Sports DEPO - Fuchu Yotsuya - Fuchu

3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Sports DEPO - Fuchu Yotsuya

5 Chome-23-12 Yotsuya, Fuchu, Tokyo 183-0035, Japan
やまてんやまてん on Google

There is always a small selection of masks, and shortages are conspicuous. On the contrary, I wonder how this kind of management can be achieved.
石川阿公 on Google

It's full of sports related products, but it's hard to find what you want! The clerk is kind, so I should ask (laughs)
はやす on Google

アウトレット商品も売っているデポ。 かなり店内も広いのでいい! お得に商品買えます!
A depot that also sells outlet products. The inside of the store is quite large, so it's good! You can buy products at a great price!
岳人 on Google

毎週行きますが、何時いっても客が居ないので、とても心配です。 定番この会社のオリジナルの商品の補充がなく、靴下ですが、いつも無く、多分、1年1回した生産しないのだと思います。 残念です、
I go every week, but I'm very worried because there are no customers at any time. There is no replenishment of the original products of this company, socks are not always available, and I think that they are probably not produced once a year. I'm sorry,
酔いどれケンちゃん on Google

The store is large and can be used unexpectedly. It's fun because it's not trashy and you can shop calmly, and there are various other stores.
川村孝汰 on Google

マジで自転車売場どうなってんの? まず自転車売場行ってもほとんど店員居ないし、居ても知識無さ過ぎるし対応も悪い。 取り扱いやめた方がいいと思うよ
What's really going on at the bicycle counter? First of all, even if I go to the bicycle counter, there are almost no clerk, and even if I do, I have too little knowledge and the correspondence is bad. I think you should stop handling it
鈴木拓巳 on Google

I use it all the time, but the level of the cycle corner has dropped compared to before. The sales floor was hard to see, and the quality of the clerk deteriorated. In this case, I think it's better to go to Wise Road along the river or another store. There is no particular change in other sales floors.
Hiroshi Ota on Google

You can all kinds of sport stuff there. Plus, they have knowledgeable staff.

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