エステティック ミス・パリ 大宮店

4.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact エステティック ミス・パリ 大宮店

住所 :

Takahanacho, Omiya Ward, 〒330-0803 Saitama,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8888
Webサイト : https://www.miss-paris.co.jp/
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–7PM
Sunday 10AM–7PM
Monday 10AM–9PM
Tuesday 10AM–9PM
Wednesday 10AM–9PM
Thursday 10AM–9PM
Friday 10AM–9PM
街 : Saitama

Takahanacho, Omiya Ward, 〒330-0803 Saitama,Japan
荒井文女 on Google

Gorgeous, good customer service esthetician
高橋淑恵 on Google

You can talk with a polite and beautiful esthetician, and your motivation is also up.
。。 on Google

とても気持ち良く施術していただきました! お顔もスッキリして嬉しいです^ ^ 丁寧に接客していただき、ありがとうございました。
The treatment was very comfortable! I'm glad that my face is refreshing ^ ^ Thank you for your polite customer service.
Miwako Yamashita on Google

The inside of the store was also beautiful, and I was able to receive the treatment in a calm atmosphere. The estheticians were also polite and very relaxing. thank you!
A H on Google

After receiving the treatment, my body became lighter and I could put on tight clothes more smoothly than before! The customer service of the staff was also good and it was comfortable.
C Y on Google

店内はとても綺麗で意識が高まりました! カウンセリングでは悩みに合わせて親身になってきいてくださったので、話しやすかったです。 施術も自分の体にあったものを行ってくれました!
The inside of the store was very beautiful and I became more conscious! In the counseling, it was easy to talk to me because he became kind to me according to my worries. The treatment also performed what suits my body!
R K on Google

毎回お世話になっております。 店内も綺麗で高級感があり、最初緊張しましたがスタッフの皆さんが毎回優しく出迎えてくれるので、とても心地良いです。 痩身で通っており、1人で痩せることは難しいですが皆様のサポートのおかげで頑張れます。
I am indebted to you every time. The inside of the store is beautiful and luxurious, and I was nervous at first, but the staff kindly welcome me every time, so it's very comfortable. I go slim and it is difficult to lose weight by myself, but thanks to everyone's support, I can do my best.
SA 91 on Google

まず、お店がとてもキレイでびっくりしました! 最初は緊張しましたが、スタッフの方が笑顔で丁寧に接してくださり、悩みも親身になって聞いてくれました。施術後は体がとても軽くなってボディラインが変わったのを実感出来たので、これからも効果が楽しみです!
First of all, the shop was very beautiful and I was surprised! At first, I was nervous, but the staff smiled and treated me politely, and listened to my worries with kindness. After the treatment, I felt that my body became very light and my body line changed, so I'm looking forward to the effects in the future!

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