Tandoor Guard cafe (タンドールガードカフェ)

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Tandoor Guard cafe (タンドールガードカフェ)

Tsujidohigashikaigan, Fujisawa, 〒251-0045 Kanagawa,Japan
asone “216” fltr on Google

I used it for takeout. Nan is not a fluffy and thick type like bread, but it is crispy and chewy, and the sweetness is well-balanced and very delicious. Curry is also modest in saltiness, so it is recommended for those who avoid eating out salty. I was very satisfied.
Makoto art on Google

本格的なインドカレーが食べることができます。 ペット連れが出来るお部屋や、子どもが寛げるお部屋もあるので、助かります。 しかも油分がほとんど使われていないので、とてもヘルシーです。
You can eat authentic Indian curry. There are also rooms where pets can be taken and rooms where children can relax, so it is helpful. Moreover, it is very healthy because oil is hardly used.
KENT on Google

美味しいし安いです。 もっと流行っても全然良いぐらい。 バターチキンカレーが我が家ではツボですが、どれを食べてもハズレは無いです。 とてもおすすめ。
It's delicious and cheap. It's good even if it's more popular. Butter chicken curry is a key point at home, but no matter what you eat, there is no loss. Highly recommended.
えんどうみみ on Google

テイクアウトで利用しました。カレー+ナンSセット二つで、うち一つをチーズナンに変更をお願いしいました。 お会計が1570円と言われ、思っていたよりも高い。支払い後に確認したら、「カレーセットは660円でナンをチーズに変更したから、+250円」と言われました。 仮に私がLサイズのナンだとしても、660円とチーズナン変更で800円で総計1460円だと思うのです。 その時はSサイズを値上げしたのかと思い帰宅したのですが、カレーの袋に入っていたチラシを見たらLサイズの計算だったようです。 その割にナンも大きくないし、チーズナンもいつものサイズでした。 でも、これでLサイズのナンなのかな…? もう、レシートもいただけなかったし、食べた後に気付いたのでこちらも申告できませんし、私が計算を間違っているのか、モヤモヤした気分になりました。 必ずレシートをもらい、きちんと支払う前に値段の確認をしようと思います。 味は美味しいので残念です。 追記:オーナー様から返信いただき、差額分の220円を返金いただきました。早々の対応をありがとうございました。 店舗の方もがんばっていらっしゃるので、私も言葉をきちんと聞き伝えようと思います。
I used it for takeout. I asked you to change one of the two curry + nan S sets to cheese nan. The bill is said to be 1570 yen, which is higher than I expected. When I checked after payment, I was told, "The curry set was 660 yen and I changed naan to cheese, so it was +250 yen." Even if I'm an L size naan, I think it's 660 yen and 800 yen for a change of cheese naan, for a total of 1460 yen. At that time, I thought that I had raised the price of S size and went home, but when I saw the leaflet in the curry bag, it seems that it was L size calculation. The naan wasn't big for that, and the cheese naan was the usual size. But I wonder if this is an L size naan ...? I didn't get the receipt anymore, and I noticed it after eating, so I can't declare it either, and I felt sick because I made a mistake in the calculation. I will definitely get a receipt and check the price before paying properly. It's a shame because the taste is delicious. Postscript: We received a reply from the owner and refunded the difference of 220 yen. Thank you for your prompt response. The store staff are also doing their best, so I will listen to the words properly.
鷺谷貴仁 on Google

There is a test at Tsujido, I tried to enter to discover When looking for a place where lunch is eaten in the vicinity. Lunch menu There are three types, I ordered A set (butter chicken curry, naan, salad, drink) a. Still taste There is only shops that towards the home have been done was very good! I was able to Nunn your place even free services, since the middle of people the size of the two might limit laughs.
Yukihiro Tanada on Google

very nice worker, chef!! food is great!! nice customers as well!!
Kevin Speck on Google

Words can't describe this garbage what they call service , never , never go here . Thank me later.
Max m3joog on Google

This is probably the worst India food I've ever had. I live nearby but will never go there again even if I was starving and no other place is open. I ordered a lot of food but didn't eat any of it as it was really terrible! Kinda think that the other reviews here are friends and family of the owners! Wish them good luck anyway

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