。 駐車場は店舗後ろ側(西側)に4〜5台停められるスペースがあります。なかなかいっぱいになることはないと思いますので、コインパーキングに停める前にこちらを見てはいかがでしょうか。
The scent of the skin that fills the store is the best. After seeing the goodwill in the store made of leather, the tension rises. With lighting that is not too bright, you can take your time to examine the products in a calm atmosphere and in a quiet store. When I consulted with the clerk, I compared the differences between the products and gave me a proper explanation, so I was able to select the product that suits my needs. At the corner of the scraps at the entrance, you can buy leather of a quality that you can't think of as a peeling. The parking lot has a space for 4 to 5 cars on the back side (west side) of the store. I don't think it will fill up easily, so why not take a look here before you park at the coin parking lot.
72% cacao on Google

栃木レザーのアンテナショップということで興味があり伺いました。 様々な作家さんと言ったらいいのか、 ブランドと言うべきかは、わかりませんが有り、キーホルダー、ガードケース等の小物からバック類や靴等、栃木レザーを仕様した商品がとてもリーズナブルな価格でおいてあり、レザー好きなら見に行くだけでも価値ありだと思います。 店内入って直ぐには格安でクラフト用に廃材が置いてあります。
We asked interested in the fact that the Tochigi leather of the antenna shop. What can I say with a variety of writer's, Whether to say the brand, but do not know there, key chains, small back such and shoes from such as guard case, is put in products that specification Tochigi leather is very reasonable price, just going to see if you like leather But I think that it is worth. In the store, it is possible to put in a cheap and craft as soon as possible.
44 1 on Google

2021年8月1日 気になっていた栃木レザーのお店行ってきました。 駐車場はお店の後ろにあります。 セール品のスマホケース買いました。 良いもの買えました。
August 1, 2021 I went to the Tochigi leather shop that I was interested in. The parking lot is behind the shop. I bought a smartphone case for sale. I bought a good one.
taka on Google

栃木駅前と言う立地は良い所にあると思います。 お店の雰囲気も良くゆっくり、落ち着いて見る事が出来ると思います。 ただ、思っていたほど品数がありませんでした・・・ 今回は、長財布を見に行きましたが、気にいる物がなく、何も買わずお店を後にしました!
I think the location in front of Tochigi station is in a good location. The atmosphere of the shop is good and you can see it slowly and calmly. However, there weren't as many items as I expected ... This time, I went to see a long wallet, but I didn't have anything I liked, so I left the store without buying anything!
みゆうみゅう on Google

先日、主人と子供の就職祝いの名刺入れを買いに訪れました。外観も素敵ですが中には色々な種類の製品があり目を引かれる物ばかりです。 今回は名刺入れと、水に濡らして指で動物の形を作るレザーを買いました。 値段も思っていたより安く大変満足です。 スタッフの方の接客もとても素敵でした。 是非又伺いたいお店です。
The other day, I visited to buy a business card holder for my husband and children to celebrate their employment. The appearance is nice, but there are various kinds of products inside, and all of them are eye-catching. This time, I bought a business card holder and leather that is soaked in water to make an animal shape with my fingers. The price is cheaper than I expected and I am very satisfied. The customer service of the staff was also very nice. This is a shop I would love to visit again.

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