
4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 野麦峠

住所 :

Takanemachi Nomugi, Takayama, 〒509-3402 Gifu,Japan

Webサイト : https://www.takanekankou.or.jp/nomugi/
街 : Gifu

Takanemachi Nomugi, Takayama, 〒509-3402 Gifu,Japan
nozo123jp on Google

There was nothing in particular. It's good again.
o h-4 on Google

大好きな峠です!あ~、野麦峠。 座間市から、大垂水峠、笹子トンネル、塩入峠、境峠の次が野麦峠。毎年夏、通ってます。
This is my favorite pass! Ah, Nomugi Pass. From Zama City, Nomugi Pass is next to Otarimizu Pass, Sasako Tunnel, Shioiri Pass, and Sakai Pass. I go there every summer.
大富Mity on Google

Arrived at 10:30 on Tuesday, 20210803. A sad pass in me. Once upon a time there was a female worker in Nakatsu. Different?
モノケロス千百フラットツイン on Google

Personally, it wasn't an interesting road to run too much. It cannot be said that the outlook for the pass is extremely good. Please drive carefully as the road is narrow. Also, the road surface is not good.
変にゃんイワニャン on Google

今から約50年程前に野麦峠を通り抜けたことがある。お盆の時期で国道158号線を安房峠に向かっていたが、あまりの渋滞で一歩も進まず、Uターンして峠を越えて飛騨高山に向かったのだ。 あの頃の峠道は、それはそれは悪路で長野側は舗装もなくスレ違いも大変であった。途中途中が工事中で、怖い思い出が今も残っている。 今は、道は細いが全線舗装され快適に感じる。しかし、この道の旧道を徒歩のみで越えた昔の女工さん達のことを思うと、考えも付かない。 この方々の汗と涙が今の日本の反映の基礎かも知れない。忘れてはならないな‼️ 今では、秋頃に紅葉狩りに通る好きな道だ。
I passed through Nomugi Pass about 50 years ago. During the Obon festival, I was heading for Abo Pass on National Highway 158, but due to heavy traffic, I made a U-turn and headed for Hida Takayama over the pass. At that time, the pass road was a bad road, and there was no pavement on the Nagano side, and it was difficult to make a difference. Construction is underway on the way, and scary memories still remain. Nowadays, the road is narrow, but the whole line is paved and I feel comfortable. However, when I think of the old female workers who crossed the old road on this road only on foot, I couldn't think of it. The sweat and tears of these people may be the basis of the reflection of Japan today. Don't forget! ️ Nowadays, it's my favorite way to go hunting for autumn leaves around autumn.
巽富美男 on Google

In July 1985, I crossed from the Hida side by bicycle. This is an altitude of 1672m which is known for “Akonno Mugi”, the history of female engineers. At that time, the barley village was unpaved, no help hut was open, and there were few visitors.
ウイスキー&ウォッカ on Google

2019年5月に訪問 五月だというのにまだ雪が残っていました
Visited in May 2019 Even though it was May, there was still snow
Daisuke Kikuchi on Google

飛騨と信濃を結ぶ野麦街道の難所である峠。 古来より飛騨からは海産物(飛騨鰤)、信濃からは米や酒等が行き交い、物流を支える重要な街道だった。近代には飛騨から信濃へ出稼ぎに出た工女が難所の野麦峠を越えていた事で著名。峠の他に野麦街道には道中の過酷さを伝える史跡が数多く残る。
A pass that is a difficult point on the Nomugi Highway that connects Hida and Shinano. Since ancient times, marine products (Hida yellowtail) from Hida and rice and sake from Shinano have been an important highway that supports logistics. In modern times, it is famous that a female worker who went to work from Hida to Shinano crossed the difficult Nomugi Pass. In addition to the pass, there are many historic sites on the Nomugi Highway that convey the harshness of the road.

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