Subaru - Narashino

3.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Subaru

住所 :

6 Chome-16-43 Higashinarashino, Narashino, Chiba 275-0001, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8777
Postal code : 275-0001
Webサイト :

6 Chome-16-43 Higashinarashino, Narashino, Chiba 275-0001, Japan
sakurai yutaka on Google

A newcomer who has been trained with Chitin? It seems that the number of sales people has increased, and it seems that customer service has improved more than before? I feel like it, so I will change it to 3 stars.
lo miet on Google

車検見積で日曜の昼間にアポなしで行きましたが 予約でいっぱいだった為 翌週の日曜午後で予約を取り再訪しました。 1時間程度で見積可能とのお話だったので 外出し2時間後に戻りました。 が、『奥のお席どうぞ』と言われただけで その後30分経ってもどなたにも対応頂けませんでした。 小さい子どもを連れて行った為、待つことも限界になり 事務作業中のスタッフに『もう待てないので帰ります』と伝えると 『ご連絡先を~』と言われました。 連絡先を伝え帰宅しましたが当日中の連絡はありませんでした。 《車を持って帰った為車検はしない。と判断されたて連絡はなかったんだな》と諦めていたら、翌日電話があり見積金額を伝えられました。 ちょうど子どもがお昼寝をしたタイミングでの着信だったので 起こされました 都合をつけて予定をたてて行ったはずなんですが ことごとく崩されました。 1時間程度で見積可能のはずが 2時間半以上かかったのは(なんなら翌日)なぜなんでしょうね? どのくらい待てば見積金額が提示されたんでしょうか? 車のグレードに比例する扱いと言うことなのでしょうか? はじめてこんなにレベルの低いディーラーに遭遇しました。 SUBARU車に乗っている事が恥ずかしくなりました。 星1つも付けたくないです。
I went to the car inspection estimate on Sunday afternoon without appointment Because it was full of reservations I made a reservation and revisited the following Sunday afternoon. I was told that it can be estimated in about an hour, so I went back 2 hours after going out. However, just because I was told "Please have a seat in the back" After 30 minutes, no one could respond. Because I took a small child, waiting was also the limit If you tell a staff member who is doing office work, "I can't wait anymore, I'll be back." I was told "contact us". I gave my contact information and went home, but there was no contact during the day. << I will not carry out a vehicle inspection because I brought my car home. I gave up saying "I didn't contact you.", but the next day I called and was told the estimated amount. Just because the call came when the child took a nap Was awakened I was supposed to go ahead and schedule it Everything was destroyed. Should be able to estimate in about an hour Why did it take more than two and a half hours (the next day)? How long should the estimated price be presented? Is it a treatment proportional to the grade of the car? For the first time I encountered such a low level dealer. I'm embarrassed to be in a SUBARU car. I don't want to add a star.
Osamu “syu-ta” Takahashi on Google

担当の方も、良い方でした。 今後ともよろしくお願いします。
The person in charge was also a good person. I look forward to working with you.
さいばーν on Google

色々言いたい事はあるけど、とりあえず文句を書いてる人に対して説明させて下さい。 ・点検に凄い時間が掛かった。 →昔と比べて車の性能が上がった。つまり装備が増えた。だから点検項目、点検箇所が増えているのだから時間掛かるのは当たり前。昔はもっと早かったとか言ってる無知は悔い改めて。 ・アポ無しで言ったら追い返された。 →当たり前でしょ。今時ほかの業界でもそう。 ちなみに千葉スバルは基本的に全店予約制なので事前予約が必要。いきなり行くとか、あなたのその行動、非常識で迷惑。悔い改めて。 ・対応に時間かかる。 →単純に忙しい。まず店の数自体が少ないのに対して客が多過ぎる。スバリスト達は古いスバル車に乗り続けている(古い車は故障多め)し、レヴォーグ等が売れて新規客がここ最近増えたので、キャパオーバーな店舗がちらほら.....。 ・営業の態度悪い →それってあなたの個人的な感想ですよね? まず自分の態度や話し方を見直してみたら?自分に原因がある事も多いですよ? それなのに自分の事は棚にあげて批判するのは気持ちいいでしょうねぇ(呆れ)。悔い改めて。
I have a lot to say, but let me explain to the person who is complaining for the time being. ・ It took a long time to check. → The performance of the car has improved compared to the past. In other words, the equipment has increased. Therefore, it is natural that it takes time because the number of inspection items and inspection points is increasing. Repent of the ignorance that said it was earlier in the past. ・ If I said without appointment, I was driven back. → It's natural. This is also the case in other industries. By the way, Chiba Subaru basically requires reservations for all stores, so advance reservations are required. Suddenly going, your actions, insane and annoying. Repent. ・ It takes time to respond. → Simply busy. First of all, the number of stores is small, but there are too many customers. Subarus continue to drive old Subaru cars (old cars have a lot of breakdowns), and Levorg etc. have been sold and new customers have increased recently, so there are a lot of capacity stores ..... ・ Bad sales attitude → That is your personal impression, isn't it? Why don't you review your attitude and way of speaking first? You often have your own cause, right? Even so, it would be nice to put yourself on the shelf and criticize it (dumb). Repent.
りらくまお on Google

VABのファイナル申し込みに行ったものの、実際には申し込みされていなかった。 抽選結果のメールが来なかったのでメーカーに確認したら申し込みされていないと… ヒドイ… 女性の営業さん、名前は忘れましたがお陰で他のお店で通常グレードの車両を購入出来ました。
I went to the final application for VAB, but it wasn't actually applied. I didn't receive the lottery result email, so I checked with the manufacturer and had to apply ... Hidden ... Female salesman, I forgot the name, but thanks to that, I was able to purchase a normal grade vehicle at another store.
田村雅彦 on Google

I always take care of you. We go by inspection and supplies purchase from 2013. Mr. O, who is in charge, always feels calm.
サンワテク on Google

ついふらふらと入ってから早20年スバルに乗り就いてます。 ところが最近トヨタに乗り換えようとしたらもう大変 なかなか離れられないので困ってます スバリスト以外は近寄らないほうがいいです。
It's been 20 years since I entered Subaru. However, when I try to switch to Toyota recently, I'm in trouble because I can't get away from it anymore. It's better to stay away from anyone other than the Subaruist.
Jun Kojima on Google

うん十年ぶりでヨーロッパ車をやめてスバルに戻ろうかと訪問しました。家から近いと言うのが一番の理由でした。久々のスバリスト復帰です。 まずは初訪前の電話。当日でしたが目的の試乗車もありアポ取りしました。前の予定が早く終わり、再度電話しましたが早めの変更にも快く応じてくれました。買う気がある方は必ずアポ取りしましょう。少なくともスバルはそれが必須です。 時間通りに訪問すると、整備工場にいたスタッフが丁寧に誘導してくれました。その後担当者と一通りお話しして早速試乗へ。この日は比較的空いているとの事で、エマージェンシーストップの体験も勧められてお願いしました。 見積を頂き検討の意向を伝え、家内も満足げで帰宅しました。夜にはお礼のメールを頂きましたが、色違いを見たいと伝えたところ、すぐに確認して連絡をくれるなど、非常に良い対応をして頂きました。 週末にはその車を見せて頂きますが、家内も含め購入するつもりでお伺いします。 ディーラーに対し色々とご意見はあるでしょうし、人による部分もあるとは思います。でもまずは客として必要な事をする方が良いと思いますよ。と言う事が納得出来ない方は、スバルは選ばない方が良いかもしれませんね。
Yeah, for the first time in ten years, I visited to quit the European car and return to Subaru. The main reason was that it was close to my house. It's been a while since I returned to Subaruist. First of all, the phone call before the first visit. Although it was the day, I made an appointment because there was a test ride for the purpose. The previous appointment ended early and I called again but was willing to accept any early changes. If you are willing to buy it, be sure to make an appointment. At least Subaru requires it. When I visited on time, the staff at the maintenance shop carefully guided me. After that, I talked with the person in charge and went to the test drive immediately. It was said that this day was relatively free, so I asked for an emergency stop experience. I got a quote, told my intention to consider it, and my wife returned home with satisfaction. I received a thank-you email at night, but when I told him that I wanted to see the different colors, he immediately confirmed and contacted me, and he responded very well. I will show you the car on the weekend, but I will ask you to buy it including my wife. I'm sure there are various opinions about the dealer, and I think there are some people who have different opinions. But first of all, I think it's better to do what you need as a customer. If you are not convinced that, it may be better not to choose Subaru.

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