TCB東京中央美容外科 心斎橋筋院

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact TCB東京中央美容外科 心斎橋筋院

住所 :

Shinsaibashisuji, Chuo Ward, 〒542-0085 Osaka,Japan

電話 : 📞 +897
Webサイト :
街 : Osaka

Shinsaibashisuji, Chuo Ward, 〒542-0085 Osaka,Japan
柿本玲奈 on Google

It was my first experience with HYF. There were some children around me who said it hurts, but I was fine. There was a tingling sensation, but I was surprised that my face tightened immediately after I was asked to do it. It's amazing that you can lift up like this without cutting.
中井成香 on Google

カウンセリング時、担当の方達はとても親切で嫌味なく対応してくださいましたが、やりたいメニューと予算を伝したうえで、予算オーバーなオプションの案内が多く、モニターのお話をしてくださいましたが、結局どーなったのか…何の説明をされているのか…何のBeforeAfterの写真を見せてくれたのか…がまったわからないまま、手術をおこないました。 友人が一度経験していたメニューのため、 その場でケータイで不明点は友人は聞きました。 (質問をするとオプションを勧められそうだった為) 1週間少しで仕上がりにも違和感があり、後日カウンセリングに行く予定です…。
At the time of counseling, the people in charge were very kind and sarcastic, but after telling me the menu and budget I wanted to do, there were many guidance on options that were over budget, so I talked about the monitor. After all, what happened ... what was explained ... what kind of Before After photo was shown ... I did the surgery without knowing. Because of the menu that my friend had once experienced On the spot, my friend asked me if I had any questions on my mobile phone. (Because when I asked a question, I was likely to be offered an option) I feel something is wrong with the finish in a little over a week, so I plan to go to counseling at a later date.
飯田 on Google

I go to TCB's Shinsaibashisujiin. The gorgeous interior is luxurious and I like it. It is also good that it is close to the station and easy to get to. I came to this clinic because I saw the director Hayashi's Instagram, but I am very satisfied every time because the customer service and the treatment are good and the treatment that suits me is suggested.
鵜飼 on Google

韓国アイドルが大好きであの小さな顔に憧れて糸リフト施術を受けました。即効性もあって輪郭が整って理想通りのシュッとした小顔になりました! ダイエットも頑張っていたので友達からは施術はバレずに、痩せたね!と褒めてもらいました。 本当に嬉しいです!
I loved Korean idols and had a thread lift treatment because I longed for a small face. It has an immediate effect, and the contours are well-organized, resulting in a small face that is as crisp as the ideal! I was also on a diet, so my friends didn't tell me what to do and I lost weight! I was praised. I'm really happy!
三田 on Google

I was a little scared because it said that I failed when I checked the thread lift on the net, but I thought that the counseling here was very good and reliable, so I asked for the treatment. When I actually tried it, I was worried about the law line, but it was improved beautifully and my skin became firm. It's very fun to look in the mirror. The outline is also crisp and has a small face. It was very good.
t y on Google

3人で来院しました。 カウンセラーと若い医者最悪。主婦に平気で50万近くするプランすすめてくるあたり普通じゃない。旦那に50万は怒られた、だせても30万しかだせないと伝えても他のプラン提案する様子なし。だいたい、60歳すぎのおばさんと私が同じ料金自体がおかしい笑 60歳と変わらないぐらい、私のたるみ凄かったですか笑 旅費負担、クーポン使用も割り引きしたからできないと。 だったらちゃんと記載したら。ややこしい これだったらわざわざ沖縄から行かなかった。 母親と叔母は施術受けてましたが何も安くないし、むしろ高い。納得できないから私はカウンセリング後ホテルに戻りました。沖縄に店舗ができても二度と行くことはない
We visited the hospital with three people. The worst of counselors and young doctors. It's not normal for a housewife to recommend a plan that is close to 500,000. I was angry with my husband for 500,000, and even if I told him that I could only do 300,000, he didn't seem to propose another plan. About the same price as an aunt over 60 years old and I are strange lol Was my slack as great as 60 years old? I can't because I've discounted the travel expenses and the use of coupons. If so, if you describe it properly. Complicated If this was the case, I wouldn't bother to go from Okinawa. My mother and aunt had been treated, but nothing was cheap, but rather expensive. I wasn't convinced, so I returned to the hotel after counseling. Even if a store is opened in Okinawa, I will never go there again
高井絵里奈 on Google

自分の顔で気になる所が二重幅でした。 鼻の高さはあるんですが二重幅がせまかったので、キツイ印象で目つきが悪く見られてしまう事が多かったです。 ダウンタイムがかかってしまう施術は嫌だったのですが、ダウンタイムが短い埋没法は私にピッタリでした。 元の鼻の高さも活かせて綺麗な平行二重になれました。 自分に自信を持てて今まで以上にメイクやオシャレを楽しめそうです。
Place to be worried about in his face was a double width. Because I'm certain the height of the nose double width was narrow, but it was often the eyes will seen worse in tight impression. Treatment downtime it takes is It was disgusting, but the down time is short burial method was perfect for me. And harnessed the height of the original nose was accustomed to clean parallel double. It is likely to enjoy a makeup and fashionable than ever before and able to have confidence in yourself.
中島詩織 on Google

本日、ボトックス(アラガン、倍量)で行きました。 昔から食いしばり癖がすごく、頭も痛くなるレベルでした。 まだ効果は目に見えて無いのですが、勧誘が一切無く、LINEでのクーポンも使えたのでとてもお手頃な価格での施術をしてもらいました。 ドクターも看護師さんもお気遣いやカウンセリングなどの対応が本当に素晴らしかったです。 あとは効果を楽しみにしてます◯
Today, I went with Botox (Allergan, double amount). I've always had a habit of clenching, and my head hurts. The effect is not visible yet, but there was no solicitation and I could use the coupon on LINE, so I had the treatment done at a very reasonable price. Both the doctor and the nurse were really nice in their care and counseling. I'm looking forward to the effect ◯

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