
3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact (株)新吉

住所 :

Takabatake, Fukaya, 〒366-0832 Saitama,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Webサイト : http://www.shinyoshi.co.jp/
街 : Saitama

Takabatake, Fukaya, 〒366-0832 Saitama,Japan
奥村あかね on Google

Udon that has a smooth throat. I'm addicted to it.
まえだ舎衛 on Google

工業生産のうどんとしては、関東北部で最上位のうどんです。京都のうどん好きに食べさせたところ、絶賛でした。彼女はご近所の注文をまとめてFAXで注文をしています。 僕の推薦は茹でてない生麺の国産小麦と明示してあるものです。少し硬ゆでにしてしっかり水洗いするのがいいと思います。シンヨシ!うまい!
It is the highest udon noodle in the northeastern part of the Kanto region as an industrially produced udon noodle. When I let my udon lovers in Kyoto eat it, it was highly acclaimed. She puts all the orders in her neighborhood and orders them by fax. My recommendation is that it is clearly stated as domestic wheat of unboiled raw noodles. I think it's best to boil it a little hard and wash it thoroughly with water. Shinyoshi! good!
シネさんぽ on Google

Oisixで注文した肉うどんを食べました。硬いのではなく、こしがあるとは、この事かなと思わせる絶品でした。ラベルを確認すると家から15キロ、こんな近くで作られていることを知り、改めて感激 ‼️お店で他の麺も食べてみたいです。
I ate the meat udon I ordered from Oisix. It was an exquisite product that made me think that it was not hard but stiff. When I checked the label, I found out that it was made 15 kilometers from my house, and I was deeply moved. ‼ ️I would like to try other noodles at the store.
まさまさ on Google

I went to Shinkichi for work (part-time job) at the end of the year, and all of them were soba noodles and udon noodles that looked very delicious. Next time, I would like to buy soba and udon at Shinkichi's direct sales office.
APRIL on Google

各地の美味しい食材が宅配されるISETAN DOORで注文したら、美味しい冷やし中華が届き、新吉さんでした。以前土曜日に深谷の工場直売でよく買ってたので、美味しさに納得。ほうとう、うどん、そば、生パスタ、中華麺と全てがプリプリモチモチで美味しく、中仙道裏にあった昔からの大ファンです。タレ、スープも格安で買えるので、また行きたいです。
When I ordered at ISETAN DOOR, where delicious ingredients from each region were delivered to my home, I received delicious chilled Chinese food, and it was Mr. Shinkichi. I used to buy it directly from the factory in Fukaya on Saturday, so I was satisfied with its deliciousness. Hoto, udon, soba, fresh pasta, and Chinese noodles are all delicious and chewy, and I've been a big fan of Nakasendo for a long time. You can buy sauce and soup at a bargain price, so I want to go there again.
whiteざくろ on Google

工場直売所、初訪問でしたが麺の種類が多く驚きました。麺の製造所脇の事務所一角で茹で麺、乾麺が所狭しと並んでいます。うどん、そばはもちろんパスタ、中華麺など麺の宝庫です(笑) 年に数回入るチラシを見て今回初訪問となりました。駐車場も広く地元の方々が次々と来店され購入していきます。 我が家は麺の種類に圧倒されウロウロするばかり(^_^;)。直売所限定生うどんと乾麺を購入し帰宅。生うどんは晩ごはんで頂きましたが素直に美味しかったです。子どももペロリと完食です。 17号深谷バイパスからほど近く車でのアクセスは良いですね。。渋沢栄一生誕の地からも車移動であれば程近いエリアです。
It was my first visit to the factory direct sales office, but I was surprised at the variety of noodles. Boiled noodles and dried noodles are lined up in a corner of the office next to the noodle factory. It is a treasure trove of noodles such as udon, soba, pasta, and Chinese noodles (laughs) This was my first visit after seeing the leaflets that come in several times a year. The parking lot is wide and locals come to the store one after another to purchase. My family is overwhelmed by the type of noodles and just wanders around (^ _ ^;). I bought raw udon noodles and dried noodles only at the direct sales office and went home. The raw udon was served for dinner, but it was honestly delicious. Children are also completely eaten. It's close to No. 17 Fukaya Bypass and easy to access by car. .. It is an area that is close to the birthplace of Eiichi Shibusawa if you move by car.
lucerx4 on Google

同社の蕎麦を頂きました。 なかなか美味しい茹麺でした。 以上2021年2月記載、以下追記2021年4月追記 何気なくスーパーで買ってきた生そば。 関東一円で買えるマック食品の蕎麦ですが、 製造は同社との記載が。 早速茹でて食べてみました。 中々本当に美味しいです。
I received the soba noodles from the company. It was a very delicious boiled noodle. Described in February 2021 and added below Added in April 2021 Raw soba that I casually bought at the supermarket. Soba is a mac food that you can buy for the whole Kanto area. Manufacture is described as the company. I boiled it and tried it. It's really delicious.
Kon “鷲” show on Google

生そうめん等でファンになり(新吉さんが商品出してから、他の製麺所が真似て出し始めた)なるべく新吉さんの商品を買うようにしてました。 工場直営店へ行き購入したところ、賞味期限が近い物がお買い得なのは良いのですが…。 一般の商品がスーパーで買ったほうが安いって、ワザワザ行ったのに…。 チョット残念です。
I became a fan of raw somen noodles (after Shinkichi put out the product, other noodle shops started to imitate it) and tried to buy Shinkichi's product as much as possible. When I went to a store directly managed by the factory and purchased it, it would be nice if the one with a near expiration date was a bargain. I went to the store because it was cheaper to buy general products at the supermarket. I'm sorry.

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