
4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact いづみや

住所 :

Tabata, Kita City, 〒114-0014 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8877
Webサイト : https://okeiko55.thebase.in/
街 : Tokyo

Tabata, Kita City, 〒114-0014 Tokyo,Japan
榊原和英 on Google

The water yokan and dumplings are delicious.
S T on Google

Ichigo Daifuku is very delicious. It seems to be until the end of March. Please note that it may be sold out in the evening ☺️
もこちゃん on Google

There is a Japanese confectionery store near my house, but it's also a little famous store and the price is high, so I recently stretched out to buy this store I found by chance. I have bought and eaten all the way up to now, but all are delicious and the prices are conscientious. Very delicious and recommended.
youko Kitayama on Google

油揚げを煮る匂いに、つられて入って、手作りの雛あられを買った店。 揚巻弁当が、しみじみとした美味しさだ。 季節によって、れんこん餅や水羊羹なども、店頭に並ぶ。 奥には、お茶事に使える綺麗な和菓子や干菓子が沢山ある。 フルーツ入り大福も、ここのは人気。
A shop where I bought a handmade hina arare that was caught in the smell of fried tofu. Deep-fried bento is a delicious taste. Depending on the season, lotus root mochi and water yokan are lined up in the store. In the back, there are many beautiful Japanese sweets and dried sweets that can be used for tea ceremony. Daifuku with fruits is also popular here.
シャンプー亭リンス on Google

お手頃な値段で和菓子が買えます。こしあん、つぶあん、どちらもあるのが嬉しい。 その日に作ったやわらかなお餅が買えるので、餅好きとしては定期的に伺うお店です。
You can buy Japanese sweets at a reasonable price. I am happy that there are both Koshian and Tsubuan. As a mochi lover, you can buy the soft mochi made on the same day, so this is a shop that I regularly visit.
M on Google

田端銀座の安くて美味しい和菓子のお店。 夕方に行くと値引きしてくれる。 きな粉たっぷり豆大福や白餡が入ったいちご大福が美味。 白飯が家に無い時にお団子を買って代わりに食べていた事がある。 よもぎがもっと入っている方が好きだけど。
A cheap and delicious Japanese sweets shop in Tabata Ginza. They will discount you in the evening. Delicious daifuku with plenty of kinako and bean daifuku and white bean paste. I bought a dumpling and ate it instead when I didn't have it. I like those with more wormwood.
平林くみこ on Google

I like red bean paste, so I use it when I want to eat it. Obviously, the bean paste from the Japanese sweets shop is very delicious. The other day I bought a rice cake on Respect for the Aged Day and it was very delicious.
Ryoko on Google

This is a standard Japanese sweet shop at Tabata Ginza street. As a unique menu, there is kiwifruit rice cake. They seem to change the menu depending on the season. :))

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