
4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 坂平

住所 :

Tanashicho, Nishitokyo, 〒188-0011 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
街 : Tokyo

Tanashicho, Nishitokyo, 〒188-0011 Tokyo,Japan
さがらみずほ on Google

田無に来たら、必ず食べたくなる鰻屋さん。 美味しいのに、有り得ないくらいお得なお値段。 鰻重の特(大きい方)で2400円は超良心的。
An eel shop that you will definitely want to eat when you come to Tanashi. It's delicious, but it's an unbelievably good price. 2400 yen is super conscientious for the special (larger one) of Unajū.
ゴン太ふぇ on Google

Everyone's cospa is the best! It is highly evaluated as delicious, but do you know how to finish Chinese eel as it is? (Laughs) It's not possible to evaluate just by having a tasteless taste that doesn't know the real thing (laughs)
レヴィンウィンドベル on Google

うな重特2400円に大盛(+100円)、肝吸い100円 合計2600円と破格の値段 鰻はふわふわでご飯も柔らか目で非常に食べやすかった 肝吸いも美味しくて食べていてホッとしました 田無駅から近いから行くのならそちらがオススメ ごちそうさまでした!
Unaju special 2400 yen, large serving (+100 yen), liver sucking 100 yen An exceptional price of 2600 yen in total The eel was fluffy and the rice was soft and very easy to eat. I was relieved to eat the liver sucking because it was delicious. If you go because it is close to Tanashi station, that is recommended Thank you for the meal!
wataru on Google

この店を使い始めまだ3年と。 僕的には日が浅いほうではありますが、最初訪れた時にうな重を食べ、うな重ならこの店しかないなと。 そう決めてから、丑の日はもちろん、スタミナ付けたいな、元気つけたいなって日は、この店を利用させていただいてます。 老舗らしいですよね。 知り合いにこの店を利用したと言ったら、そう教えられました。 店舗はとても小さく、今の時期、4組入れば満卓となります。 1人で訪れても4人席に通されるので、最悪な場合は4人の客で満席となり外で待つハメに。 しかも年老いた方々もたくさん利用してる為、回転が良いとは言い難いです。 訪れるなら、開店1発目か、テイクアウトが確実でしょうし。 利用する前に電話で確認するのもいいかもしれません。 美味しいお店です。
It's been 3 years since I started using this shop. For me, it's a young day, but when I first visited, I ate Unaju, and if it's Unaju, this is the only restaurant. After deciding that, I will use this shop not only on the day of the Ox, but also on the days when I want to add stamina and cheer up. It seems to be a long-established store. When I told my acquaintance that I used this shop, I was told so. The store is very small, and at this time of year, if you have 4 groups, it will be full. Even if you visit by yourself, you will be seated in 4 seats, so in the worst case, 4 guests will be full and you will have to wait outside. Moreover, it is hard to say that the rotation is good because many elderly people also use it. If you visit, it's sure to be the first one to open or take out. It may be a good idea to check by phone before using. It's a delicious shop.
ぬかみそ指令 on Google

創業160年、江戸末期の文久年間(1861~1863)*から田無宿で旅籠を営み、現在では鰻を専門に扱う青梅街道に面した路面店、脇には割烹坂平の入口も残る。うな重は、ウナギ2/3乗せの『並』と、1匹乗せの『特』の二択から。上級国民でなくとも鰻を楽しむことができる数少ない庶民の味方の老舗だ。タレはやや甘口濃いめで、身は蒸しがほどよく、とろける舌触り。ご飯は柔らか目に炊かれ、頬張るやいなや、もぐっ、するっと入っていく。女将のもてなしも自然な振る舞いで安心感満載。4人テーブル4卓、うち2卓は小上がりとなる。[2021(令和3)年5月現在] *[参考]桜田門外の変の翌年からの3年間(桜田門外の変=1860[安政7]年3月24日 )
Founded 160 years ago, he has been running a basket in Tanashi inn since the Bunkyu era (1861-1863) * in the late Edo period, and now he has a roadside shop facing the Ome Kaido, which specializes in eels, and the entrance to Kappo Sakadaira remains on the side. Unagi comes from two choices: "normal" with 2/3 eels and "special" with one eel. It is a long-established store that is one of the few common people who can enjoy eel even if they are not senior citizens. The sauce is slightly sweet and thick, the meat is steamed moderately, and the texture melts. The rice is cooked softly, and as soon as you chew it, it goes in quickly. The hospitality of the landlady is also full of peace of mind with natural behavior. There are 4 tables for 4 people, 2 of which are slightly higher. [As of May 2021 (Reiwa 3)] * [Reference] Three years from the year following the Sakuradamon Incident (Sakuradamon Incident = 1860 [Ansei 7] March 24 )
イブ:ミツ on Google

誕生日にご馳走になった鰻です。 やはり、老舗ですね昼前なのに満席でした。 このお値段だと、満席も当たり前ですね。
This is an eel that was a treat on my birthday. After all, it was a long-established store, but it was full even though it was before noon. At this price, it's natural that the seats are full.
aueki fg on Google

It's an ordinary delicious eel shop. Some people wrote that it was not inferior to Nodaiwa, but as you can see from the various photos, it is quite burnt, and it is not as good as it should be. There are many times when you can see the traces of skewers from the collapse of the table, so I feel that I am not very good at skewering.
อะกิ aki on Google

鰻屋を探してみたら、田無神社近隣にあったので、寄ってみた。ご夫婦で営む古くからの店舗。持帰りは、店先窓かららしい。小上がりで食した。やはり、特うな重よねと。おまけに白焼とうな肝焼き。口直しに板わさ(笑) まずまずの美味だった。うな肝焼きは、2尾か3尾位の串焼~。 駐車場が無いので隣のコインパへ。
When I searched for an eel shop, it was near Tanashi Shrine, so I stopped by. An old store run by a married couple. It seems that you can take it home from the front window. I ate a little. After all, it's a special weight. In addition, Shiroyaki and Una liver grill. Itawasa (laughs) It was a decent taste. Una liver grill is a skewer grill with 2 or 3 tails. There is no parking lot, so go to the next coin pa.

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