The Meat Dutch

4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact The Meat Dutch

住所 :

Wakashiba, Kashiwa, 〒277-0871 Chiba,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87977
Webサイト :
街 : 〒1F Chiba

Wakashiba, Kashiwa, 〒277-0871 Chiba,Japan
shin2row on Google

ちょっとアウトドア風の体験が出来るハンバーグとステーキメインのお店。ランチで伺いましたが、ハンバーグは肉は粗挽きで良い。ステーキは和牛ではないが、肉塊を店内で捌いて脂身が少なくて個人的に好き。 ランチビュッフェ炊きたてのご飯と卵、蒸し野菜とか若干和洋折衷な感はあるけどどれも美味しい。極めつけはコーヒーが豆を選んで自分で挽いて淹れるのだが、アウトドア気分に浸れます。コロナ禍でセルフを上手く転換してるのが良いですね。 が、こういうの苦手なひとはどうすんだろ?
A hamburger and steak main restaurant where you can experience a little outdoor style. I visited for lunch, but the meat of the hamburger is finely ground. The steak is not Japanese beef, but I personally like it because the meat chunks are separated in the store and there is little fat. Lunch buffet Freshly cooked rice and eggs, steamed vegetables, etc. are a little eclectic, but they are all delicious. The best way to make coffee is to choose beans and grind them yourself to brew them, but you can feel the outdoors. It's good to be able to change your self well with Corona. But what about people who are not good at this?
Masa O. on Google

The hamburger is delicious, but the rice that comes with it is also delicious. Desserts are also offered at a bargain price, and it is recommended to use the cafe. Tiramisu is delicious
shiro beru on Google

平日、ハンバーグ弁当180g 880円を予約して受け取りました。 丁度お昼の時間でしたので、コロナも落ち着いたこともあるのか、平日にも関わらずかなり混雑していました。 ハンバーグのほかにも一口のキッシュやコーン、ポテト、玉ねぎの酢漬け等も入っており、彩りもよく美味しかったです。 ハンバーグはかなり胡椒が効いている気がしました。子供だと少し辛い気もします。 一人でサクッと食べたい方は是非、お電話で予約の上お弁当もありだと思います。
On weekdays, I booked and received a hamburger steak 180g for 880 yen. It was just lunch time, so maybe Corona was calm, and it was quite crowded even though it was a weekday. In addition to the hamburger steak, a bite of quiche, corn, potatoes, pickled onions, etc. were also included, and the color was good and delicious. I felt that the hamburger was quite peppery. It feels a little painful for children. If you want to eat quickly by yourself, I think that you can make a reservation by phone and have a lunch box.
abtndo nmter on Google

The meat is delicious anyway. Hamburgers, steaks, chicken, sausages. The salad is also full of fashionable vegetables, but unlike the fashionable salads in strange cafes, it is fresh and delicious. I always forget to make omelet rice ...
みやひょん on Google

Used for lunch, I'm glad that I can eat 300g of steak at this price, the meat is tender and the satisfaction is high. With one egg service, the rice with eggs was also very delicious. Also, I personally think that the set drink buffet coffee is a very nice service, where you grind the beans yourself with a coffee mill. If this is the case, you won't be able to eat steak lunch at the family restaurant.
s n on Google

少し高めですがとてもおいしくゆったりした時間が過ごせます。 丁寧につくられた料理がおいしく、食後には自分で豆をひいてコーヒーを飲めます。結構満席なことが多いので予約しておくのをおすすめします! 子連れもおおく、お子さまがいる人でも全然大丈夫です!
It's a little expensive, but it's very delicious and you can spend a relaxing time. The carefully prepared dishes are delicious, and you can grind beans and drink coffee after meals. It's often quite full, so it's recommended to make a reservation! Many people with children, even those with children are okay!
MINO on Google

Self-serve coffee is good.
Rochelle Evans on Google

Service here is always great! The staff are amazing and they go beyond! Love this place

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