Takashimizu Observatory - Tōno

4.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Takashimizu Observatory

住所 :

Tōno, Iwate 028-0543, Japan

Postal code : 028-0543
Opening hours :
Saturday Open 24 hours
Sunday Open 24 hours
Monday Open 24 hours
Tuesday Open 24 hours
Wednesday Open 24 hours
Thursday Open 24 hours
Friday Open 24 hours

Tōno, Iwate 028-0543, Japan
みちあき on Google

Climb the narrow mountain road for about 8 km and you will reach the ranch and observatory where cows are grazing. Below you can see the streets of Tono surrounded by mountains. In autumn, the sea of ​​clouds, which looks like golden silk, is lit by the morning sun.
kayo no R on Google

最初、ナビ通りにいったら砂利道に案内されました(笑)こりゃ無理だろうと違うルートを確認し、看板通りに進みました。 思った以上にとても綺麗で、天気も良く癒されました。 夏なんか涼しくて最高かも? 地元にも、こんな景色がいい場所があればいいな。
At first, I was guided to the gravel road when I was in Navi Street (laughs) I checked a different route if it was impossible, and I went on the street. It was very beautiful than I thought, and the weather was well healed. Summer is cool and cool? It would be nice if the locals also had such a nice view.
高橋正博 on Google

The road to the observatory was narrow and dark and there were some uneasy places, but the view from the place I opened after I arrived and the air I felt on my skin was very comfortable.
藤原孝幸 on Google

(トオヌップ展望台)遠野を一望出来る 初めてだと結構感動すると思う 途中の景色も中々....
(Toonup Observatory) You can get a panoramic view of Tono.I think it's quite moving for the first time.
H MYS on Google

絶景!凄い! 道は舗装されてますが、所々でしか行き違い出来ません。
Superb view! amazing! The road is paved, but you can only cross it in places.
坂本利幸 on Google

下道は雪が無くて行けると思ったけど、いざ登り始めたら途中から雪深くなって、スタッドレスタイヤだけだったので焦りました 箱庭のようです
I thought I could go down the road without snow, but when I started climbing, the snow got deeper from the middle and I was impatient because I had only studless tires. It's like a miniature garden
たかし on Google

紅葉の時期に再訪問、遠野の街が眼下に広がっていてとても綺麗です! 展望所内で飲食している人がいたが共用スペースで飲食をするのはどうかと…
I visited again during the autumn colors, and the city of Tono spreads out below me, which is very beautiful! There were people eating and drinking in the observatory, but why not eat and drink in the common space ...
Sam Look on Google

A bit of a drive up a narrow forest road but great views from the top and loads of tombo (dragonflies) that are totally unafraid you can literally almost touch them before they fly away.

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