Takakamo Shrine - Gose

4.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Takakamo Shrine

住所 :

1110 Kamogami, Gose, Nara 639-2343, Japan

電話 : 📞 +879
Postal code : 639-2343
Webサイト : http://www.takakamo.or.jp/

1110 Kamogami, Gose, Nara 639-2343, Japan
太陽と風 on Google

私の崇敬神社です。 様々なご縁があり、回り回ってこちらの神社の神々様とご縁を頂くことになりました。 御祭神などに関しましては、HPをご覧ください。 歴史的、地理的背景からもこちらの神社は日本最古の神社の一つと言えます。 京都に在ります上賀茂神社や下鴨神社などをはじめ、全国のカモ神社の総本宮となります。 桜井市に在ります大神神社の初代宮司を務めたのも鴨族だと伺いました。 役行者も鴨族。また、八咫烏も鴨族。 鴨族がこの地に根付き、大和国の発展に大いに貢献されたことが頭に浮かびます。 歴史は古いですが、手入れされ大変美しい場所。 私個人の意見ですが、どんなに歴史的にすごい神社でも宮司様はじめその地域の方々がどれ程その神社を想い、大切にしているかでエネルギーが大きく変わると考えております。 こちらの神社にぜひ一度訪れて下さい。 その素晴らしさとエネルギーの強さ、優しさ、清らかさを感じることができるでしょう。 日頃の感謝の気持ちを込めて、御参拝を。
This is my revered shrine. There are various ties, and I decided to go around and get ties with the gods of this shrine. Please see the website for information on the deities. From the historical and geographical background, this shrine can be said to be one of the oldest shrines in Japan. It will be the main shrine of duck shrines nationwide, including Kamigamo Shrine and Shimogamo Shrine in Kyoto. I heard that it was the duck tribe who served as the first priest of the Oomiwa Shrine in Sakurai City. The actor is also a duck tribe. In addition, Yatagarasu is also a duck tribe. It comes to mind that the duck tribe took root in this area and contributed greatly to the development of Yamato Province. It has a long history, but it is a very beautiful and well-maintained place. In my personal opinion, no matter how historically amazing a shrine is, the energy will change greatly depending on how much the people in the area, including the priest, think and cherish the shrine. Please visit this shrine once. You will feel its splendor and energy strength, tenderness and cleanliness. Please worship with your daily gratitude.
初花さなえ on Google

主祭神は阿遅志貴高日子根命で九州の宗像三神の田心姫神と出雲の大国主神のお子さんです。 加茂氏の氏神の総本社とのことですが京都の加茂神社の由来でも登場しないので不思議です。 参道横の溜め池は珍しく池が海で新しい拝殿と石段が古代の出雲大社の本殿のようにも見える参道からの眺めはすばらしいです。当神社ほど手入れの行き届いた所も少なく大切にされているのが良く伝わります。 アクセスは圧倒的に車の方が多いです。 神社前にはバス停が無いので風の森バス停からの徒歩が一般的ですが近鉄御所駅から御所市のコミニティーバス西コース内回り2便(10:15発)で鴨神か西佐味下車も料金が100円で登り坂でないのでオススメです。(民家を巡るのでチョと遅めです) 帰りにコミニティーバスを利用しようと思うと2時間以上バス待ちとなるので注意が必要です。 料金が高くても本数の多い風の森バス停から帰るのがベターだと思います。
The main deities are Ajisukitakahiko Takahiko, a child of Takiribime, the Three Goddesses of Munakata in Kyushu, and Okuninushi, the great god of Izumo. It is said that it is the head office of Mr. Kamo's Ujigami, but it is strange because it does not appear even from the origin of Kamo Shrine in Kyoto. The reservoir next to the approach is rare, and the view from the approach is wonderful, with the pond being the sea and the new worship hall and stone steps looking like the main shrine of the ancient Izumo Taisha Shrine. It is well understood that there are few places that are as well-maintained as our shrine and that they are cherished. Access is overwhelmingly by car. Since there is no bus stop in front of the shrine, it is common to walk from the Kazenomori bus stop, but from Kintetsu-Gose Station, take 2 flights (departing at 10:15) on the west course of the community bus in Gose City and get off at Kamogami or Nishisabi. It is recommended because it is 100 yen and it is not an uphill. (Because I go around private houses, it's late) Please note that if you try to use the community bus on your way home, you will have to wait for the bus for more than 2 hours. I think it's better to return from the Kazenomori bus stop, which has a large number of buses, even if the fare is high.
H M on Google

京都の上賀茂神社(賀茂別雷神社)と下鴨神社(賀茂御祖神社)が有名ですが、こちらは古代の豪族、鴨(賀茂)氏が発祥の地に守護神として祀った神社です。 おみくじは、鴨みくじでした。
らむ on Google

清々しい神社です。清い気持ちでの参拝者の方が多くいらっしゃり、純粋な気持ちでお参りができます。 おみくじは、鴨のおみくじがあって可愛いです? 以前こちらで、結婚式もされている様子を見たこともあります。 地域の方から大切にされている神社という印象があり心地良いです。 そういう理由から、賑やかな大きい神社ではなく、あえてこちらにお参りに来させていただいてます。
It is a refreshing shrine. There are many worshipers with a pure feeling, and you can worship with a pure feeling. The omikuji is cute with the duck omikuji ? I've seen weddings here before. It is comfortable to have the impression that it is a shrine that is valued by the local people. For that reason, I dare to come here instead of a big, lively shrine.
Toshi Toyota on Google

A historical shrine with a long history. The scale is not that big, but when you enter the precincts, you feel like you are in a sacred place. You can feel the atmosphere of the pond by the side and the stage at the edge of the pond. There is also a parking lot, and on the other side of the pond there is a museum and soba restaurant where you can eat.
まるふくかんたろう on Google

式内社・高鴨阿治須岐託彦根命(たかかもあじすきたかひこねのみこと)神社四座に比定される古社。三代実録には、天安3年(859)1月27日に従二位勲八等高鴨阿治須岐宅比古神と従三位高鴨神とを従一位にしたと記されている。 立派なご由緒に相応しく室町時代に再建された三間社流造の本殿は国宝で、広い境内は手入れが行き届いておりとても清々しい。 最初のうちは池の鯉を覗き込んだりしてのんびりとお参りしていたのだが、本殿を真ん中に東西に沢山の末社が並んでいるのに気付いてからはこちらにお参りして、あちらにもお参りしてと、なかなか忙しい参拝になった。 神社HPによると、この地は大和豪族の名門、鴨氏の発祥の地で当社は鴨族の守護神を祀った最高の社格をもつ名神大社であった。鴨族が全国に広がりその地で鴨族の神を祀り賀茂(加茂・賀毛)を郡名、郷村名にした処もある。本社は全国の鴨(加茂)社の総社にあたる。そうなのだが、上賀茂神社や下鴨神社、当方の地元では流鏑馬行事で有名な下村賀茂神社にも参拝したのだがついぞ知らなかった。申し訳ない。 神武東遷の折、熊野から吉野へと一行を導いた八咫烏は鴨族の祖である。ならばと「よし!これから八咫烏神社に行こう」と言うと同行の妻と長男が「また勝手な思い付きに振り回されるのかよ」ってうんざりした顔だった。
Shikinaisha, Takakamo Ajisukitakahikonemei (Takakamojisukitakahikone no Mikoto) An old shrine that is designated as the four seats of the shrine. According to the third-generation memoirs, it is stated that on January 27, 859, the second-ranked Takakamo Aji Suki Takuhiko God and the third-ranked Takakamo God were ranked first. The main shrine of the Sangensha style, which was rebuilt in the Muromachi period, is a national treasure, and the large precincts are well-maintained and very refreshing. At first, I used to take a leisurely visit by looking into the carp in the pond, but after I noticed that there were many end shrines lined up in the east and west in the middle of the main shrine, I visited here and there too. When I visited, it was quite a busy worship. According to the shrine HP, this place was the birthplace of Mr. Kamo, a prestigious shrine of the Yamato family, and our company was a famous shrine with the highest shrine enshrining the guardian deity of the Kamo family. There is also a place where the duck tribe spreads all over the country and the god of the duck tribe is enshrined and Kamo (Kamo / Kage) is named as the county and village name. The head office is the Soja of Kamo companies nationwide. That's right, I visited Kamigamo Shrine, Shimogammo Shrine, and Shimomurakamo Shrine, which is famous for Yabusame events in my hometown, but I didn't know about it. I'm sorry. Yatagarasu, who led the party from Kumano to Yoshino during the Jinmu's Eastern Relocation, is the ancestor of the duck tribe. Then, when I said "OK! Let's go to Yatagarasu Shrine", my wife and eldest son were tired of saying "Is it swayed by my own thoughts again?"
りっち on Google

バス停 風の森で下車して山に向かって徒歩15分くらい 登るにつれ、振り返ると遠くの山々がずぅーっと見えて美しく 何度も立ち止まりました♪ 駐車場は広くありませんが、地元の方々が焚き火をされていていやされます 鴨族の由緒あるお社で、拝殿への石垣も美しく、感動です! 自然の形状を生かした池も印象的で淵を歩きながら木漏れ日を楽しみました (*´∀` ご神木の堂々たるお姿も有難い 何度でもお参りさせて頂きたい 帰り道は『かもきみの湯』へと回り道 このコースも又見晴らしの良い道ですので、是非♪
Get off at the bus stop Kaze no Mori and walk toward the mountain for about 15 minutes As you climb, when you look back, you can see the mountains in the distance and they are beautiful. I stopped many times ♪ The parking lot is not large, but the locals are bonfired and healed. It is a venerable company of the duck tribe, and the stone wall to the hall of worship is beautiful and impressive! The pond that makes the best use of the natural shape is also impressive, and I enjoyed the sunlight through the trees while walking along the edge (* ´∀ `) Thank you for the majestic appearance of the Shinboku I would like to visit you as many times as you like The way back is a detour to "Kamokimi no Yu" This course is also a good view, so please come ♪
Isa Kitamura on Google

Very nice local place to see the red maple leaves.

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