Super ALPS Hazama Shop - Hachioji

3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Super ALPS Hazama Shop

住所 :

1208 Kunugidamachi, Hachioji, Tokyo 193-0942, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Postal code : 193-0942
Webサイト :

1208 Kunugidamachi, Hachioji, Tokyo 193-0942, Japan
関渉 on Google

今回グーグルマップ感想2回目です 小学生とき1982年開店です。 さすが八王子老舗スーパーで教育行き届いて いるな思います これからも椚田町の親しみやすいスーパーでいてくださいね。
This is the second impression of Google Maps. It opened in 1982 when I was in elementary school. As expected, it is well-educated at a long-established supermarket in Hachioji. I think there is Please continue to be a friendly supermarket in Kunugidamachi.
himawari osanpo on Google

レジの台にカゴを置こうとしたら、前のカゴとのスペースが微妙に数センチ足りなくてきつかったようで、即座にレジの店員に大きい声で怒鳴られ、手で持っているように注意されて怖かったです。 前の夫婦のカゴは斜めに置かれていて隙間もあったので前に詰めれば私のカゴも置けそうに思えました。こんな時、カゴを前に詰めて置けるようにしてくれる店員さんも大勢いらっしゃいます。 今のレジは自動支払機のためスピードがとても速いので、カゴを少しでも早く台に置いてポイントカードとか財布の用意を済ませておいた方が円滑に進み、店側にとっても、並んでいる客にとってもメリットがあります。 太っていて目つきの悪い女性のレジ店員で、家に帰ってからも思い出して怖くなりました。 私も20年以上毎日のようにいろいろなスーパーで買い物をしていますがこんな経験は初めてだったので不思議に思い、その後、他のスーパー(イトーヨーカドー、ヤオコー、スーパーバリュー等)で観察してみると、先頭の客がカゴ2つ分の商品をレジに通している場合でも、次の客のカゴは載せられるため同様の事は起こり得ないことが分かりました。(京王ストアのようにカゴ2つしか載せられないスーパーもありますが、その場合丁度2つ分の幅しかないので3つ目を乗せることは絶対にないためやはりトラブルにはなりません) また、スキャン中のカゴの配置はスーパーによって異なるものの、店ごとに統一され、無駄なく引き寄せてから作業していますが、アルプスだけがバラつきがあり、45度斜めに置いたカゴから取り出してスキャンしている店員も結構多いことが分かりました。 youtubeの『【レジ教育】レジ業務習得への道のり④商品登録の基礎その1』という動画でも、次のお客様のカゴが置けるように「必ず隙間なく寄せて登録を始めましょう」という解説があり基本のようですが、それが出来ていません。 でも一番の問題はあの店員の対応だと思います。あれだけ瞬時に言い放ったところを見ると繰り返されていることなのかも知れません。あれではカッとなって怒鳴っているのと変わりません。
When I tried to put the basket on the cashier's table, the space with the previous basket seemed to be slightly short of a few centimeters, and the cashier immediately yelled at me and be careful to hold it in my hand. I was scared to be done. The basket of the previous couple was placed diagonally and there was a gap, so it seemed like I could put my basket if I packed it in front. At times like this, there are many clerk who can pack the basket in front of you. Since the current cash register is an automated payment machine, the speed is very fast, so it is better to put the basket on the table as soon as possible and prepare the point card and wallet, and the customers in line for the store side as well. There are also benefits for. I was a fat and unsightly female cashier, and even after I got home, I remembered and became scared. I have been shopping at various supermarkets every day for more than 20 years, but I was wondering because it was my first experience, and after that, when I observed it at other supermarkets (Ito-Yokado, Yaoko, Super Value, etc.) It turned out that even if the first customer is passing the products for two baskets through the cashier, the same thing cannot happen because the next customer's basket will be placed. (Some supermarkets, such as the Keio Store, can only carry two baskets, but in that case, there is only two baskets wide, so there is absolutely no need to put a third one, so there is no problem.) In addition, although the arrangement of baskets during scanning differs depending on the supermarket, it is unified for each store and we work after pulling it without waste, but there are variations only in the Alps, so we take it out from the basket placed at an angle of 45 degrees and scan it. It turned out that there are quite a lot of clerk. In the video of youtube "[Registration Education] The Road to Learning Cash Register Business ④ Basics of Product Registration Part 1", there is a commentary saying "Be sure to bring in the basket without any gaps and start registration" so that the next customer's basket can be placed. It seems to be basic, but it is not done. But I think the biggest problem is the response of that clerk. It may be that it is repeated when you see what you said so instantly. It's no different from yelling at me.
rowgun on Google

長引くデフレ社会の中、消費者はシビアで少しでも安い店を目指す。 最近のアルプスは若年層の家族連れが極端に少なく、お年寄りがやたら目立つし買い物量も少ない。 カートいっぱいに買い物をしている人を昔に比べあまり見かけなくなってしまった。 近隣競合店に比べて価格設定が高いのが最大のネックだろう。
In a protracted deflationary society, consumers aim to be a severe and cheap store. In the recent Alps, there are extremely few young families, and the elderly are conspicuous and the amount of shopping is small. I don't see many people shopping in the cart as much as they used to. The biggest bottleneck is that the price setting is higher than that of neighboring competitors.
和泉泉 on Google

おにぎりのセットとスパムおにぎりがオススメ。 寿司コーナーのはみ出し巻きも◎ キューピーのサラダクラブが独身には便利。 午前中はそれほど混んでもいないので買い物もしやすい。 わたしにとっては無いと困るお店。
A set of rice balls and spam rice balls are recommended. The overhanging rolls in the sushi corner are also ◎ Kewpie's salad club is convenient for singles. It's not so crowded in the morning, so it's easy to shop. A shop that I wouldn't want to have.
とん on Google

イートインコーナーはコロナの影響で寂しい感じですが、昔からある美味しいパン屋さん、薬屋にイレブンカットもありここだけでとりあえず生活には困らないので、貴重なスーパーだと思います。 近くにイトーヨーカドーもあるし、そちらの方が品揃えもいいとは思いますが、アルプスは地元密着といった感じ。
The eat-in corner feels lonely due to the influence of corona, but I think it's a valuable supermarket because there are eleven cuts in the delicious bakery and drugstore that have been around for a long time, so I don't have any trouble in my life. There is Ito-Yokado nearby, and I think that has a better product lineup, but the Alps seems to be close to the local community.
Renny Ruha on Google

Really good and cheap everyday food store :)
CK on Google

Big supermarket! Plenty of quick meals and breads which we can eat at tables. There is free water to drink too.
Udayanga Senanayake on Google

Really you can find good, cheap and fresh vegetables and fruits. Also there is a Mizuho bank ATM and bakery items shop here. There are tables, so you can enjoy the meal. And the parking area is very big.

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