Suehiro Taxi - Yokote

2.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Suehiro Taxi

住所 :

5-10 Omachi, Yokote, Akita 013-0021, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Postal code : 013-0021

5-10 Omachi, Yokote, Akita 013-0021, Japan
てる on Google

The attitude is too bad, so do it properly
高橋まき on Google

The number of stars is the shortage of staff in the early morning that we used as a nursing care taxi
お供さん on Google

電話の対応は微妙でしたが運転は可もなく不可もなくという感じでした。 その際はありがとうございました。
The response of the phone was subtle, but I felt that driving was not possible or impossible. Thank you in that case.
mon sal on Google

ぼったくりタクシー 冬期は「冬料金」として雪が降っていなくとも2割り増しとのこと 他タクシーはそんなことないのでこちらは使わないのが吉
Snatch taxi In winter, it is said that it will be increased by 20% even if snow does not fall as `` winter fee '' There is no such thing as other taxis, so it is good not to use this
ヤマダタロウ on Google

Kuso is expensive as a substitute. I will never use it from the next. Compared with other agents, after-sales service is also messy, I can not work without asking the car type, the parking place and the destination.
シャアアズナブルンルン on Google

Poor telephone response. If it takes more than 10 minutes, tell it first. You may not want to use it when you are in a hurry. Or visit in minutes. The other day, I was waiting for nearly 30 minutes.
月影更紗 on Google

5人で乗車しようと電話で問い合わせました。遠方からわざわざその日来てくれた身体の不自由な親戚もいました。当日は雨も結構降っており、短い距離で申し訳ないと思ったが電話で問い合わせたところ『その距離なら歩いた方が…(半笑い)』と言われ乗車拒否を匂わされました。『それなら結構です。ご迷惑な電話でお時間取らせてしまい大変申し訳ございませんでした。』と一応謝ったら、ものすごい明るい声で『またの機会にご利用ください!!』 は?誰が?!二度と利用致しません!!!(怒)皆で雨に濡れて歩きましたよ… ほんとは星1つもつけたくないところです!
I asked by phone to get on with five people. There were also physically handicapped relatives who came from the distance. It was raining quite a bit on the day, and I felt sorry for the short distance, but when I inquired on the phone, I was told that I should walk if I was that distance ... (half laughter). “That ’s fine. I ’m very sorry that I ’m sorry for the inconvenience. If you apologize for a while, you will hear a very bright voice. ! ] What? Who is it? ! I will not use it again! ! ! (Angry) Everyone walked in the rain ... I really don't want a star!
大日向香輝 on Google

My aunt was hospitalized and had to change the equipment she was wearing at another hospital, so I asked her when she moved. I need to make a reservation, but it was very helpful for me to come back as soon as I called. Thank you very much. I'm bedridden and unconscious, so I'm really happy to be able to receive this service nearby. In the future, there will be many cases in this area where the elderly will have to take care of them. I feel that I need a lot of such services.

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