A・コープ たかぎ店

3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact A・コープ たかぎ店

住所 :

Takagi, Shimoina District, 〒395-1100 Nagano,Japan

電話 : 📞 +888
Webサイト : http://www.ja-mis.iijan.or.jp/map/2014/12/post-109.php
Opening hours :
Saturday 9:30AM–8PM
Sunday 9AM–8PM
Monday 9:30AM–8PM
Tuesday 9:30AM–8PM
Wednesday 9:30AM–8PM
Thursday 9:30AM–8PM
Friday 9:30AM–8PM
街 : Nagano

Takagi, Shimoina District, 〒395-1100 Nagano,Japan
Ryan Chiyan on Google

It supports various bar code payments ◎
高瀬沙弥華 on Google

お肉も種類豊富で美味しい。 直売も品揃え豊富。
The meat is also rich and delicious. There is a wide selection of direct sales.
Hiroki nono on Google

A large number of products! Good volume of fresh food! Good assortment with seasonal feeling! The clerk is lively ... etc. A lot of people in the surrounding area come to the store, but I have never seen the A-corp, which is so prosperous.
nisio kazuko on Google

直売のお野菜や果物を購入します。その他は少し高めですかね? 平日はお年寄りのお客さんが多く、入り口からお年寄りのフラフラ運転で特に注意が必要です。駐車場も白線を堂々と無視して斜めに停められていたり、ドアを開けるときも隣の車のドアにぶつけても気付いているのかいないのか‥ 怖いのでいつも離れたところに駐車します。
Buy vegetables and fruits sold directly. Is the other a little expensive? There are many elderly customers on weekdays, so special attention is required when driving from the entrance to the elderly. The parking lot is also parked diagonally, ignoring the white line, and when you open the door, do you notice if you hit the door of the next car? I'm scared so I always park at a distance.
まいこ on Google

食べ頃のシールを貼られたアボカドを買いました。 買って次の日に切ってみたら変色していて、結局食べられず捨てました。 数年前にもここのお店でアボカドを買ってその時も変色していました。 お店に連絡をして新しいのを持ってきてくれましたがここのお店でアボカドを買うのは、辞めます。 変色したアボカドの写メがありますが 伝添方法が分からず
I bought an avocado with a sticker on it when it was ready to eat. When I bought it and cut it the next day, it was discolored and I couldn't eat it after all and threw it away. I bought an avocado at this shop a few years ago and it was discolored at that time. I contacted the shop and brought me a new one, but I quit buying avocado at this shop. There is a photo of the discolored avocado I don't know how to help
アロエベラ on Google

広い店内で 買い物しやすい感じです。 いちごの 価格が 気になって 見ましたけれど 直売の 芹を 購入しました。
It feels easy to shop in the large store. I was worried about the price of strawberries, but I saw it I bought a direct sale of auction.
Kunihisa Mohri on Google

はっきり言って値段が高いです。 ここらの人は裕福な人が多いんですかね、お客さんはいっぱい来てます。
To be clear, the price is high. Many of these people are wealthy, and many customers are coming.
kamama kamama on Google

いつ行っても お惣菜の種類がたくさんあります。和食から洋食まで豊富でどれも美味しそうで迷うほどです。先日買った舞茸の天丼がとても美味しかったです。
There are many kinds of side dishes whenever you go. There are plenty of Japanese and Western dishes, and they all look delicious and I'm at a loss. The Maitake Tendon I bought the other day was very delicious.

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