大漁丼家 田島店

3.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 大漁丼家 田島店

住所 :

Tajima, Sakura Ward, 〒338-0837 Saitama,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88787
Webサイト : https://tairyoudonya.com/saitama-shop/%25E7%2594%25B0%25E5%25B3%25B6%25E5%25BA%2597/
街 : Saitama

Tajima, Sakura Ward, 〒338-0837 Saitama,Japan
五十嵐康弘 on Google

テイクアウトの選択肢が拡がった。注文してから提供までも早く、合格点。 メニューは各店舗独自の部分が多いようなので、一度行って確かめた方が良いようです。一応、先日行った時のチラシを上げて置きます。 難点は駐車場が無い事。駅前商店街の道なので交通量は少なくなく、路駐は迷惑です。近くのダイエーで買い物をすれば無料の時間を作れるので、駐車場が利用出来るでしょう。 宅配はウーバーイーツです。
The choice of takeout has expanded. It is a passing score from ordering to delivery. The menu seems to have many parts unique to each store, so it seems better to go and check it once. For the time being, I will put up the leaflet when I went the other day. The difficulty is that there is no parking lot. Since it is a road in the shopping district in front of the station, the traffic is not light and it is annoying to park on the road. You can use the parking lot because you can make free time by shopping at the nearby Daiei. Delivery is Uber Sweets.
Red Fox on Google

500円で海鮮丼がテイクアウト出来る。ネタもそんなに悪くないし、何よりこの価格で海鮮丼が食べられるのは嬉しい。 メニューも豊富で、時期により特別メニューもある為楽しめると思う。 ただ、温かみのあるシャリにそのままネタを乗せて渡される為に、食べる頃にはネタに熱が入ってしまい、生臭くなってしまうのが非常に勿体ない。 それを誤魔化す為にガリやわさびが多く入っているのかも知れない。 また、シャリが食べた時に重たく感じるのもマイナス要素で、この2点を解決出来れば繁盛店になると思う。 ネタは生物なので、日により善し悪しが違うのは仕方ないとしても、テイクアウトのやり方が悪くてネタを殺してしまっているのは企業努力が必須だと思う。 海鮮丼が500円で買えるのに、いつもお客が入っていないのはこの辺りが原因だと思われる。 チェーン店らしいが、本部や店舗運営者は、1度自分で作った海鮮丼を食べてみて欲しい。 きっと改良すべき点が見えるはず。 とは言え、海鮮丼をこの価格で出せるのは嬉しいので、もう少し努力して欲しい気持ちを込めて星3つにしました。
You can take out seafood bowl for 500 yen. The story is not so bad, and I am glad that you can eat seafood bowl at this price above all. The menu is abundant, and there are special menus depending on the season, so I think you can enjoy it. However, since it is handed over as it is on a warm shari, it is very difficult for it to heat up when it is eaten, which makes it smell fresh. There may be a lot of gullies and wasabi to deceive it. Also, the negative factor is that shari feels heavy when eaten, and if these two points can be resolved, it will become a thriving store. Because the story is a living thing, it is inevitable that the good and the bad are different depending on the day, but I think that corporate efforts are essential if the takeout method is bad and killing the story. You can buy seafood bowls for 500 yen, but it is probably because there are no customers. It seems to be a chain store, but headquarters and store operators want to try their own seafood bowl once. You will surely see the points that need to be improved. That said, I'm glad I can serve seafood rice bowls at this price, so I decided to give it a little more effort and chose three stars.
mail WY's on Google

It was unusual at this time, and the clerk did not have a mask. That's fine, but the two clerk talked about messy content from ordering to handing it over. I was a little worried about hygiene, so it is a star 2.
ぽよぽよ on Google

最悪だった。まず量が少ない。ネタが少なすぎて米が見えていた。 黄味のせマグロ丼を頼んだが写真と全然異なっていて、マグロはスカスカだし食べる時黄味が潰れてぐちゃぐちゃになっていた。 衛生面も怪しい。従業員はマスクもせずにくだらない話を喋りながら作っているようだった。(商品が渡される時の女の従業員はマスクはしていたが。)コロナ騒ぎはともかく、飲食業、しかも生物を扱っているのにこれで大丈夫か。結局少し食べてから唾液が入ってそうで気持ち悪くなって残した。味も微妙。これで500円はぼったくり。回転寿司の方が何倍もマシだと思う。本当は星1もつけたくない。
It was the worst. First of all, the amount is small. There was too little material to see the rice. I ordered a yellowish tuna bowl, but it was completely different from the photo, and the tuna was squishy, ​​and when I ate it, the yellowness was crushed and messed up. Hygiene is also suspicious. Employees seemed to be making silly stories without wearing masks. (Although the female employee was wearing a mask when the product was handed over.) Aside from the corona turmoil, is this okay for the restaurant business and for living things? After eating a little, I felt uncomfortable with saliva and left it. The taste is also subtle. This is a rip-off of 500 yen. I think conveyor belt sushi is many times better. I don't really want to add 1 star.
bbq bbq on Google

写真と全然ちがくガッカリ 従業員も料理作りながらぺちゃくちゃ私語しゃべりながら作業! 対応も悪い!
Disappointed that it is completely different from the photo Employees also work while cooking and talking in a messy private language! Correspondence is also bad!
ぽぽぽぽーん on Google

たまに利用させて頂いています 手軽に海鮮丼を食べたいときに便利ですね コスパは良いです
I use it once in a while It's convenient when you want to eat seafood bowl easily. Cospa is good
とまとま on Google

写真を見ると米も見えず一見良さそうですが、ネタは本当にペラペラです。バランの緑が透けてよく見えるくらい。ツイッターで他店の購入品や店舗の仕込み画像を見ると、これより数倍の厚みがありびっくりしました。 またネギトロは公式画像のの1/5以下の量で米の上に塗ったような感じです。 いつも何故かしゅわしゅわしており箸で塊を掴めないくらいです。妙に伸びすぎているというか薄めているというか油分が多すぎるのか、スーパーのパック寿司のネギトロとは比べられないくらい水のように緩いです。ネギトロも他店はしっかり固形を保っていました。 写真では伝わりづらいのが悔やまれます。
Looking at the picture, you can't see the rice and it looks good at first glance, but the material is really fluent. The green of the balun can be seen through. When I looked at the purchased items from other stores and the images prepared at the stores on Twitter, I was surprised that they were several times thicker than this. Also, Negitoro is like applying it on rice in an amount less than 1/5 of the official image. For some reason, I'm always shuffled and I can't even grab a lump with chopsticks. It's strangely overstretched, diluted, or too oily, and it's so loose that it's incomparable to the supermarket packed sushi Negitoro. Negitoro also kept solid at other stores. I regret that it is difficult to convey in the photos.
たつ on Google


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