Tasuke - Aizuwakamatsu

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Tasuke

住所 :

Murahigashi-1033-10 Mondenmachi Oazaniidera, Aizuwakamatsu, Fukushima 965-0846, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8777
Postal code : 965-0846
Opening hours :
Saturday 11AM–2PM
Sunday 11AM–2PM
Monday 11AM–2PM
Tuesday 11AM–2PM
Wednesday 11AM–2PM
Thursday 11AM–2PM
Friday 11AM–2PM

Murahigashi-1033-10 Mondenmachi Oazaniidera, Aizuwakamatsu, Fukushima 965-0846, Japan
ギャレン on Google

太麺に大量の野菜、そしてニンニク入りと思われるスープの味噌ラーメンを注文。 最初はスープの味にこそ驚きはしたが、徐々に慣れていった。値段は980円と高めだが、それに見合う美味しさ。あと、第一印象は"デカ盛り"。食べてみるとそうでもなかった。 どうでもいいことだが、鬼滅の刃が全巻あったことに驚いた。
I ordered thick noodles, a large amount of vegetables, and miso ramen, a soup that seems to contain garlic. At first I was surprised at the taste of the soup, but gradually I got used to it. The price is as high as 980 yen, but it's delicious. Also, the first impression is "Big prime". When I tried it, it wasn't so. It doesn't matter, but I was surprised that there was a whole volume of Devil's Blade.
Eqmoving Outlated on Google

前に夜行ったときやってなかった!! 次行くので星5つ! R2.12月中旬 念願の初来店 唐揚げモリモリお米大盛り無料ウマウマ?
I didn't do it the night before! !! I'm going next, so 5 stars! R2.1 Mid-December Long-sought first visit Fried chicken Morimori Rice large serving free horse horse ?
初瀬川パチオ on Google

らーめんがおすすめです。 今回はねぎらーめんを頂きました? たっぷり盛られたねぎらーめんの底に角切りのチャーシューが隠れてて、食べ応え充分? ねぎの甘さをじっくり味わえます? ご飯物や飲み物も充実しています?????
Ramen is recommended. This time I received Negira Ramen The diced char siu is hidden at the bottom of the plenty of green onion noodles, so you can eat enough. You can taste the sweetness of green onions slowly. Food and drinks are also available.
celery pakupaku on Google

(Translated by Google) I visited the store after a long time, I had a fried chicken set meal. I used to have a bit more punch on my clothes It's a pity that the punch is gone (.> Д д<) TVが見えず、店員さんだけ見てペチャクチャ( *゚A゚) この時期、あまり料理しながらペチャクチャは、いただけませんな。 ( *゚A゚)コラー‼️
板橋孝之 on Google

最近お邪魔させて頂きました!お昼時は人が居ます、駐車場は入れやすいですが、台数に限りがありました!写真はチャーシュー麺と、ネギ味噌だと思います!優しい味でした(^^) 普段濃いのを好む人には少し向いてないかもしれません!綺麗な店内でした(^^)
I've been bothering you recently! There are people at noon, parking is easy to enter, but the number is limited! I think the photo shows char siu noodles and green onion miso! It was a gentle taste (^^) It may not be suitable for people who usually like darkness! It was a beautiful store (^^)
沙彌ちゃん on Google

久し振りの当たりのお店に感動しております! 唐揚げ定食とソースかつ丼に餃子を頼みました。 どちらも盛が多く食べごたえは十分! 唐揚げは安心の”ザ・唐揚げ!”と言う感じです。 言い換えれば、お母さんが作る唐揚げって感じです。 友人曰く、ショウガが利いてて美味しい!との事。 ソースかつ丼はカツがしっかり揚げられてて、箸で摘まんでも齧っても、衣が剥がれる事は無かったです。 衣が固いと言う事では無く、肉との繋ぎがしっかりできていると言う事だと思いました。 タレも甘しょっぱく、ご飯の進む丁度良さです。 餃子の餡はシソとショウガが入っていて(合ってます?)食べた事のない感じがして新鮮でした。 ただ、シソは好き好きがあると思うので、苦手な人もいるかな? ☆-1はその部分です。 総合で言えば満点をあげたいくらいです! ごちそうさまでした!
I am impressed by the shop after a long absence! I ordered gyoza for fried set meal and sauce and bowl. Both have a lot of savory tastes! Deep-fried fried chicken is a safe "The fried chicken!" In other words, it's like fried chicken made by mom. My friend says that the ginger works and is delicious! And that thing. The sauce and bowl had the cutlet deep-fried, and even if they were picked with chopsticks, their clothes did not come off. I didn't mean that the clothes were hard, but that the connection with the meat was solid. The sauce is also sweet and salty, just like the rice goes on. The gyoza bean paste contained perilla and ginger (does it fit?) And it felt fresh and never fresh. However, because some people think that Shiso likes and likes, are there any people who are not good at it? ☆ -1 is that part. In general, I want to give a perfect score! Thank you for the meal!
三瓶法男 on Google

I went there for the first time in a long time. I ordered Shio Ramen and Miso Ramen & Grilled Gyoza (6 months). It is a gentle salt soup that is different from the trendy mountain salt, and it is delicious because it is entangled with medium-thick, flat-battered shrimp noodles, with a good balance of sesame, wakame, half ball, menma, char siu and ingredients. Miso ramen is full of vegetables, and miso soup feels light when you drink it at first, but then it has good spicy and garlic flavors. If you eat vegetables first and then go to ramen, there will be too much to eat. The gyoza skin was good and the garlic worked when eaten thick.
佐藤ひろかつ on Google

I went by referring to the reviews on the street. I ate salt ramen and mini sauce cutlet bowl. The soup was clammy and the cutlet was soft and delicious. I felt a lot of volume. It was crowded at noon, but the turnover seems to be good. I hope the noodles are thick noodles and a little harder ... If the young shop assistant is a little more friendly, I think it will be a better store.

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