Tatsumizushi - Chuo City

4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Tatsumizushi

住所 :

築地UKビル 2 Chome-6-5 Tsukiji, Chuo City, Tokyo 104-0045, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Postal code : 104-0045

築地UKビル 2 Chome-6-5 Tsukiji, Chuo City, Tokyo 104-0045, Japan
Nasu Masato on Google

Separate chirashizushi is a good way to drink. The child served a soup service. This is the second time, but I want to go again.
Heum _21 on Google

2~3천엔 사이에서 합리적인 가격으로 맛있는 초밥을 먹었습니다. 40년 넘게 하신 주인분이 직접 장사하시며 영어 메뉴도 따로 있어서 주무하는데 어렵지 않았습니다.
I ate a delicious sushi for 2 to 3,000 yen at a reasonable price. The owner who has been in business for over 40 years, has his own menu and has a separate English menu.
yuichi amemiya on Google

ここのウリはセパレート鮨という名目で提供される、ちらし寿司。刺身とちらし鮨が別れており、載せて食べて良し、別々に食べて良しという建てつけ。ランチ用の特上チラシ小1600円を注文しましたが、二段の重箱には江戸前のしっかりしたネタが散りばめられており、商品力を感じました。 ぶっきら棒な大将と女将でしたが何回か通えば慣れてくるんだろうな。
Uri here is chirashi sushi, which is served under the name of separate sushi. The sashimi and chirashi sushi are separated, so it's okay to put them on top and eat them separately, or to eat them separately. I ordered a small special leaflet for lunch at 1600 yen, but I felt the product power because the solid material of Edo-mae was scattered in the double-tiered heavy box. I was a blunt general and a female general, but I'm sure I'll get used to it a few times.
まりーちゃん家族幸せ日記 on Google

老夫婦が昔から営むお寿司屋さん。 駐車場はもちろん無く、近くの有料駐車場に停めブラブラ歩いていたら、偶然こちらのお店を発見しました。 ランチに伺い、お客様がおらずのんびりした雰囲気でした。 ネタが新鮮で美味しい。小ぶりのシャリで食べやすい。 出汁巻が手作り感があります。 量が多く無く子どもでも、ペロッと平らげていました。 美味しかったです! ご参考になりましたら、いいねをお願いします。
A sushi restaurant run by an old couple for a long time. Of course there is no parking lot, and when I parked at a nearby toll parking lot and walked around, I happened to find this shop. I visited for lunch and it was a laid-back atmosphere with no customers. The material is fresh and delicious. It's small and easy to eat. The soup stock roll has a handmade feel. The amount was not large and even children were flattened. It was delicious! If you find it helpful, please like it.
black bear on Google

セパレートちらしを頂きました。 お酒が進みますね。 煮浸しも美味しく、リーズナブルでまた来たくなります。 大将と常連さんの雰囲気もいい感じで、居るだけで楽しくなってきます。
I received a separate leaflet. Alcohol goes on. The stew is delicious, reasonable and makes you want to come again. The atmosphere of the general and regulars is also nice, and just being there makes it fun.
liliana bujan on Google

Kenneth Teo on Google

Humble restaurant that serves you best chirashi in town.
Daniel Handojo on Google

A humble traditional sushi shop, the owner has served sushi here for more than 40 years, not young anymore and with such experience you can imagine the quality of his sushi.. very fresh, perfectly cut and.. of course ... umami..? .. good to try, the owner is very friendly although he cant speak english well, he still try to serve you the best..

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