
3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ライフガーデン佐倉

住所 :

Terazakikita, Sakura, 〒285-0819 Chiba,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87788
街 : 〒1F Chiba

Terazakikita, Sakura, 〒285-0819 Chiba,Japan
葵夏希 on Google

ダイソーは通路がスッキリした造りなので買い物しやすいです。Big Houseはとても広くゆったりとした売り場配置でカートでも回りやすく、品揃え豊富で安いので普段の買い物に便利です。
Daiso has a clean aisle, so it's easy to shop. Big House has a very large and spacious sales floor layout, it is easy to go around with a cart, and it is convenient for everyday shopping because it has a wide selection and is cheap.
植草恵子 on Google

I just went to Daiso, but there were many other shops and I couldn't get around. There is Beisia next to it, so it ’s a super fierce battle.
yyst saayu on Google

I went to the big house, but it was cheap and good. However, since the store is large, it is difficult to know what is where unless you go there several times. I'm glad that the shop staff was kind and polite. ❗
三石康雄 on Google

ライフガーデンには複数の店舗があるので楽しいです。 食品、家具、100円ショップ、ドラッグストアなど生活上のものはすべて揃います。 また、近くを流れる高崎川と鹿島川は大型の猛禽類も出現しますので買い物が終わったら自然を楽しみに公園などに立ち寄りをオススメします。
It's fun because there are multiple stores in Life Garden. Food, furniture, 100-yen shops, drug stores, and other everyday items are available. In addition, large birds of prey also appear in the Takasaki and Kashima rivers that flow nearby, so it is recommended that you stop by a park to enjoy nature after shopping.
Androidユーザー on Google

比較的ここ一箇所で事足りるが、他にもごはん屋やら、ショッピングセンターやら、ホームセンターやら多すぎるくらい。 そのため、前面道路に渋滞が起きやすい。
This one place is relatively enough, but there are too many other rice shops, shopping centers, home improvement stores, and so on. Therefore, traffic congestion is likely to occur on the front road.
1958 Onodera on Google

There are also shops that have not yet opened due to the collection of supermarkets, drug stores, 100 averages, grilled meat kings, Saizeriya, Nitori, etc.
ハッピーhot water tour on Google

以前は「ケイヨウD2」があった場所に この施設はできました。 ここは「寺崎北交差点」。 佐倉市で賑わっている場所のうちの一つです。 ダイソー。 ビックハウス(スーパーマーケット)。 ニトリ。 サイゼリア。 コインランドリー。 とても便利で助かっています。
In the place where "Keiyou D2" used to be This facility was completed. This is the "Terazakikita intersection". It is one of the busiest places in Sakura City. Daiso. Big house (supermarket). Nitori. Saizeriya. Coin laundry. It's very convenient and helpful.
さすらいの旅人 on Google

Taiyo in Chiba Prefecture had a wide aisle inside the store, making it easy to buy.

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