カフェ ラ ヒロ

4.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact カフェ ラ ヒロ

Soharahigashijimacho, Kakamigahara, 〒504-0816 Gifu,Japan
Yuichi Kumamoto on Google

It is a restaurant where you can feel the kindness of hospitality for both food and sake. I like the food and sake. I would like to favor it from now on.
ワコールショップグー on Google

厳選された食材とお料理の腕前は一流〜気取らずアットホームな雰囲気で心もお腹も満たされます(*´˘`*) ...ピザも最高♪
The skill of carefully selected ingredients and dishes is top-notch-a homey atmosphere that fills your heart and stomach (* '˘ `*) ... pizza is also the best ♪
eri y on Google

I visited for lunch for the first time. Does it look less? I thought, but it's a deep plate and it's surprisingly volumey! The bread in the set is insanely delicious! I'm glad you can refill it ?
釣り師ヤマシ on Google

夫婦でランチに行きました。 980円と1550円のランチがあり、 1550円の方を注文させてもらいました。 正直驚きました。 1550円でこの料理は コスパ最強ですね。 前菜 パン メイン ドルチェ ドリンク メインももちろん美味しかったですが、 前菜とドルチェのこだわりが凄かった。
I went to lunch with my husband and wife. There are lunches of 980 yen and 1550 yen, I ordered the one for 1550 yen. I was really surprized. This dish is 1550 yen Cospa is the strongest. Appetizer Bread Main Dolce Drink Of course the main was delicious, The appetizer and Dolce were very particular about it.
清水竜幸 on Google

妻と結婚記念日にて新規訪問。 ディナーのコース料理の品質はまぁ普通。 常連か知らないけど店内ででっかい声で電話してるおば様を注意できない。 せっかくの料理が台無しかと。 いつも行くイタリアンと比べてお値打ち価格だけに客層も安価でしたね。 椅子に足上げて食べてるお客(女のコ)がいるような店は次は無いな。 結婚記念日が第無しでした。 写真も取る気がしない。 もう少し雰囲気変えた方が良いと思います。 ランチはお値打ちらしい。
A new visit on my wife's wedding anniversary. The quality of the dinner course meal is fairly normal. I don't know if it's a regular, but I can't pay attention to the aunt who is calling in a big voice in the store. I wonder if the special food is ruined. Compared to the Italian food I always go to, the customer base was cheap because of the reasonable price. There is no next store where there are customers (women's girls) who are eating with their legs up on their chairs. There was no wedding anniversary. I don't feel like taking pictures. I think it's better to change the atmosphere a little more. Lunch seems to be good value.
さら42 on Google

前菜は見た目もお味もこだわりが感じられ、パンと共にすごく美味しかったです。前菜のロマネスクが、好きなお野菜だったので嬉しかったです。 クリームパスタは優しいお味、デザートも可愛らしく、とても美味しかったです。 コーヒーは個人的にはもう少ししっかりした味が好みではありますが、どなたにも飲みやすいと思います。
The appetizers looked and tasted very well and were very delicious with the bread. I was happy because the appetizer Romanesque was my favorite vegetable. The cream pasta had a gentle taste and the dessert was cute, so it was very delicious. I personally like coffee to have a slightly stronger taste, but I think it's easy for anyone to drink.
S G on Google

I visited for the first time, but I recommend it. The pasta is served with good taste and tastes good. Bread can be refilled and is delicious. I added dessert to lunch, but this is delicious and the price is ignored. Lipi was confirmed
ねこ5 on Google

ウニパスタ リゾット 何を食べても美味しいお店に出会えました 何度行っても パスタのアルデンテが絶妙で 大好きです 毎回 すごい楽しみに 行かせていただいています 今日も楽しみにしていました ディナーで目ひかりのフリットカラッとあがり臭みの無く美味しい そして鹿肉 牛より柔らかい赤身こちらも臭み無し 何を食べても やっぱ裏切らないお店です デザートも美味しい
Unipasta risotto I was able to meet a delicious restaurant no matter what I ate. No matter how many times I went, I love the pasta al dente. I was looking forward to it today as well. At dinner, the frit of the eyes was crisp and delicious with no odor. And venison, lean meat softer than beef, also had no odor. No matter what you eat, it's a restaurant that won't betray you Dessert is also delicious

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