Sports Depo APiTA Matsusaka Mikumo - Matsusaka

3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Sports Depo APiTA Matsusaka Mikumo

1266番地の1 Ichibashocho, Matsusaka, Mie 515-2121, Japan
タニ on Google

私は今回、運動シューズを買いに行きました。 シューズ売場には1人担当定員さんがいましたが、質問にも丁寧に答えてくれて、商品の長所短所を詳しく教えてくれました。 その結果いいシューズを見つけることが出来ました。 感謝しています。定員さんは最高です。 品揃えに関してですが私はそこまで詳しくはないのですが不満は感じませんでした。主にNIKE、adidas、NBの靴がありました。やはり基本高額で1万円を超えるのも多くありましたがやはり性能は良いと思われるものが多く、もちろんのこと低価格帯の商品もあります。中にな割引により1万円する商品が40%offの6千円で購入できたり、6千円の商品が50%offの3千円というかなりの低価格で購入することができていい店です。
I went to buy athletic shoes this time. There was one person in charge at the shoe department, but he answered the questions politely and explained in detail the advantages and disadvantages of the product. As a result, I was able to find good shoes. We appreciate. The capacity is the best. Regarding the assortment, I'm not so familiar with it, but I didn't feel dissatisfied. There were mainly NIKE, adidas and NB shoes. After all, the basic price was often over 10,000 yen, but many of them seem to have good performance, and of course there are also low-priced products. A store where you can buy a product that costs 10,000 yen with a discount for 6,000 yen, which is 40% off, or a product that costs 6,000 yen, which is 50% off at 3,000 yen. is.
masa mizu on Google

フットボールコーナーを見てきました。 シューズの展示(選定)方法が 地域性が出ているのかもしれませんが、見たい商品が全く展示されてなく残念でした。
I have seen the football corner. How to display (select) shoes It may be regional, but it was a pity that the products I wanted to see were not exhibited at all.
よこやま on Google

At the end of February I called to go buy ski gloves. It was said that it was no longer in stock. I wonder if it was in December ...

Lucky bags and advertising products were sold out, but I was able to buy out-of-season products at a great deal at the outlet corner.
Y・たかし on Google

やっと見つけた! シューズのプロのアドバイザーがいるショップがあった!(^ ^) 膝を悪くしてウォーキングシューズを探してあちこちと連絡していた時に出会いました。 「当店には今その商品は在庫にありません、が隣の靴屋さんにあるかもしれませんから見に行ってきますので…少し待っていてください!と全く違う店に行って頂きました。 すると…「ありましたよ!で…来店時には当店にも寄ってくださいね!」 なんと同業種店まで見に行っていただける人なんて今まで聞いたこともないし、出会ったこともありませんでした。 商品よりもその人(田中さん)に興味があり早速お店に行っていろいろ教えて頂きました。 親切、丁寧、お客様目線で相談に乗ってくれる営業ではなくカウンセラーのようでした 是非シューズ検討の方は立ち寄ってみてください。必ず良い商品を提案していただけると思います。因みに自分は二足購入です。
I finally found it! There was a shop with a professional shoe advisor! (^ ^) I met when I was in contact with various people looking for walking shoes with a bad knee. "We don't have the item in stock right now, but it may be at the shoe store next door, so I'm going to see it ... Please wait a moment!" Then ... "There was! So ... please drop in at our store when you come to the store!" I've never heard of anyone who can go to a store in the same industry, and I've never met them. I was more interested in that person (Mr. Tanaka) than the product, so I immediately went to the store and taught me various things. It was like a counselor, not a sales person who was kind, polite, and consulted from the customer's perspective. If you are considering shoes, please stop by. I'm sure you will be able to propose good products. By the way, I bought two pairs.
ひこ on Google

This is my first visit today! … It's the best depot I've ever had, and I don't have a wide selection of brands I like! I even regret why I didn't come until now ❗ It's the number one depot in me so far. It's located in a place that takes more than an hour from my house, but there are things I didn't put in even if I went to a nearby depot! ️Of course, there are some clothes that don't have the size and color, but there are so many items that you can find something. I was able to do a good shopping today for the first time in a long time, and I am happy to find my favorite store again. Maybe better than outlets at the moment ⁉️
marcus santos on Google

Honest prices
Yanyan Elizario on Google

Nice place to buy sports apparel..

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