
3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact セブンビューティー

住所 :

Taito, Taito City, 〒110-0016 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87999
Webサイト : https://7beauty.jp/
街 : Tokyo

Taito, Taito City, 〒110-0016 Tokyo,Japan
ぷー太郎 on Google

1、初めて開業相談に伺ったとき、責任者の人を見下した態度と対応に不快感を覚えた。開業プランを見せたら鼻で笑われ、きちんと資料を読まずに「無理」「意味が分からない」と言われた。質問に対しても答えてもらえず、 検討外れなことや自分の話したいことだけを話されて終わった。答えられなかった質問は後日連絡すると言われたが連絡なはい。 2、女性スタッフと目が合い挨拶したら無視され、質問しようとして話しかけたら素通り。 3、レジスタッフ同士の私語と笑い声が店舗じゅうに響いて話しかけずらく何も買わずに帰った。 不愉快な思いをさせられたので、もう二度と利用しない。
1. When I first asked for a consultation, I felt uncomfortable with the attitude and response that looked down on the person in charge. When I showed the opening plan, I was laughed with my nose, and I was told that I couldn't understand the meaning without reading the materials properly. I could not answer the question, I ended up just talking about things that I didn't consider and what I wanted to talk about. I was told that I would contact you at a later date for questions that I couldn't answer, but I don't. 2. If you greet a female staff member and they greet you, they will be ignored. 3. The private words and laughter of the cashiers echoed throughout the store, and I went home without buying anything. I was so uncomfortable that I will never use it again.
恒川美華子 on Google

The staff is kind to the rabbit. Defects or complaints about products bought in the past? Also hears chitin. It's a pity that I can't shop in the store, but ...
mai. xxx on Google

今回初めて開業するにあたり、友人に紹介されこちらへ開業相談に伺わせて頂きました。 何も分からない私に対して、親身に相談に乗って頂き、初心者過ぎて恥ずかしくて聞けない事も、とてと聞きやすい環境を作って頂けました。 融資へ必要な事業計画書等も的確にアドバイスをして下さり、無事に融資を受けられました。 1人ではとても不安でしたが、担当者の方が近くでアドバイスをして下さるお陰で、開業への意欲がとても増しました。 これから開業される方、開業後の方でもとてもオススメです。
When opening the business for the first time this time, I was introduced by a friend and asked for a business opening consultation. For me, who didn't understand anything, I was kindly asked to consult with me, and I was able to create an environment that was extremely easy to hear, even if I was too beginner to listen to it. He gave me accurate advice on the business plan required for the loan, and I was able to receive the loan safely. I was very anxious alone, but the person in charge gave me some advice nearby, which greatly increased my motivation to open the business. It is highly recommended for those who will open the business and those who have just opened the business.
甲野功 on Google

We run acupuncture massage institute and go to stock up. It is helpful to be able to check the feel and texture that you don't understand when you buy a mail order. Precious existence because there are no stores where you can see these items.
Sei on Google

先日、フットカートを購入しました。海外ではこの形はなくわざわざ本体よりも高い送料を支払い到着を楽しみにしていました。しかし、組み立てしてみたら1部のパーツが無かった。 問い合わせしたところ、自ら海外発送までしているというのに、いざ購入した商品が欠陥だった時には対応できませんという始末。 こちらに非がないのにこの対応? こちらとしては本来ついてるべきパーツのみの発送でいいのに…マニュアル通りしかできない対応。 海外に発送予定でお考えの方、お気をつけください。
The other day, I bought a foot cart. I was looking forward to arriving overseas, paying a higher shipping cost than the main body. However, when assembled, there was no one part. When I inquired about it, I was able to ship overseas, but when the purchased product was defective, I couldn't respond. Is this correspondence though there is nothing here? Although it is only necessary to send only the parts that should be attached here, it can only be done according to the manual. If you are planning to ship overseas, please be careful.
ドライヘッドスパうさぎのひるね on Google

It ’s ridiculous to put a star. Sending a defective electric recliner sofa is inconvenient. The substitute product was also defective. Moreover, the shipping fee is here. In the first place it is different from what I heard ... When I said that, I was told, “It is also written on the site, but the specifications, designs, sizes, and colors of the products may be different.” I decided to do this while listening to the phone and confirming it on a computer, so I said, “If this product was said to be almost the same as the previous one, it was good. I agree, but if I try to use it, it won't become a full flat. " If that's the case, I don't need it! I asked for a refund, but it was ¥ 20,000, much lower than the initial payment of ¥ 53,000 + shipping fee of ¥ 4,000. I'm hungry so I'll let you pay for shipping. The exchange was also terrible, and the other party's voice was messy, so when I said "It's hard to hear again," I knew it was frustrating. Moreover! ! Pack it before the courier goes to pick it up ... If it's impossible because it's too big and heavy, then it's not possible to pick it up. When I say "That's the exchange between the house and the contractor," "I don't know what the answer will be. I will take more time than normal collection. It may take a while to arrange because it may not be available. " If you want to get a quick refund, you can just pack it. As a precaution, I recorded the conversations with them, so I will try not to erase them. Don't buy big things here. I should have looked at the reviews here first ...
佐藤美代 on Google

We have everything you need to get started. I was worried about the quality because it was cheap, so I went to the store instead of online. Although it is made in China or Vietnam, I did not feel that the quality was bad, so I bought various things. Towels are consumables anyway, so I think it's enough.
A O on Google

今回、いつも買っている業者ではなくこちらで買い物をしたのが間違えでした。 いつものお店は対応が良いのに対して、とても残念です。 次からは前まで利用していた業者で、なんとか探して買い物をしようと思いました。 明らかに対応に差があります。
This time, I made a mistake in shopping here instead of the one I always buy. It's a shame that the usual shops are very responsive. From the next time onward, I decided to find and shop at the company I used to use. There is a clear difference in correspondence.

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