Sorimachiyuran Orchards - Suzaka

4.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Sorimachiyuran Orchards

住所 :

高畑町-1838-2 Ogawara, Suzaka, Nagano 382-0004, Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
Postal code : 382-0004

高畑町-1838-2 Ogawara, Suzaka, Nagano 382-0004, Japan
坂口素子 on Google

ほぼ毎年ぶどうを買いにきています。 お店の方はみなさん気さくで丁寧に対応してくださいます。ぶどうは色々な種類があり試食して気に入った物を好きなだけ買えます。
I come to buy grapes almost every year. Everyone at the store will be friendly and polite. There are various kinds of grapes, so you can taste as much as you like and buy as many as you like.
Ktwothree Zak on Google

販売する葡萄の種類は多めかな。 気さくに声を掛けても、気持ちの良い対応をしてくれます。
I wonder if there are many types of grapes to sell. Even if you talk to them in a friendly manner, they will respond comfortably.
中島禎代 on Google

The most delicious Shine Muscat I have ever eaten. It takes time and money to use it at high speed, but it's worth it. buy! Moreover, I regret that I should have delivered it to my home. I'm looking forward to next year.
岩尾沙緒梨 on Google

甘くて香りの良いブドウが頂けます。毎年実家や友達に贈答用として送っています! その場でどのブドウがいいか選び、量り売りしてもらえるのでありがたいです!
You can enjoy sweet and fragrant grapes. I send it to my parents and friends every year as a gift! I am grateful that you can choose which grapes to use on the spot and sell them by weight!
高橋八重子 on Google

シャインマスカット買いに来ました。お店に並んでたのは小粒だった。 自分でぶどう狩りすれば良かった。全部で4種類買いました‼️ 全部で一万円でした。 安いのか?高いのか?分かりません。食べた事のない葡萄?もあったので試食して買いたかった❗あんなに沢山あるんだから試食させてもいいんじゃない?って思うけど⁉️ しかも、日にちがたった古い物も少し安く売っていた。すぐ食べる分には良いけど、身がボロボロ落ちて来ます。 やっぱり、ぶどう狩りして購入した方が良いと思います‼️ぶどうは全部美味しかったよ。
I came to buy Shine Muscat. There were small grains lined up in the shop. I should have picked the grapes myself. I bought 4 types in all! ️ It was 10,000 yen in total. Is it cheap? Is it expensive? I do not understand. There were some grapes that I had never eaten ?, so I wanted to try and buy them ❗ There are so many, so why not let them taste? I think ⁉️ Moreover, old ones with different dates were sold a little cheaper. It's good for eating right away, but it's falling apart. After all, I think it's better to hunt grapes and buy them! ️ All the grapes were delicious.
Mai-chi n on Google

We send gift grapes here every year. The inside of the store is cleaner than any other store, and payment is quick. The recommended grapes and explanations are very easy to understand for owners and employees (* ^^ *) I think it's a shop that you can't take your eyes off because there are rare varieties.
齋藤宗久 on Google

8年近く前に初めて立ち寄ってから、毎年ココでブドウを選ぶのが楽しみになりました。園主を始め、奥様、お母様、妹さん、弟さんと皆さんとても親切にしてくれます。 ワタシはシャインマスカットとピオーネが好きで買いに行くのですが、更にコチラでは様々な品種を丁寧に教えてくれて、今年は黄玉(おうぎょく)とリザマート、クイーンルージュも買ってきました。どれを食べても丁寧な作り手の愛情が伝わるブドウたちで、本当に美味しい!ブドウの種類がたくさんあるので、選ぶのも楽しいお店です。 園主を始め奥様とお母様が店頭に立ち、コロナ対策も万全、妹さんはInstagram、弟さんはYouTubeと、長野の葡萄を広めてくれています。とても応援したくなるブドウ園です。ブドウ狩り、宅配での注文も受付してくれます。
Since I first stopped by almost eight years ago, I've been looking forward to picking grapes here every year. The owner, wife, mother, sister, and younger brother are all very kind. I like Shine Muscat and Pione, so I go to buy them, but here they also carefully teach me various varieties, and this year I also bought Ougyoku, Rezamart, and Queen Rouge. No matter which one you eat, the grapes convey the love of the polite maker and are really delicious! There are many types of grapes, so it's a fun shop to choose. The owner, wife and mother are standing at the store, and the measures against corona are perfect, the younger sister is Instagram, the younger brother is YouTube, and Nagano grapes are spreading. It is a vineyard that you will want to support very much. We also accept orders for grape picking and home delivery.
Wong Justine on Google

Educational and good experience today. You will get to try the grapes here. Leo our guide has given us a lot of information. The grapes is delicious and juicy. Worth coming here to experience it.

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