tata et pupula - Narashino

4.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact tata et pupula

住所 :

1 Chome-28-9 Okubo, Narashino, Chiba 275-0011, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87988
Postal code : 275-0011
Webサイト : http://tata-et-pupula.com/

1 Chome-28-9 Okubo, Narashino, Chiba 275-0011, Japan
mari san on Google

京成大久保駅下車、ゆうロードで見つけたかわいいパン屋さん❤ こじんまりとした小さなお店の中にはたくさんの種類のぱんが並んでいました。 大きさは小ぶりで、たくさんの種類が食べれそう。なんでも、95種類あるという話です。 パンの基本、クリームパン、メロンパンを購入⭐️ 美味しかったのでまたお邪魔します?
Get off at Keisei Okubo Station, a cute bakery found on Yu Road❤ There were many kinds of bread in a small small shop. The size is small, so you can eat many kinds. There are 95 kinds of things. Buy bread basics, cream bread, melon bread ⭐️ It was delicious so I will bother you again ?
いしい on Google

It is a small bakery that is packed with two people, located 5 or 6 minutes walk from Keisei Okubo Station on the Keisei Electric Railway toward Nihon University. The shop is small, but there are a wide variety of breads from standard to hard, delicatessen, and Danish pastries. All the bread I ate so far is delicious.
富樫靖志 on Google

最近では大当りのパン屋さん! わが家では大ハマリ中! ちょっと固くて小ぶりですが、パンの生地が旨い、噛みしめるたびに風味と味が湧き出る。 惣菜パンがやさしい味で手作り感ある味わい。 ドイツ風の地味な見た目ですが、パン好きにオススメ!( ̄ー ̄)ニヤリ 極狭なお店、2名で満員御礼、目立たないけど見つけたら自分の好みで1個買って食べてみて ※現金のみ、月〜水休み、10時半開店です また、海浜幕張駅の中にある野菜果物などの販売スペースに複数店舗の各種弁当、パンが置いてあり時々見かけます。種類は少ない。 固かったらレンチンで、冷たければグリルで工夫して下さい。生地の美味しさは変わりません! 店の関係者でも、宣伝でもありませんが スーパー等の添加物入のパンを子供達に食べさせたくない一消費者ですm(_ _)m PS 多分ですが、フルーツ由来の天然酵母です。発酵が弱くゆっくりでふわふわでは無いけれど、味わいがあり自然の酸味(赤ワインに合う!)詳しくは店で聞いて下さい。 コメント書いてて食べたくなりました。これから行ってきます! 妻と二人で五千円位買ってたら私です!(家族友人兄弟分)
Recently, a big hit bakery! At my home, I'm in a big mess! It's a little hard and small, but the bread dough is delicious, and the flavor and taste spring up every time you chew. The side dish bread has a gentle taste and a handmade taste. It looks sober in German style, but recommended for bread lovers! ( ̄ ー  ̄) Ninori Very narrow shop, thank you for being packed with 2 people, it is not noticeable, but if you find it, buy one according to your taste and eat it * Cash only, closed from Monday to Wednesday, open at 10:30 In addition, various lunch boxes and breads from multiple stores are placed in the vegetable and fruit sales space inside Kaihin Makuhari Station, and you can sometimes see them. There are few types. If it's hard, use lentin, and if it's cold, use the grill. The deliciousness of the dough does not change! It ’s not a store official or a promotion, It is a consumer who does not want children to eat bread with additives such as supermarkets m (_ _) m PS Probably, it is a natural yeast derived from fruits. Fermentation is weak, slow and not fluffy, but it has a taste and natural acidity (it goes well with red wine!) Please ask at the store for details. I wrote a comment and wanted to eat it. I'm going now! If I bought about 5,000 yen with my wife, it would be me! (Family, friends and brothers)
73 rh on Google

クチコミがいいのと人が並んでるのをちょこちょこ見かけていたのでずっと行こう行こうと思い先日家族と一緒に行きました。 1番人気のメロンパンと他のパンを何種類か買い食べましたがなぜここがここまで人気なの?と言う感じ。 1番人気のメロンパンも想像以上に微妙で、生地がギシギシしてます。 他のパンも唸るほど美味しわけでもなく、普通より微妙なくらい。 冷めてるからかなと思い温めたりしましたがはっきり言って全てパッとしない。 私が選んだパン達がたまたま微妙だった?と思いましたが、家族が選んだ別のパン達もパッとしない感じだったみたいで期待はずれだったねと話していました。 好みあるかもしれませんが、個人的には星5中星2.8くらい...。 お店の雰囲気はとてもいいと思いますが、この値段でこの味のクオリティならまだコンビニパンの方がマシだねと話になりました。 個人的には京成大久保周辺なら別のパン屋さんの方がパン自体も、中の具材に伝われている物の味も全てにおいて美味しい物が多く、家族も同意見だったので、ここでの利用はもう無いかな。 味に期待してただけに残念。
I saw people lined up for good word-of-mouth communication, so I decided to go all the way and went with my family the other day. I bought and ate some of the most popular melon bread and other breads. Why is this so popular? Feeling like that. The most popular melon bread is also more delicate than I imagined, and the dough is squeaky. The other breads aren't as tasty as they growl, they're more subtle than normal. I thought it was because it was cold, but I wasn't surprised at all. Did the breads I chose happen to be subtle? I thought, but he said that the other breads that his family chose seemed to be disappointing and disappointing. You may like it, but personally, it's about 2.8 with 5 stars. I think the atmosphere of the shop is very good, but I was told that convenience store bread is still better at this price and quality of this taste. Personally, in the Keisei Okubo area, another bakery has more delicious bread itself and the taste of the ingredients transmitted to it, and my family agreed, so here. I wonder if it will be used anymore. I'm sorry because I expected the taste.
つるみやレオ太郎 on Google

It's a bakery that sells decent hard bread, which is rare in this area. The baguette has a strong wheat taste, so it doesn't lose much flavor even after a few days.
antaba an on Google

良厳。食パン(281円)はキシキシとした歯応えが良いですね。そのまま食べるとホンノリとした甘さが引き立った食パンなのですが、トーストすると途端にマーガリンの臭いが主張してくるのはマーガリンの宿命ですがやはりマイナスです。 パン・ド・カンパーニュは焼き上げ1lが足らないので柔らかすぎ&クラムは詰まり過ぎ、酸味しか感じません。 トースターで加熱すると麦類の風味が出てバランスが良くなりますが、水分が多く気泡が小さいのでクラムが蒸しパンの様になるのは、、、
Good luck. The bread (281 yen) is crunchy and crunchy. If you eat it as it is, it is a bread with a real sweetness, but it is the fate of margarine that the smell of margarine is immediately claimed when toasted, but it is still a minus. Pain de campagne is too soft & crumbs are too clogged because 1 liter of baked bread is not enough, and I feel only sour. When heated with a toaster, the flavor of wheat comes out and the balance is improved, but because the water content is high and the bubbles are small, the crumbs look like steamed bread.
on Google

平日昼間に行ったからか、難なく入れました。いつも並んでないけど、学生達がいる時間帯だと違うのかも? 入店して10分くらい選びました。 種類が多く、決めていたパン以外も食べて!の魔法がしっかりかかってるんですよ。 くるみクランベリー、オリーブのミニカンパーニュ、五色豆とクリームチーズのキッシュ、塩パン等を買いました。 塩パンのじゅわっと油の染みた美味しさ、五色豆と~のしっかりした豆の甘味に合うクリチの酸味とバターカリカリの香ばしさ、オリーブの~のオリーブってこんな風味豊かなんだ!という発見、くるみクラ~の素材が五感を喜ばせにくる幸せと、こんなにギッチギチに中身詰まってて成形出来るなんて、どんだけ丁寧に全工程に向き合ってるんだろうかと感動。。。 普段スタンプカード作らないけど、即決で作りました。 とにかく、美味しいです(^-^)
I entered it without difficulty probably because I went there during the daytime on weekdays. It's not always lined up, but maybe it's different when there are students? I entered the store and chose about 10 minutes. There are many kinds, and eat more than the bread you have decided on! The magic of is firmly applied. I bought walnut cranberries, olive mini campagne, quiche of five-colored beans and cream cheese, salt bread, etc. The deliciousness of salted bread soaked in oil, the sourness of kurichi and the aroma of butter crispy that match the sweetness of Goshiki-mame and the firm beans, and the olives of olives are so rich in flavor! I was impressed by the happiness that the material of Kurumikura makes the five senses happy, and how politely it is to face the whole process that it can be molded with such a tight fit. .. .. I don't usually make stamp cards, but I made it by prompt decision. Anyway, it's delicious (^-^)
伊藤昌幾 on Google

大久保商店街中ほどにある小さなパン屋さん。いつも行列が絶えません。 ハード系からスイーツパン、お惣菜パンまで品揃えも豊富で、いつも何食べようか迷ってしまいます。 お勧めはキーマカレーセンベイ、塩パン、あんぱんです!(完全に個人的意見です…) もちろんその他のパンも全て美味しいですよー 昨年からは衛生にもご配慮され、全てのパンを個包装される徹底ぶりで安心して食せます。 月〜水曜日はお休みなので、ご来店の際はお気をつけて。
A small bakery in the middle of Okubo shopping street. There is always a line. There is a wide selection of bread, from hard bread to sweet bread and side dish bread, so you always wonder what to eat. We recommend Keema Curry Senbay, salt bread, and anpan! (It's a completely personal opinion ...) Of course, all the other breads are delicious too! Since last year, hygiene has been taken into consideration, and all breads are individually wrapped so that you can eat with confidence. It is closed from Monday to Wednesday, so be careful when you come to the store.

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