Sports24 Shimokita GYM 下北沢キックボクシングジム

4.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Sports24 Shimokita GYM 下北沢キックボクシングジム

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Daizawa, Setagaya City, 〒155-0032 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
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街 : Tokyo

Daizawa, Setagaya City, 〒155-0032 Tokyo,Japan
mlb mlb on Google

男性も女性も気軽に通えるジムです! 強度に関しては個人に合わせて頂けるので、 体力に自信のない方でも問題ないかと思います。 また強くなりたい方はお願いさえすれば追い込んでくださいますよ! ご家族、お友達同士、お一人様 色んな方々が来館されてますが、 総じて皆さんミットを叩いてる時は、疲れながらも笑顔が目立ちますね! 特に女性会員様はセミパーソナル形式なので、 食事さえ気をつければ確実に結果出るかと思います? この場ではありますが、 スタッフの皆様いつもありがとうございます?
It is a gym that both men and women can easily go to! As for the strength, you can personalize it, so I think that even those who are not confident in their physical strength will have no problem. If you want to be stronger, please do so! Family, friends, one person Various people are visiting, Generally, when everyone is hitting the mitt, the smile stands out even though they are tired! Especially female members are semi-personal, so If you pay attention to your diet, you will surely get results ? Although it is here, Thank you to all the staff ?
h h on Google

年が明けて何か新しいことを始めたいということと、ダイエット目的で楽しめたら良いなと思い、荻窪店の体験に行ってみました。 私は中高と部活動は文化系で、運動とはかけ離れた日々を送ってきたので不安が大きかったのですが、優しく丁寧に教えてくださり、終始笑いが絶えずとても楽しく運動できました! 施設内も白をベースに清潔感があります。これからも通って行きたいです。
I wanted to start something new after the new year, and I wish I could enjoy it for the purpose of dieting, so I went to the Ogikubo store experience. I was very anxious because my junior high and high school and club activities were cultural and I spent days far from exercising, but he taught me kindly and politely, and I was able to laugh constantly and enjoy exercising from beginning to end! The inside of the facility is also clean with white as the base. I want to continue going.
N OD on Google

他のジムに通ったこともありますが、こちらのトレーナーの方々は乗せ上手というか“楽しく気持ちよく”追い込んでくれるので、終わった後の「運動した!」という実感をとても得られるように思います。 帰り道はヘトヘトなのに気持ちが清々しく、身体だけでなく精神的にも健康を保てる気がします。いつの間にか欠かせない習慣になりました。 検温・消毒・換気・マスクなど感染症対策も徹底されており館内も清潔に保たれているので今の時期(2020年)も安心して通えると思います。
I've been to other gyms, but the trainers here are good at riding, or they drive me "fun and comfortable", so I think I can really feel "exercise!" After finishing. On the way back, I feel refreshed even though I'm sick, and I feel that I can maintain my physical and mental health. Before I knew it, it became an indispensable habit. Infectious disease countermeasures such as temperature measurement, disinfection, ventilation, and masks are thoroughly implemented, and the inside of the building is kept clean, so I think that you can go there with confidence at this time (2020).
風間美香 on Google

Alafor has never exercised, but he taught me politely because of his flexibility. The amenities in the gym were also clean. If you have a trainer and you are not in the course, you will be taught semi-personally, so I think you can train according to yourself. It's been about two weeks since I started going, but when I kick it and sometimes I think it's good, I get compliments so I can enjoy it.
405 B on Google

男女問わず、そして大人から子供まで対応してくれるトレーナーさんばかりです。 楽しくレッスンが続けられます。 感染症対策もバッチリなので、安心して通っています。
There are only trainers who can handle both men and women, and adults and children. You can enjoy the lessons. Infectious disease countermeasures are perfect, so I can go there with confidence.
Takayoshi Hashizume on Google

以前に大手のジムやパーソナルジムには、何度か通っていましたが続きませんでした。今回も他の24時間営業のジムと迷いましたが、選んで大成功でした。 男女半々で20〜30代の方が大半ですが、40代以上でも楽しめます。毎週同じクラスに参加することが継続の秘訣です。最初はついていけなくても動けるようになればなるほどハードになるので、半年近く経ってもずっとキツいですが、体調は日に日に良くなっています。 コロナ感染対策も万全で、一時的にでも発熱している人は入館出来ないので安心です。トレーニング中もマスク装着なので苦しいですが、肺や横隔膜の強化という意味ではメリットも感じています。 何と言ってもトレーナーの皆さんの人柄が良く、一生懸命で、クラスの最中も全員に目を配り、ユーモアを交えながらも、サボらせない叱咤激励や、フォームの指導もしてくれるので、格闘技自体には興味がなかった私も楽しみながら、トレーニングが出来ています。 あまり混んで欲しくなかったのに、つい誘ってしまった友人もハマってしまい、毎週、部活感覚で楽しんでいます。馴染みのトレーナーや会員がお休みだと寂しく感じるようになってきました。と言っても、仲良しグループでベタベタしている訳ではなく、トレーナーとも会員同士も程よい距離感で、新会員も馴染みやすい環境だと思います。
I used to go to major gyms and personal gyms several times, but I didn't. I was at a loss with other 24-hour gyms this time as well, but I chose it and it was a great success. Most of the men and women are in their 20s and 30s, but even those in their 40s and above can enjoy it. The secret to continuing is to attend the same class every week. Even if I can't keep up at first, the harder I get, the harder it gets, so it's been hard for almost half a year, but I'm getting better day by day. Corona infection countermeasures are perfect, and people who have a fever even temporarily cannot enter the museum, so it is safe. It's difficult because I wear a mask during training, but I also feel the benefits in terms of strengthening the lungs and diaphragm. After all, the trainers have a good personality, they work hard, they pay attention to everyone during the class, they give humor, but they also give encouragement and form guidance, so the martial arts themselves. I wasn't interested in it, but I enjoyed training. I didn't want it to be too crowded, but my friend who invited me was addicted to it, and I enjoy it every week as if it were a club activity. Familiar trainers and members have come to feel lonely when they are on holiday. That said, it's not that the group is sticky, and the trainers and members have a good sense of distance, and I think it's an environment that new members can easily get used to.
25GT-t er34 on Google

ジムに通ったきっかけは体力作り・筋力アップ・反射神経を鍛えたくて通い始めました。運動はほとんどしておらずキックボクシング自体も初めてでしたが、毎週楽しみになっています。正直トレーナーさんによってはキツいですが、自身の身体を追い込めます。 フリーにも参加しましたが、トレーナーさんが丁寧に教えてくれますのでクラスで学んだ事を復習する事ができます。
The reason I went to the gym was to build physical strength, improve muscle strength, and train my reflexes. I haven't done much exercise and it was my first time kickboxing, but I'm looking forward to it every week. To be honest, it is difficult for some trainers, but you can drive your own body. I also participated in the freelance, but the trainer will teach me carefully so I can review what I learned in the class.
Laviah Gourmet on Google

Never let your kids do lessons here , all they care about is the payment. Kids training without head protection or mouth piece , for two times my son was injured . Worst experience ever for my 10 years old.

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