Subaru - Matsue

4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Subaru

住所 :

1850 Higashitsudacho, Matsue, Shimane 690-0011, Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Postal code : 690-0011
Webサイト :

1850 Higashitsudacho, Matsue, Shimane 690-0011, Japan
猫野両之助 on Google

The service front's response is wonderful ?
ねこ背 on Google

Correspondence was polite and comfortable even during busy hours
hito hana on Google

最近は改善されたようですが、一見さん(?)のような方に、セールスが誰も話しかけない(受付をしない)ような状況が多々見受けられました。 あと、(主力商品の)MTのラインナップが一切なくなったのが重ね重ね残念です。
It seems that it has improved recently, but there were many situations where sales did not talk (do not accept) to people like Mr. Atsushi (?). Also, it is a pity that the MT lineup (of the main product) has disappeared altogether.
かたかた on Google

修理をお願いしましたが、非常に丁寧に診てもらえました メカ担当の方の説明も解りやすかった
I asked for repairs, but they were examined very carefully. The explanation of the person in charge of mecha was also easy to understand
入江誠 on Google

購入時期は未定とお伝えしても、親切丁寧にいろいろ説明していただきました。 県内唯一の拠点らしく、もう少し比較検討出来る台数展示があれば星5つです。
Even if I told you that the purchase time was undecided, he kindly and politely explained various things. It seems to be the only base in the prefecture, and if there is a number exhibition that can be compared and examined a little more, it will be 5 stars.
もんやま on Google

After the inspection pack is completed, you will be charged for repairs of defects. What were you checking? The oil is not changed every time the inspection is done. Only unnecessary parts can be replaced. It's been three years since I was advised to replace the battery, but there is no problem. There is only distrust.
山根宗治 on Google

何度か続いた故障でしたが、丁寧に対応してくださり良かったです。でも、故障はもううんざり。。 ^^;
It was a failure that continued several times, but I am glad that you responded politely. But I'm tired of the breakdown. .. ^^;
タカシ on Google

スタッフさんの対応がとっても素晴らしいです。 上質な中古車がたくさんあります。購入した後も親切に面倒を見てくれて安心です。点検、車検もスバルさんで受けます。
The correspondence of the staff is very wonderful. There are a lot of high quality used cars. It is safe to look after you kindly after purchasing. Inspections and inspections will also be received by Subaru.

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