Takahama Town Office - Oi District

2.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Takahama Town Office

住所 :

86-23-2 Miyazaki, Takahama, Oi District, Fukui 919-2225, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8777
Postal code : 919-2225
Webサイト : http://www.town.takahama.fukui.jp/

86-23-2 Miyazaki, Takahama, Oi District, Fukui 919-2225, Japan
アケメネス朝 on Google

I don't know if the receptionist is skinhead? ? ? The response of a middle-aged man like was very bad.
YumI on Google

Hina ? On the road, I dropped in ? I got a pamphlet of guidance and had me explain carefully ?
みーしー on Google

I'm sorry. I do not understand the inside of the contents because it is another person. Because the building is amazing, there are only four stars. I was surprised to hear that it was a government office.
御木本悠 on Google

収賄は関電と高浜町だけで収まる話ではないんだよね 関係者が懐に入れた利益は最終的には関西電力利用者の電気料金に転嫁されてる 本来は払えた筈の電気料金が払えずライフラインを止められた人もいるかもしれない
Bribery is not just about Kanden and Takahama. The profits put into the pocket by the people concerned are finally passed on to the electricity charges of Kansai Electric Power users Some people may have stopped their lifeline because they could not pay the electricity bill they originally paid
畠山正明 on Google

森山栄治元助役のおかげで毎月支払っているピンハネ電気料金で町が潤い、立派な町役場が建てる事ができたが、こんな汚いやり方で高浜町を発展させてうれしいと思っているのか。 森山元助役の他にも前町長も関電のグループ会社に携わっていたみたいで、町ぐるみで不正に原発マネーを手に入れた事について罪悪感が無いのかと思う。 関電自らが被害者だと言う事がおかしいと現町長が言っていたが、散々関電の原発マネーに世話になった高浜町の町長が被害者発言の関電に対しておかしいは無いでしょう。高浜町自身が加害者の一つだからね。
Thanks to Eiji Moriyama's former assistant, the town was moistened with a pin-hane electricity bill paid every month, and a fine town hall was built. Do you feel happy to develop Takahama in such a dirty way? In addition to former assistant Moriyama, Mayor Mae seems to have been involved in a Kanden group company, and I think there is no guilt about having illegally obtained nuclear power from the town. The current mayor said that it was strange that Kanden himself was a victim, but the mayor of Takahama, who was indebted to Kanden's nuclear money, wouldn't be strange to Kanden. Because Takahama Town is one of the perpetrators.
アウトなところです on Google

コロナウイルス接種ワクチン推進室の責任者。態度悪くて失礼極まりない。 勝手な時間に電話かけてきて、こちらの都合も聞かない。そしてそれを指摘したら、ほなら、かけ直しましょか?やとさ。余ったワクチンは、1回目受けれなかった高齢者を差し置いて、職員が打ってるんやってー。受けれなかった人は予約取り直しで2ヶ月待ち。でも、余ったワクチン打った職員は3週間後2回目受けれる。高齢者やのに、2ヶ月待って1回目。キャンセル出てラッキーで打った若者は、2回目を受けれる。おかしな話やわ。高浜町は、隣町での注射を許してくれない。福井市は、受けれます やて。この、コロナに福井市までいけと?アホちゃう?高齢者を殺す気なんか?
Head of the Coronavirus Inoculation Vaccine Promotion Office. The attitude is bad and it is extremely rude. I called at my own time and didn't ask for my convenience. And if you point it out, why don't you call it back? Yatosa. The surplus vaccine is given by the staff, except for the elderly who could not receive it the first time. Those who could not receive it will wait for 2 months to reschedule. However, the surplus vaccinated staff will be able to receive it a second time after three weeks. Even though it is an elderly person, it is the first time to wait for two months. The young man who got out of the cancellation and hit with luck can receive the second time. It's a funny story. Takahama Town does not allow injections in neighboring towns. Fukui City can accept it. Should I go to Fukui City in Corona? Are you stupid? Do you want to kill the elderly?
あんちゃんアン・ハサウェイ on Google

人口一万人の町ですがすごく豪華な建物です。 これもMさんやこれまでの町長が関電様と良い関係を築くことができたからだと思います。税金はたくさんあると思うのでこれからも地域にお金を落とすような施設や地元のコンサルタントを優遇した公共工事をよろしくお願いいたします。 また、これからも甘い蜜を吸えるように高浜町民をよろしくおねがいします。
Although it is a town with a population of 10,000, it is a very luxurious building. I think this is also because Mr. M and the former town mayor were able to build a good relationship with Mr. Kanden. I think there are a lot of taxes, so please continue to do public works that give preferential treatment to facilities that drop money in the area and local consultants. In addition, I would like to ask the Takahama townspeople so that they can continue to smoke sweet honey.
キリトン on Google

A town hall with a population of about 10,000 can only be described as a disproportionate building. 4,170 million? Could it have been used for more? It is often compared to the neighboring town of Oi at the same nuclear power plant location, but Oi Town is working to attract people even with the same infrastructure. Takahama Town, on the other hand, builds a boring and unusable facility just to give work to the local construction industry (a monopoly). That's why the evaluation of the town is divided into light and dark.

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