Teradomari coastal hot spring delicious exploration of inn Sumiyoshiya - Nagaoka

3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Teradomari coastal hot spring delicious exploration of inn Sumiyoshiya

住所 :

7745 Teradomariomachi, Nagaoka, Niigata 940-2502, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8878
Postal code : 940-2502
Webサイト : http://www.h-sumiyoshiya.net/
Description : Streamlined rooms in a relaxed hot spring inn offering a restaurant & a bathhouse, plus free Wi-Fi.

7745 Teradomariomachi, Nagaoka, Niigata 940-2502, Japan
ST A541 on Google

「美味探求」だならね、ここ。すごい美味しかった。皆さん海鮮を頼むところを焼き魚を頼んだら、驚いた。頭付きのハマチの大きい焼き魚が登場。凄い美味しく、無言で格闘になりました。 ここはランチも泊まるのもおすすめ。駐車場は店舗脇に20台くらい。アルコールで1回ずつ拭くなど、ちゃんとコロナ対策もしっかりしていました。
If it's a "delicious quest", here. It was really good. I was surprised when everyone asked for grilled fish instead of asking for seafood. Introducing grilled fish with a large yellowtail with a head. It was really delicious and it was a silent fight. It is also recommended to stay here for lunch. There are about 20 parking lots beside the store. Corona measures were also taken properly, such as wiping with alcohol once.
eri aihara on Google

いま宿泊中ですが一部の従業員の方の接客が最悪です。 電話対応、食事の際のミス、それらに対してまず謝罪がないです。 高級旅館ではないですし、お安いプランで宿泊しているので高望みはしませんが、それでも言葉遣いや相手がどう思うかは気にされて接客されたほうがよいと感じました。 紅ズワイガニも当たり外れがあります。 連れのカニは身ぎっしりでしたが、もう一匹は小皿1/3程しか身が取れませんでした。 その他のお料理自体もそこまでクオリティが高いようには感じませんでした。 接客で嫌な思いをしなければ、立地、お部屋、価格を考えれば☆3というところでしょうか。
I'm staying at the hotel now, but the customer service of some employees is the worst. I have no apologies for phone calls, meal mistakes, and so on. It's not a luxury ryokan, and I'm staying at a cheap plan, so I don't have high hopes for it, but I felt that it would be better to serve customers because I was concerned about the wording and what the other party thought. The red snow crab is also a hit. The crabs I accompanied were full, but the other one could only take about 1/3 of a small plate. I didn't feel that the quality of the other dishes themselves was that high. If you don't feel uncomfortable with customer service, it's ☆ 3 considering the location, room, and price.
R on Google

お料理は食べきれないほど沢山あり最後の釜飯までたべきれず、デザートは部屋に持ち帰りなんとか食べた。ほんとに量が多いので若い方や沢山食べれる人は存分に食べれる。お風呂はこじんまりしているけどお湯の温度が丁度良くて日に5回も入ってしまうほど。 接客もスタッフさんが気さくな感じで良かった。県割りを使い安くできた。またこちらに来たい。少食用のお料理があれば有難い。 2回目お泊まりしました。 県割引とクーポンでかなりお安くお得に宿泊できました。 クーポンで高いのど黒を購入しました。クーポンでお支払0円 まだまだコロナ禍ではありますが、県割引やクーポンをどんどん利用して楽しみたいです。住吉屋さん今回もお料理、お風呂、接客とても良かったです。また次も行きたいです。
There were so many dishes that I couldn't eat, and I couldn't eat until the last Kamameshi, so I took the dessert back to my room and managed to eat it. The amount is so large that young people and people who can eat a lot can eat it to their heart's content. The bath is small, but the temperature of the hot water is just right and I take it 5 times a day. It was good that the staff was friendly with the customer service. I was able to use the prefecture discount and make it cheaper. I want to come here again. I would be grateful if there was a small meal. I stayed for the second time. I was able to stay at a very reasonable price with the prefecture discount and coupon. I bought a high throat black with a coupon. Payment with coupon 0 yen Although it is still a corona disaster, I would like to enjoy using prefecture discounts and coupons more and more. Sumiyoshiya-san The food, bath, and customer service were very good this time as well. I want to go again next time.
池田将隆 on Google

1泊2日で彼女と利用させていただきました。 急遽空きができ、海が見える和室を案内して下さりありがとうございました。 夕食も寺泊で採れた新鮮な海の幸や地酒、お肉や天ぷら等々種類が豊富で彼女と「いっぱい色々なもの食べれて最高だね!」って話しながら楽しい時間過ごさせて頂きました!朝食もとても美味しく、普段あまり朝食を食べない私もこの時はお代わりしちゃいました笑 Googleの評価では従業員の態度が良くない等々言ってる方がいらっしゃいますが、私は決してそんな風には思いませんでした。皆さん親切でとても快適に過ごせましたよ!コロナ禍で大変かと思いますが、自慢の美味しいお食事がある住吉屋様ならきっとコロナに負けず頑張ってくれると信じてます! これからも皆様体調に気をつけて頑張ってください! また機会があれば利用させて頂きます。短い間でしたが、ありがとうございました!
I used it with her for 2 days and 1 night. Thank you for showing us the Japanese-style room where you can see the sea in a hurry. For dinner, there are a wide variety of fresh seafood, local sake, meat, tempura, etc. from the temple night, and I had a good time talking with her, "It's great to eat a lot of things!" Breakfast is also very delicious, and I, who don't usually eat breakfast, have replaced me at this time lol Some people say that employees' attitudes are not good in Google's evaluation, but I never thought that way. Everyone was kind and very comfortable! I think it's difficult because of the corona, but I believe that Sumiyoshiya, who has a delicious meal that he is proud of, will do his best without losing to Corona! Please be careful about your physical condition and do your best! I will use it if there is an opportunity. It was a short time, but thank you!
ねりがらしおでん on Google

カニが水っぽかったため食べなかったのですがその他の料理は美味しかったです ただ老朽化もあるのか廊下の壁に穴が開いていたり蜘蛛の巣が張っていたり床や壁が雨漏り(?)で変色してたりと所々目に留まる箇所がいくつかあったのでそこが気にならない人ならそこそこ快適に過ごせるのかと思いました
I didn't eat the crab because it was watery, but the other dishes were delicious However, I was worried because there were some places that caught my eye, such as holes in the walls of the corridor, spider webs, and discoloration of the floor and walls due to leaks (?). I wondered if people who wouldn't be able to spend time comfortably
coba ayaco on Google

大変美味で良かったです。 仲居さんは、フレンドリーで、気が利いて素晴らしかったです。 今回は2回目の宿泊です。またお泊りしたいです。
It was very delicious and good. Mr. Nakai was friendly, attentive and wonderful. This is my second stay. I want to stay again.
大関久雄 on Google

The dish with a glass of crab was different, and it came out instead of the steak set, but it was hard and not delicious. Carbonated hot springs are not worth it because the bubbles do not stick to the body probably because of the large amount of circulation. !!
Tokio on Google

チェックインし、入浴した時点での感想。こじんまりとした田舎の温泉宿、という感じですね。この後の夕飯に期待。 期待外れの夕食、「美味探求の宿」と良く言えるな~。ガッカリ。でも釜飯だけは美味しかった! 夕食に比べ朝食は良かった。特色のあるメニューはないけど、とても美味しかったです。 グレードが高くないから料理も良くなかったのでしょうが、県民割で安いから泊まるけど、通常料金ではないです。別館に宿泊したのですが、本館の風呂への行き来の廊下がとにかく寒い。ファンヒーターぐらいつけて暖かくしてほしかった。内装も老朽化が目立つし、今後の営業は厳しいでしょうね。
Impressions at the time of check-in and bathing. It feels like a small rural hot spring inn. Expectations for dinner after this. It can be said that a disappointing dinner is a "delicious quest inn". Disappointed. But only the kamameshi was delicious! Breakfast was better than dinner. There is no special menu, but it was very delicious. The food wasn't good because the grade wasn't high, but I stayed at the prefectural discount because it's cheap, but it's not a regular rate. I stayed in the annex, but the corridor to and from the bath in the main building is cold anyway. I wanted you to keep it warm with a fan heater. The interior is also very old, and future sales will be difficult.

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