Super ALPS Ongata Shop - Hachioji

3.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Super ALPS Ongata Shop

住所 :

69-1 Nishiterakatamachi, Hachioji, Tokyo 192-0153, Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
Postal code : 192-0153
Webサイト :

69-1 Nishiterakatamachi, Hachioji, Tokyo 192-0153, Japan
KOぐれ on Google

Stores are large and easy to shop
中根正之 on Google

The passage to the cash register is narrow and I cannot pass through a wheelchair.
矢野英明 on Google

八王子で発展したスーパーアルプス 恩方にも出店しています。
Super Alps developed in Hachioji We also have a store on the side.
阪神スピリッツ on Google

店内と店外は綺麗で品数も揃い普通のスーパー… だけど惣菜お弁当は品種が四季問わず変わらないのでつまらなくて残念です 本部を綺麗にする前にそういう細かい所に力を入れたらもっと発展すると思うのに残念
An ordinary supermarket with beautiful interiors and exteriors and a large number of items ... However, it's a shame that the side dish lunch is boring because the variety does not change regardless of the season. It's a pity that I think that if we focus on such details before cleaning the headquarters, it will develop further.
ぼんたろう on Google

It's a supermarket in the neighborhood, but when I went there in the evening and asked if there was a large sashimi platter, I was told that it was impossible because of the evening. There are some parts that I think it is impossible for customers, but I'm sorry, but I went home thinking that I felt quite different with one word.
頭無さすぎて乙!!笑www on Google

いつも違う店舗のアルプス利用してますが たまたま通った為利用。 サービスカウンターにいたメガネかけたおばさんの対応の悪さにはびっくり。今まで最高に最悪。 ドライアイスの場所がわからなかったため聞いたら真顔で ある場所を指さしてなにも言わず… 口縫ってあるんですか?ww なんの為にサービスカウンターでおしゃべりしてるんですか。 あまりの対応の悪さにこちらも真顔になっちゃって あいた口もふさがらないでいたら となりの別の従業員の方が感じよく場所をしっかりと教えてくれました。 場所が恩方だからなのか… フルーツ【ぶどう】の鮮度があんまりよくなかった。 ただここはレジ、店内全体的に比較的にすいていて 駐車場も広いから利用はしやすい。
I always use the Alps in a different store I used it because I happened to pass by. I was surprised at the poor response of the aunt who wore glasses at the service counter. The worst and worst ever. I didn't know the location of the dry ice, so when I asked, I looked straight Point to a certain place and say nothing ... Do you have a mouth stitch? ww Why are you chatting at the service counter? This is also a serious face due to the poor response If your open mouth isn't blocked Another employee next to me told me the location comfortably. Is it because the place is a favor ... The freshness of the fruit [grape] was not very good. However, this is a cash register, and the whole store is relatively quiet. The parking lot is large, so it is easy to use.
Chadoe ่meewong on Google

Laurence Edwin Kwek on Google

Nearest supermarket in our place, but the price is a little bit higher than normal.

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