アクティ奈良 - Takamacho

3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact アクティ奈良

住所 :

Takamacho, 〒630-8241 Nara,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Postal code : 630-8241
Webサイト : http://www.acty-nara.com/access.html
街 : Nara

Takamacho, 〒630-8241 Nara,Japan
Kozo Takeuchi on Google

Road signboard was too humble and was a little lost
吉村美幸 on Google

I tried it as a meeting room, but it was very easy to use and it was nice and clean.
j s on Google

駅近く、値段も手頃です。 大通りに近いので、大型バイクの音は聞こえます。
Near the station, the price is reasonable. Near the main street, you can hear the sound of a large motorcycle.
Makazy on Google

Great for use near the station!
橋本哲也 on Google

建物外観は年季が入ってますが、内装は結構キレイです。 ただ、エレベーターが小さくて5人位しか乗れません。
The appearance of the building is in season, but the interior is quite beautiful. However, the elevator is small and only about 5 people can ride.
キュートちえ on Google

It's a very large and beautiful building. ???
すがわらとおる on Google

It has been renovated into a very beautiful conference room and I think it is very convenient. There was a shopping street nearby and I was able to explore the fun city of Nara.
フワモコ on Google

5階、6階の会議室をよく利用しています。初めて利用した時は悪臭がひどかったのですが、今は全く無くなり大丈夫です(^-^) 椅子、テーブルは現状復帰にして帰ります。 真向かいの水谷パーキングをよく利用します。
I often use the meeting rooms on the 5th and 6th floors. When I used it for the first time, the stench was terrible, but now it's completely gone (^-^) The chairs and tables will be returned to the current state. I often use Mizutani parking lot directly opposite.

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