Tennis School Noah Kakogawa - Kakogawa

4.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Tennis School Noah Kakogawa

住所 :

113-1 Yonedacho, Kakogawa, Hyogo 675-0053, Japan

電話 : 📞 +879
Postal code : 675-0053
Webサイト :

113-1 Yonedacho, Kakogawa, Hyogo 675-0053, Japan
松浦文佳 on Google

I met comedian K at the beginning of the year and smiled at every move, say and do.
tsutomu suwashita on Google

A bright, cool and warm carpet coat that is gentle on your feet.
志保世羅 on Google

Coach, staff, facility environment, everything is good. A school where you can enjoy friends with people of all ages d = (^ o ^) = b
ひろこ on Google

The staff are friendly and helpful. There are many events and there are many opportunities to get along with lessons, and I am satisfied!
かた on Google

雨天時の判断が遅い 確かに振替が増えるなどデメリットはあるが 天気予報で雨ならハッキリして欲しい 他は完璧!!!
Judgment in rainy weather is slow Certainly there are disadvantages such as increased transfers, I want the weather forecast to clarify if it rains Others are perfect! !! !!
saku haru on Google

子供が習っています。受付 コーチも感じがよく、気持ちよく通えます。インドアなのでお天気の心配もありません。四季折々に壁面など飾られており、心遣いを感じます。バレンタインの際に見学していたら、ささやかなチョコを受付の方が、配っていて頂きました!嬉しいものですね♪
The child is learning. The reception coach feels good and can go comfortably. Since it is indoor, there is no need to worry about the weather. The walls are decorated every season, giving a sense of concern. When we were on Valentine's Day, the receptionist handed out a small chocolate! It's nice ♪
haru on Google

コーチの指導は丁寧でわかりやすいです。 スタッフ皆さんがよく声かけしてくださるので安心して通えます。 ここに行くと元気になれる!!
The coach's guidance is polite and easy to understand. All the staff will talk to you so you can go there with confidence. You can get well when you go here !!
あんちんKumiko on Google

もう10年通ってます コーチもフロントもすごく明るく優しい人ばかりです今はコロナでたいへんですがイベントとかいろいろあります
I've been going for 10 years now The coaches and the front desk are all very bright and kind. Nowadays, it's hard in Corona, but there are various events and so on.

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